
Su Dongpo's farewell words make people feel seven points sad and three points warm

"Amorous parting from ancient wounds", waving goodbye to a loved one or close friend is often tearful and gut-wrenching. But you may wish to review it, is the mood of the farewell only sad and unwilling? If the parting person and your heart are imprinted, will there be a little more open-mindedness and detachment after parting?

Su Dongpo's farewell words make people feel seven points sad and three points warm

A farewell poem by the Northern Song Dynasty poet Su Dongpo shows us his unique state of mind: there is no lack of warmth in sadness, and optimism is not forgotten when sad. The original words are as follows:

Butterfly Loves Flowers. Twilight Spring Farewell Lee GongXuan》

There is no wind and flowers that fall on their own. Lonely garden, willow old cherry over.

The sunset is still shining. The mountain green a little horizontal cloud broken.

The road turns back to the people. Tether fishing village, dark moonlight.

Flying souls with battle beckons. I think of the King, I think of me.

Dongpo not only has an extraordinary mood, but also makes good sentences. The following author first explains the meaning of the words for the kings, and then appreciates the magic of this word sentence by sentence.


It was late spring, and even if there was not a hint of wind blowing, the flowers withered and fell. The willows are aging, and the ripening season for cherries has passed. The garden of the past was noisy in spring, but now there is only loneliness left. Only the sunset is amorous, and the last sunshine returns to the seat to accompany us. Looking at the towering green mountains, it seems that he deliberately poked his head out of the white clouds, revealing a little cyan.

The overland roads were exhausted and had to be traveled by boat, while the bends of the river were winding and the boatmen had to constantly turn the rudder. As night falls, the boats anchor next to the fishing village. At that time, the moon was dim, and there seemed to be only a lone lamp on in the vast night. I'm like Chu Ci. Summoning Souls summons souls like that, summoning departing friends. When I miss you, you miss me too.


In the spring of the tenth year (1077) of emperor Xining of the Song Dynasty, Su Shi moved from Mizhou to Kaifeng and moved to Xuzhou. When passing through Qizhou, he was happy to meet his old friend Qi Zhou Taishou Li Gongxuan, but unfortunately they would be separated in a few days, so he gave this word to leave a farewell at the table, and expressed his emotions through the description of the scenery of late spring and the imagination of the future.

The opening sentence "No wind and flowers fall by themselves" is amazing! If you compare this sentence with the Tang Dynasty poet Yuan Shu's sentence "The wind moves and falls flowers and red clusters", you will find that Su Dongpo's flowers have a different taste. The wind blowing and falling flowers is a scene that most literati can capture, and Su Shi emphasizes "no wind and flowers falling" on the basis of the works of his predecessors, adding a bit of sadness. This sentence sets the tone for the following text, and also implies that Su Shi and his best friend are destined to be separated - even if there is no wind, the flowers will fall; even if no one urges, you and I will eventually have a parting day.

The following sentence "Lonely Garden, Willow Old Cherry Pass", although simple and easy to understand, has played an important role in carrying on the upper and lower levels: "Willow Old Cherry Pass" undertakes the previous flower fall, further pointing out the twilight spring season, while "Lonely Garden" contrasts with the following "Sunset Has Feelings". Among them, the word "old" is used well, not only using anthropomorphic techniques, but also alluding to the rush and ruthlessness of time, the blink of an eye, and the people will disperse after a brief reunion. "Willow old cherry over" and Jiang Jie's sentence "red cherry, green plantain" are the same, both visualize abstract time.

Su Dongpo's farewell words make people feel seven points sad and three points warm

"The sunset has feelings to take care of the seat": When Su Shi and Li Gongxuan parted, the garden on the ground was silent and quiet, but the sunset in the sky was affectionate and righteous, as if they were relying on people to say goodbye, and they sprinkled the afterglow on the seats in the banquet, giving people a touch of warmth and comfort. It can be seen from here that the author does not want to let the parting atmosphere be too sad, so he gives his emotions to the sunset, more optimistic and cheerful. The sunlight is a warm color, although it is nearly dusk, but it also dilutes the cold and cold of the old flowers and willows before. This sentence reminds the author of Li Bai's "floating clouds wandering ziyi, sunset old people's feelings", both of which are allegorical to the scene and lyrical through the scenery, adding a touch of humanity to the farewell scene.

The latter sentence, "The mountain is a little bit of horizontal clouds breaking", further warms up the atmosphere, giving people a sense of vitality: the distant peaks are shrouded in white clouds, but the peaks seem to be unwilling to be buried, even if only a little tip is exposed, they must strive to break through the sea of clouds. The word "broken" is used very well, not only rhymes, but also turns static into movement, giving the still green mountain a touch of vitality. People who often read Dongpo words must know that Su Dongpo is a person who loves landscapes and has an open-minded temperament, even if his career is bumpy, he can always find different landscapes, and "a little horizontal cloud breaking in the mountains" also confirms his optimism - others may only see clouds and mist, but what the author sees is breaking out of the clouds.

In the next step, the author imagines the situation on the way to the back, and the atmosphere turns lonely and low, but he does not forget to reveal a hint of warmth. Among them, "the road ends and the river returns to the people" may have two meanings: (1) once the boat turns the rudder, it can no longer see the other party, and the people on the shore are also sent to the bend of the river. After the author and Zhiyin were separated, they have been walking alone in the world since then. (2) Life is just like a tortuous river bend, the road is obstructed and long, and the road is bumpy. However, "the mountains and rivers are doubtful, the willows are dark and the flowers are bright and another village", the land road has come to an end, but there are still waterways to go, and even if the waterways are winding and twisting, as long as the rudder is flexible, it can also reach the other shore. As Su Shi's "Water Tune Song Head" said: "People have sorrows and joys, the moon has clouds and sunshine, and this matter is difficult to complete in ancient times", gathering and dispersing is a common thing, why should we be painful for parting? After the end of the road, the river returns, and after the parting, they are reunited, or they are extremely thai.

"Tether fishing village, dark and lonely lights": When it is lonely in the middle of the night, it is also a time to miss friends. The combination of the words dark and lonely, with the cold silence of the scenery to express the loneliness of people's hearts, naturally leads to the author's miss of Li Gongxuan.

"Summoning Chu With The Flying Soul of the Battle": The codex used here, "Chu Some" refers to Qu Yuan's "Chu Ci. Summoning the Soul", because the word "some" is used at the end of the sentence of "Summoning The Soul", it is called "Chu Some". Here, "Flying Soul Summoning Chu" ostensibly means summoning departed friends like summoning souls, either by greeting and greeting friends with poetry books, or by secretly expressing the desire of the imperial court to summon the two of them back (both Su Dongpo and Li Gongxuan were degraded for opposing Wang Anshi's new law). By the way, the summoning of the soul is a very important ritual in traditional Chinese culture, and there are similar rituals in Chudi, and this process is written in the Chu Ci. Summoning Spirits", the article is elegant and the words are exquisite.

The last sentence, "I think of the king and think of me", is the finishing touch of the whole word, raising the thought to the height of the inverse coincidence, and once again turning from low to cheerful: Since you are also missing me when I miss you, then our separation is only a change in physical distance, and the heart is always in one place. Here also indirectly reflects the deep friendship between Su Shi and Li Gongxuan. This sentence is the same as the tang Dynasty Du Fu's "Dream of Li Bai" sentence "The old man enters my dream, and I remember what I look like" (Du Fu is also speculating about the psychology of his old friend Li Bai, he does not say that he dreamed of Li Bai, but that Li Bai came to Du Fu's dream because he knew that Du Fu had been missing his heart), and it also reminds people of Wang Bo's "confidant in the sea, if the end of the world is next to each other". The king knows my heart, I know the king's will, maybe this is the highest state of friendship among the ancients.

Su Dongpo's farewell words make people feel seven points sad and three points warm

Throughout the whole text, seven points are regret and sadness, three points are open-minded and warm, luxurious and harmonious, full of philosophy, Su Shi's farewell words can be described as unique.

Su Shi had a bumpy life, but he could see joy from sorrow and regard impermanence as the norm. In addition to the above-mentioned warm farewell words in the cold, Su Shi also has many works that have left his free mentality to future generations:

When the rain is raging and the wind is raging, he says, "Don't listen to the sound of the leaves beating through the forest, why don't you groan and walk"; when it is difficult for relatives to gather, he says, "I hope that people will be long-lasting, and the pear blossoms will eventually fall"; the spring light is easy to pass, and the pear blossoms will eventually fall, but he said, "I am worried about a snow plant in the east column, and life can see a few clear things"; when it is difficult to return home and ambition is difficult to reward, he says, "Hugh thinks of the homeland for the old people, and will try new tea with new fire." Poetry and wine take advantage of the years".

Lin Yutang once commented on Su Shi: "Su Shi is dead, his name is just a memory, but what he left us is the joy of his heart and the joy of his thoughts, which is immortal." In daily life, whenever you are suffering from difficulties or sad parting, you may wish to think from a different perspective like Su Shi, regard impermanence as the norm, and perhaps you can also achieve the state of mind of "looking back at the place where you have always been depressed, returning, and there is no wind or rain or sunshine".

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