
Round Table | Du Yanglin's "Sting": Looking Back and Tracing Countless Times of Rural Life

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Gao Dan

Recently, Sichuan writer Du Yanglin published a novel "Sting". The story of "Sting" takes place in Guanlong Village, Langnan County, northern Sichuan in the late 1970s, the protagonist Ling Yunqing is intelligent and precocious, but has experienced many hardships, after ten years of hard work, he changed his fate through personal struggle, which is the landmark theme of the times for the success of rural youth. This theme continues to appear in contemporary Chinese literature, such as "Life" and "Ordinary World".

On the afternoon of July 7th, the seminar on "Sting" was held at the Museum of Modern Chinese Literature. The seminar was presided over by Chen Dongjie, editor-in-chief of October Magazine, Li Jingze, a famous critic and vice chairman of the China Writers Association, and Ah Lai, a famous writer and chairman of the Sichuan Writers Association, attended the seminar, and writers and critics including Liang Hongying, Meng Fanhua, He Shaojun, Liu Qingbang, Chen Fumin, Zhang Xuexin, Liu Qiong, Wang Chunlin, He Ping, Yang Qingxiang, Zhang Li, Liu Daxian, Li Yunlei, Rao Xiang, Yang Qing, Yang Qing, Yu Wenjun, Cao Yuanyong, and other writers and critics participated in the discussion.

Round Table | Du Yanglin's "Sting": Looking Back and Tracing Countless Times of Rural Life

The scene of the event

Many writers talked about the "semi-autobiographical" characteristics of "Sting", and the writer A Lai said: "Du Yanglin is almost the Yunqing in the book who has a sick leg, a stomach that can't eat enough, and is bullied in various ways, and in the end, he didn't go to school much, and he was actually admitted to college." ”

Critic Meng Fanhua said: "From the 1980s to today, our literary history is also a history of Chinese peasants and young people entering the city. In the 1980s, we watched "Chen Yisheng Entering the City", and later there was Liu Qingbang's "Go to the City". There are two groups of people entering the city, one is the wave of people who have been enlightened by the modern era, starting with Gao Garin, Gao Garin, Tu Ziqiang, the protagonist of "Roses Full of Wheat Shop", and the people in the works of the novelist Fu Xiuying. There are also due to social changes, such as Sheng Neng's "North Sister", Wu Jun's "Dear Shenzhen", Cao Zhenglu's "Ask cang mang" and so on. Later, a huge literary trend was formed, which was called low-level writing. ”

And Ling Yunqing in "Sting" belongs to the former who "took the initiative to go to the city": "They are people who have read books, and they have a mentality of coming to the city to live a more dignified life." Yu Dafu's novel is an autobiography, and according to Du Yanglin's personal experience, "Sting" is indeed a self-narrated novel. ”

He Shaojun said that he experienced a concept called "bottom knowledge" from Arendt's "The Evil of Mediocrity": "When we talk about the bottom, we may often say that the bottom is kind and warm, but in fact, there is another side that is limited by the bottom knowledge, and many people written in "Sting" are very indifferent and discriminate against the poor. Everyone is in the middle of poverty, and they all yearn for prosperity. But he invisibly formed a discrimination against poverty. ”

The suffering endured by the protagonist in a literary work generally comes from several aspects, first, some innate difficulty of survival brought about by natural conditions, and secondly from the suppression of him by power, "And there is another category that is like the one presented in "Sting", from people in the same situation but cannot see others, which is quite profound. Liang Hongying, editor-in-chief of "Literature and Art Daily", believes.

Chen Fumin, a researcher at the Institute of Literature of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, also talked about the presentation of this kind of harm from people in the same situation in "Sting": "This novel deals with a lot of conflicts, and this conflict is composed of discrimination and harm, and the source of this discrimination and harm is not an art form, not a political rights form, but a kind of harm, I think this harm to Du Yanglin is too great. Because of the magnitude of the injury, he was blinded by the injury, so he handled the injury with an equal or equal attitude. But even if you are poor, violent, and obedient, you must pay attention to the measure of art, and the book is always suddenly beaten and hurt, which may need to be reconciled, and it is more convincing in aesthetics. ”

Round Table | Du Yanglin's "Sting": Looking Back and Tracing Countless Times of Rural Life

Du Yanglin

Yang Qingxiang, professor and vice dean of the School of Letters at Chinese Min University, said: "Du Yanglin's writing is to write personally about the history of the great in his own personalized way. As a writer, you should have a conscious sense of history. Judging from the structure of this novel, if there is no poverty to bring about the evil of extreme human nature, in fact, the subsequent narrative cannot be unfolded, because it is based on such an extreme poverty, extreme backwardness, and extreme closure that it provides importance to China's reform and opening up in the 1980s. ”

Xing Chun, vice president of Lu Xun Literature College, paid attention to the small and trivial places in the article: "For example, the little girl took a rare object to show Yun Qing, what is that rare thing?" It is a ballpoint pen that can produce three colors, including a particularly serious tin pencil box for the sister, including the book that everyone is popular to use the old wall calendar origami wallet, these particularly small and special details are too familiar to me. The structure of the novel is also very clear, there are three memories about his childhood, childhood, and adolescence, and the second part of the memories of childhood is the warmest and most beautiful part, and he has the feeling of Yunqing and the hazy, little first love of the sister, including the mother with several children making tofu. The memories of my youth are written about the experience of wandering, the 12-year-old boy roamed penniless for 30 days, I think the 30 days of roaming are like the Sanmao Wanderings I watched when I was a child and later Ang Lee's blockbuster "The Fantasy Drifting of the Young Pi". The theme of roaming is actually very much in the coming-of-age novel, adventure is a process of inner growth and maturity, and it is this spiritual innuendo of the pursuit of freedom in adolescence. ”

Li Jingze, vice chairman of the China Writers Association and secretary of the Secretariat, said: "We have finally achieved a well-off society in an all-round way, bid farewell to absolute poverty, and believe that we will also have a new perspective on history." Du Yanglin wrote "Sting", he may be the person who came from that era, not an intellectual, he wrote his own intuitive feelings, intuitive care, I think such a very simple, very intuitive, but also has its unique power. ”

Writer Liu Qingbang believes that the positive significance of "Sting" lies in writing about the experience of suffering, "in the suffering to show the Chinese, the survival resilience of the Chinese nation."

Author Du Yanglin responded: "In the process of writing this book, I have looked back and traced my past and real life in the countryside countless times. I have also had many encounters, even some collisions, with the rural youth of our time and now. ”

Round Table | Du Yanglin's "Sting": Looking Back and Tracing Countless Times of Rural Life


Editor-in-Charge: Chen Shihuai

Proofreader: Liu Wei

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