
Why did Chairman Mao attend Stalin's banquet not say a word? Shi Zhe: Stalin infuriated Chairman Mao First: During the Chinese Revolution, Stalin guided the Communist International to make many wrong decisions, which made Chairman Mao feel dissatisfied Second: Stalin played tricks on issues such as outer Mongolia and made Chairman Mao dissatisfied Third: Stalin's great power chauvinism made Chairman Mao dissatisfied with his independence conclusion: Chairman Mao's broad-mindedness still made a fair evaluation of Stalin

author:Curious about literature and history
Why did Chairman Mao attend Stalin's banquet not say a word? Shi Zhe: Stalin infuriated Chairman Mao First: During the Chinese Revolution, Stalin guided the Communist International to make many wrong decisions, which made Chairman Mao feel dissatisfied Second: Stalin played tricks on issues such as outer Mongolia and made Chairman Mao dissatisfied Third: Stalin's great power chauvinism made Chairman Mao dissatisfied with his independence conclusion: Chairman Mao's broad-mindedness still made a fair evaluation of Stalin

In December 1949, Chairman Mao visited the Soviet Union for the first time.

The Soviet party and government headed by Stalin attached great importance to Chairman Mao's visit and accorded him high courtesy.

Chairman Mao's visit to the Soviet Union for more than two months has yielded fruitful results.

Why did Chairman Mao attend Stalin's banquet not say a word? Shi Zhe: Stalin infuriated Chairman Mao First: During the Chinese Revolution, Stalin guided the Communist International to make many wrong decisions, which made Chairman Mao feel dissatisfied Second: Stalin played tricks on issues such as outer Mongolia and made Chairman Mao dissatisfied Third: Stalin's great power chauvinism made Chairman Mao dissatisfied with his independence conclusion: Chairman Mao's broad-mindedness still made a fair evaluation of Stalin

But it also creates some friction and unpleasantness.

In late January 1950, Stalin invited Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou to the Kremlin for talks. The conversation between the two sides was short, so after the end, Stalin specially invited Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou to his car and went to Stalin's villa to attend a banquet.

Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou sat on the main seat, and Stalin and the translator Zhe sat in the next seat.

This time, however, the atmosphere in the car was tense, everyone was silent, and the air felt as dull as a lead block.

In order to open the embarrassing situation in the car, the Chinese translator Zhe first chatted with Stalin for a few words, and then asked him: "Didn't you promise to come to our delegation's residence as a guest?" ”

Why did Chairman Mao attend Stalin's banquet not say a word? Shi Zhe: Stalin infuriated Chairman Mao First: During the Chinese Revolution, Stalin guided the Communist International to make many wrong decisions, which made Chairman Mao feel dissatisfied Second: Stalin played tricks on issues such as outer Mongolia and made Chairman Mao dissatisfied Third: Stalin's great power chauvinism made Chairman Mao dissatisfied with his independence conclusion: Chairman Mao's broad-mindedness still made a fair evaluation of Stalin

Inviting Stalin to the residence of the Chinese delegation was a decision made long ago. Shi Zhe said this only to ease the atmosphere.

Stalin immediately replied: "I said that I have not given up on this wish now..."

Before Stalin could finish speaking, Chairman Mao asked Shi Zhe, "What are you talking about with him?" Don't invite him to visit us. ”

Shi Zhe admitted that it was this topic that they had just talked about.

Chairman Mao said, "Take back the words and don't invite him." ”

Stalin whispered to Shi Zhe and Chairman Mao and asked doubtfully, "What are you talking about?" ”

Shi Zhe said cleverly, "Nothing, just a private conversation between us." ”

Then everyone stopped talking, and the atmosphere in the car was still heavy.

The crowd was silent for more than 30 minutes until they reached Stalin's villa.

Chairman Mao was a guest invited by Stalin, so why was Chairman Mao so angry with Stalin? What really happened between the two sides?

Why did Chairman Mao attend Stalin's banquet not say a word? Shi Zhe: Stalin infuriated Chairman Mao First: During the Chinese Revolution, Stalin guided the Communist International to make many wrong decisions, which made Chairman Mao feel dissatisfied Second: Stalin played tricks on issues such as outer Mongolia and made Chairman Mao dissatisfied Third: Stalin's great power chauvinism made Chairman Mao dissatisfied with his independence conclusion: Chairman Mao's broad-mindedness still made a fair evaluation of Stalin

It also begins with the reason for this meeting.

In January 1950, U.S. Secretary of State Acheson delivered a lengthy speech in which he wantonly distorted the relationship between the Soviet Union and China and attacked China's normal interaction with the Soviet Union. In view of this move by the US side, both the Soviet Union and China attach great importance to it. Molotov, vice chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, came to consult Chairman Mao, who spoke to him about the differences in China's diplomatic relations with capitalist and socialist countries, and there were differences in methods between the two. Molotov believes that Chairman Mao's opinion is very correct. He also suggested that the socialist countries such as China and the Soviet Union issue their own statements to refute Acheson's shameless remarks. Chairman Mao agreed.

However, how to make this statement varies from country to country. The Soviet Union and other socialist countries were published in the name of foreign ministers. But China's statement was issued by Hu Qiaomu, the director of the Information Bureau, and the article was written briefly and clearly, and the results achieved were also very good.

The Soviets, on the other hand, disagreed. They argue that China's statement was inappropriately written. Therefore, one day in late January, Stalin specially invited Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou to attend the meeting, and only Stalin and Molotov were present in the Soviet Union, and only The Chinese teacher and Zhe were interpreters. Stalin said bluntly that the purpose of inviting you today is to exchange views on a small scale, and Comrade Molotov has something to say.

Molotov pointed out that the Chinese statement was issued in the name of Hu Qiaomu as informal.

Stalin said: "As is customary, journalists can publish their own views and comments, but their remarks do not represent the official position ... We have both agreed that we should abide by it. In this way, our pace is chaotic, and if we go our separate ways, we weaken our strength. In the future, we will have many opportunities and occasions to cooperate with each other, take this time as a lesson for the past, and learn lessons... Although this incident is not a big deal, if we mess up our pace, we will leave the enemy with a loophole to exploit..."

In response to Stalin's remarks, the translator Zhe recalled:

These words infuriated Chairman Mao to a considerable extent. He never said a word.

Premier Zhou gave a simple explanation.

The meeting ended quickly and without any positive results.

Stalin invited Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou to his villa, and the scene at the beginning of the article occurred, where everyone was silent and the atmosphere was dull.

Why did Chairman Mao attend Stalin's banquet not say a word? Shi Zhe: Stalin infuriated Chairman Mao First: During the Chinese Revolution, Stalin guided the Communist International to make many wrong decisions, which made Chairman Mao feel dissatisfied Second: Stalin played tricks on issues such as outer Mongolia and made Chairman Mao dissatisfied Third: Stalin's great power chauvinism made Chairman Mao dissatisfied with his independence conclusion: Chairman Mao's broad-mindedness still made a fair evaluation of Stalin

The first time Chairman Mao went abroad to visit the Soviet Union, his feelings were very complicated. From his gifts for Stalin's 70th birthday: a cart of Jiangxi citrus and a cart of Shandong green onions, it can be seen that he hopes that the relations between the two countries can create a sweet future, and there are also dissatisfaction with the Soviet Union and Stalin's past actions. Therefore, when Stalin led a group of officials to stand at the door to greet Chairman Mao, the two did not talk more, and Chairman Mao said bluntly: "I am a person who has been squeezed and beaten, and there is nowhere to say." ”

During his visit to the Soviet Union, although Chairman Mao and Stalin met many times, he never fully expressed his inner dissatisfaction. At this time, Stalin's nitpicking was heard again, and the accumulated dissatisfaction of the past and the new dissatisfaction accumulated, and his anger could be imagined. Although he tried his best to endure, his external emotions were still directly expressed. Even at Stalin's banquet, Chairman Mao remained silent. In order to ease the tense atmosphere, Stalin personally turned on the phonograph to play music, but Chairman Mao was still unmoved, and finally the two sides dispersed unhappily. Then, when Chairman Mao visited the Soviet Union for the first time, why did he not give Face to Stalin so much?

To a large extent, these 3 reasons are important:

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="71" > First: During the Chinese Revolution, Stalin guided the Comintern to make many wrong decisions, which made Chairman Mao dissatisfied</h1>

Chairman Mao was a leader with a strong personality, and he attached particular importance to the method of work integrating theory with practice. As early as his student days, Mao Zedong and his classmates went on a study tour to investigate and study, and wrote investigation reports. Therefore, in his long revolutionary career, he did not buy much for those who "got off the bus and started to play a mile". However, it was precisely at the time of the growth of the Chinese revolution that the Communist International, headed by the Soviet Union, sent a group of students studying in the Soviet Union to the Soviet zone to take up leadership work. For example, Bogu, Wang Ming and others. Unlike the working method headed by Chairman Mao who attached importance to linking theory with practice, these students studying in the Soviet Union thought that they had drunk foreign ink and understood many dogmas, so they had a very high opinion of themselves. There is no doubt that they came to the Soviet zone in conflict with Chairman Mao's work philosophy.

This led Chairman Mao to sit on the cold bench. Therefore, behind the scenes, Chairman Mao called them "Chincha Ministers" and "Mr. Foreign Houses." Practice has proved that Chairman Mao's view of them is correct. Under the blind command of Bogu, Wang Ming, and others, the Chinese revolution suffered heavy losses, just as Chairman Mao later summed up his experience and said: "The Red Army has lost more than ninety percent of it..." This had to force the Red Army to carry out a twenty-five-thousand-mile long march... The result of all these losses is not unrelated to the direct or indirect connivance of the Soviet side, especially Stalin, to Wang Ming and others. The first time Chairman Mao met Stalin, he said that "he is a man who has been beaten by exclusion," and this experience was very profound to him.

Why did Chairman Mao attend Stalin's banquet not say a word? Shi Zhe: Stalin infuriated Chairman Mao First: During the Chinese Revolution, Stalin guided the Communist International to make many wrong decisions, which made Chairman Mao feel dissatisfied Second: Stalin played tricks on issues such as outer Mongolia and made Chairman Mao dissatisfied Third: Stalin's great power chauvinism made Chairman Mao dissatisfied with his independence conclusion: Chairman Mao's broad-mindedness still made a fair evaluation of Stalin

On the question of dealing with the Chinese revolution, Stalin maintained a wall-riding attitude for a long time. On the one hand, he maintained contact with the Kuomintang. Especially when the Chinese revolution was about to achieve a decisive victory, he still demanded that the Communists take a roundabout line, and even let the Kuomintang and the Communist Party rule by drawing a river. This aroused the displeasure of Chairman Mao, who pointed out directly in a telegram to Stalin: "There is no longer any need to take a roundabout line!" ”

Even when Chairman Mao visited the Soviet Union for the first time, hoping that China and the Soviet Union would re-sign the treaty, Stalin hesitated, which made Chairman Mao very angry and said angrily: "What did you ask me to do?" Was it just to give Stalin a birthday? If you still want to maintain relations with the Kuomintang, then I will leave tomorrow! ”

Why did Chairman Mao attend Stalin's banquet not say a word? Shi Zhe: Stalin infuriated Chairman Mao First: During the Chinese Revolution, Stalin guided the Communist International to make many wrong decisions, which made Chairman Mao feel dissatisfied Second: Stalin played tricks on issues such as outer Mongolia and made Chairman Mao dissatisfied Third: Stalin's great power chauvinism made Chairman Mao dissatisfied with his independence conclusion: Chairman Mao's broad-mindedness still made a fair evaluation of Stalin

In view of Chairman Mao's hard-line attitude, Stalin had to change his tactics and decide to abrogate the old treaty with the Kuomintang and use the new treaty to regulate relations between the two countries. He personally took Molotov and others to chairman Mao's villa to express the sincerity of Sino-Soviet friendship in person.

Why did Chairman Mao attend Stalin's banquet not say a word? Shi Zhe: Stalin infuriated Chairman Mao First: During the Chinese Revolution, Stalin guided the Communist International to make many wrong decisions, which made Chairman Mao feel dissatisfied Second: Stalin played tricks on issues such as outer Mongolia and made Chairman Mao dissatisfied Third: Stalin's great power chauvinism made Chairman Mao dissatisfied with his independence conclusion: Chairman Mao's broad-mindedness still made a fair evaluation of Stalin

However, Chairman Mao still had a very strong opinion on him, and as the leader of the socialist camp with great prestige, Stalin's "attitude of crossing the line" and "riding the wall" seemed very out of place.

Why did Chairman Mao attend Stalin's banquet not say a word? Shi Zhe: Stalin infuriated Chairman Mao First: During the Chinese Revolution, Stalin guided the Communist International to make many wrong decisions, which made Chairman Mao feel dissatisfied Second: Stalin played tricks on issues such as outer Mongolia and made Chairman Mao dissatisfied Third: Stalin's great power chauvinism made Chairman Mao dissatisfied with his independence conclusion: Chairman Mao's broad-mindedness still made a fair evaluation of Stalin

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="121" > Second: Stalin played tricks on the issue of outer Mongolia, which made Chairman Mao dissatisfied</h1>

Outer Mongolia is the harm to China's interests by Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union and other countries in the form of the Yalta Agreement without China's participation. At that time, although Chiang Kai-shek negotiated with the Soviet Union, in the end his arm could not twist his thigh. With regard to Outer Mongolia, Chairman Mao had negotiated with the Soviet Union as early as the Yan'an period. When Dimitrov came to visit, Chairman Mao raised the issue of Outer Mongolia to him, making it clear that it was an unequal treaty signed between Chiang Kai-shek of the Kuomintang and the Soviet Union, and therefore these unequal treaties should be abrogated after the victory of the Chinese revolution. Dimitrov felt that the matter was very important, so he hurried to send a telegram to Stalin, who quickly called back and rejected Chairman Mao's proposal. After the founding of New China, Chairman Mao visited the Soviet Union for the first time and raised this issue again, and Stalin felt very nervous, but in the end he refused to renegotiate this issue. Chairman Mao laughed at Stalin's remarks on the spot to show contempt for Stalin's reasoning but still being forceful. Chairman Mao was dissatisfied with Stalin's use of the Yalta Agreement as an excuse for the damage to China's interests.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="122" > Third: Stalin's great power chauvinism made Chairman Mao, who insisted on independence and autonomy, dissatisfied</h1>

Stalin was Georgian, but he had a strong Russian complex, which surprised even the Russians, who thought he was trying to please the Russians. Chairman Mao knew Long ago of Stalin's great power chauvinist style that he had told others that he did not like to read Stalin's articles, because he always had the intention of trying to teach people a lesson. He liked to read Lenin's articles because the perspective from which they were written was humble and equal to the reader. In 1950, when the Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship and Mutual Assistance was signed, due to the mistakes of the Soviet Union, the text of the agreement was not prepared, and the Soviet staff did not dare to tell Stalin of their mistakes, so Stalin accused them of Chinese being caused by mistakes by the Chinese side. "Clearly express dissatisfaction with Stalin. When Stalin made an exception to attend the reception held by the Chinese side and gave a speech of thanks to Chairman Mao, Stalin turned his words around and accused the Yugoslav ambassador who did not attend the banquet... All these moves show that Stalin's great power chauvinism was very unpleasant in dealing with countries that were also socialist brothers.

In 1950, China and the Soviet Union and other countries issued statements on the Acheson speech of the United States, in which the Soviet Union issued in the name of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and China issued in the name of the General Administration of Information. This led Stalin to believe that China was at odds with theirs. To tell the truth, this was not a big deal in the first place, and the statement made by China was also very effective, and it was completely Stalin's nitpicking.

China publishes it under the name of the General Administration of Information for three main reasons. First: Chinese is different from the Way of Thinking of the Soviets, the way of expressing opinions Chinese is implicit, and the way the Soviets express their opinions is straightforward; second: Chairman Mao is angry about the fact that the Kuomintang and the Soviet Union signed a recognition of Outer Mongolia, so when he visited the Soviet Union, he tried to deal with this issue again, but later because of the involvement in the Yalta Agreement, Stalin finally handed over to Chairman Mao: If this topic is renegotiated, it means that the Soviet Union has violated the Yalta Agreement. The territories that the Soviet Union obtained from this agreement, such as Sakhalin Island and kuril Islands, would allow britain and the United States and other countries to find reasons to intervene, which could cause huge losses to the territory of the Soviet Union.

Why did Chairman Mao attend Stalin's banquet not say a word? Shi Zhe: Stalin infuriated Chairman Mao First: During the Chinese Revolution, Stalin guided the Communist International to make many wrong decisions, which made Chairman Mao feel dissatisfied Second: Stalin played tricks on issues such as outer Mongolia and made Chairman Mao dissatisfied Third: Stalin's great power chauvinism made Chairman Mao dissatisfied with his independence conclusion: Chairman Mao's broad-mindedness still made a fair evaluation of Stalin

But Stalin promised that China and the Soviet Union could not change the Yalta Agreement, and the Soviet Union would give up its port rights and railway property in northeast China in a flexible way, and hand it all over to China! In view of the huge resistance of the Yalta Agreement, the Chinese side had to set aside, when China issued a statement in the name of the Information Agency to leave room for itself; third: China is a sovereign and independent country, there is no need to maintain 100% in line with the Pace of the Soviet Union!

That day at Stalin's banquet, in order to break the deadlock and ease relations with Chairman Mao, Stalin personally went to the gramophone, turned on the music, and then invited everyone to dance. At this time, the Russians all left their seats and danced, while Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou just sat and watched coldly. Later, the masters took Premier Zhou and the translator Zhela over to dance, and although three or four people came to pull Chairman Mao to the stage, they did not succeed. Shi Zhe recalled: "The atmosphere of the dinner party that day was cold and boring, and there was no joy or celebration at all. Chairman Mao remained silent and did not say a word. Chairman Mao clearly expressed his rejection of Stalin's "finger-pointing"! The feast that day was not happy.

Why did Chairman Mao attend Stalin's banquet not say a word? Shi Zhe: Stalin infuriated Chairman Mao First: During the Chinese Revolution, Stalin guided the Communist International to make many wrong decisions, which made Chairman Mao feel dissatisfied Second: Stalin played tricks on issues such as outer Mongolia and made Chairman Mao dissatisfied Third: Stalin's great power chauvinism made Chairman Mao dissatisfied with his independence conclusion: Chairman Mao's broad-mindedness still made a fair evaluation of Stalin

Chairman Mao had a strong personality, and stalin undoubtedly felt the dissatisfaction expressed by Stalin, and he finally realized that in the face of Chinese, he put a chauvinist attitude of a big country, Chinese did not buy it! The translator Zhe Zeng, who had visited the Soviet Union as Chairman Mao's translator, recalled in his later years: "Stalin had some contempt for the leaders of the world, but he was different and had great respect for Chairman Mao. From 1949 to Stalin's death, stalin personally handled all matters concerning China and the Soviet Union, no matter how big or small, were personally handled by Stalin, and no one could interfere. All The Chinese leaders who visited the Soviet Union and the Kremlin people regarded them as Stalin's guests, and no one dared to slack off. They treatEd Chairman Mao with the same respect as they did stalin..."

Why did Chairman Mao attend Stalin's banquet not say a word? Shi Zhe: Stalin infuriated Chairman Mao First: During the Chinese Revolution, Stalin guided the Communist International to make many wrong decisions, which made Chairman Mao feel dissatisfied Second: Stalin played tricks on issues such as outer Mongolia and made Chairman Mao dissatisfied Third: Stalin's great power chauvinism made Chairman Mao dissatisfied with his independence conclusion: Chairman Mao's broad-mindedness still made a fair evaluation of Stalin

Before deciding to sign a new treaty with China, Stalin personally called Chairman Mao three times and asked him what opinions and demands he had for signing the new treaty. The last time was a phone call answered by Sun Weishi, who, when he heard that it was Stalin, was so frightened that he quickly threw away the microphone and hurriedly said, "I can't understand, I can't understand." Stalin called the translator Zhe over and said, "I speak on the phone, and you translate it to Chairman Mao." Stalin asked Chairman Mao, "How have you been living and in health lately?" Chairman Mao said, "It's okay." Stalin asked, "What other considerations, wishes and demands do you have, and what further needs to be done?" Chairman Mao said: "Zhou Enlai has already gone into the city and is negotiating in the Kremlin. Stalin said: "I am not asking Zhou Enlai's opinion, I am asking for your opinion to see if you have any new opinions and ideas." Chairman Mao said: "I have no new opinions, and everything will be handled by Zhou Enlai through consultation." After Stalin understood Chairman Mao's opinion, he formally proceeded to sign a new treaty.

Why did Chairman Mao attend Stalin's banquet not say a word? Shi Zhe: Stalin infuriated Chairman Mao First: During the Chinese Revolution, Stalin guided the Communist International to make many wrong decisions, which made Chairman Mao feel dissatisfied Second: Stalin played tricks on issues such as outer Mongolia and made Chairman Mao dissatisfied Third: Stalin's great power chauvinism made Chairman Mao dissatisfied with his independence conclusion: Chairman Mao's broad-mindedness still made a fair evaluation of Stalin

The victory of the Chinese revolution has fully demonstrated the correctness of Chairman Mao's leadership. Practice tests the truth, and no matter what great power chauvinism Stalin has, he has to bow his proud head before the victor.

In January 1957, Chairman Mao again spoke at the meeting of provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions about his visit to the Soviet Union and the battle of wits and courage with Stalin:

We have different opinions with Stalin, we want to sign the Sino-Soviet Treaty, he does not make a contract, he wants the middle and long road, he does not give, but the meat in the tiger's mouth can still be taken out!

Chairman Mao was like this, with his superb wisdom and fearless spirit, daring to pull teeth out of the tiger's mouth!

It doesn't matter if this tiger is Soviet or American!

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="123" > Conclusion: Chairman Mao's broad-mindedness still made a fair evaluation of Stalin</h1>

As the longest-ruling leader of the Soviet Union, Stalin had a major influence on the history of the Soviet Union and the world in the 20th century. After Stalin's death, Khrushchev became the leader of the Soviet Union and adopted a negative attitude toward Stalin's historical position. When Chairman Mao learned of the attitude adopted by the Soviet side, he criticized Khrushchev, pointing out that Stalin had made mistakes in history, but he had made contributions to the socialist revolution. In his evaluation of Stalin, Chairman Mao adopted a very tolerant attitude: because in any case, although Stalin did not understand the actual situation in China at that time, he still played a helping role in the Chinese revolution.

He said:

Speaking of Stalin, we have three bellies. However, we also think that he is three points wrong, seven points, which is fair.

Chairman Mao, with his broad mind, made a fair appraisal of Stalin.

Why did Chairman Mao attend Stalin's banquet not say a word? Shi Zhe: Stalin infuriated Chairman Mao First: During the Chinese Revolution, Stalin guided the Communist International to make many wrong decisions, which made Chairman Mao feel dissatisfied Second: Stalin played tricks on issues such as outer Mongolia and made Chairman Mao dissatisfied Third: Stalin's great power chauvinism made Chairman Mao dissatisfied with his independence conclusion: Chairman Mao's broad-mindedness still made a fair evaluation of Stalin

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