
Horror new car highway turned off, engine belts shattered and noodles, the owner angrily scolded the 4s shop

People say that buying a car is a great joy in life and should be happy, but it is such a family that runs to the door of the 4s store every day to curse after buying a car. Let's take a look.

The protagonist of this matter is Mr. Zhang, whose family immediately drove to visit his parents who lived in other cities after buying a new car. However, when the highway is halfway through, the engine suddenly turns off, which cannot be started no matter how it is ignited, or Mr. Zhang gets off the car and looks at the top of the hood, and the pimp on the entire engine has been broken and noodles, almost unusable, since it has been replaced by this, how can it be started? Then Mr. Zhang called a towing service and towed the car to the 4s shop, and Mr. Zhang's family also went to the 4s shop to theoretically require the replacement of the vehicle.

Horror new car highway turned off, engine belts shattered and noodles, the owner angrily scolded the 4s shop

Mr. Zhang's wife said that this is only 147 kilometers away from the highway, and her car was just bought last week, which happened this week, how can people be assured? And fortunately, there were no cars on the highway at that time, otherwise our family would have to account for being on that highway.

Mr. Zhang said that the car is not just a stop-fire, it is suddenly stopped in the middle of the road, and the steering wheel has also failed, the gear can not be removed, it is completely in a state of stagnation. Open the hood of the car to find that the entire engine of the car is full of broken belt strips, this car has a problem from the factory, I really don't know why the four s shop will sell us a problem car.

Horror new car highway turned off, engine belts shattered and noodles, the owner angrily scolded the 4s shop

However, as a seller, the 4s store ignored Mr. Zhang's accusations, saying that he had no comment, until the arrival of the reporters, the manager of the 4s store paid attention to the matter. The manager of the 4s store said that after Mr. Zhang reflected the situation, they immediately fed back the fault information to the manufacturer in the form of a photo. From our experience, it is very likely that this is due to a malfunction in the generator's tensioner, which crushes the belt and causes it to fall off.

The manager of the 4s store also took out the various test certificates of the car, indicating that the indicators were normal, but the problem did appear on the car, and the manager of the 4s shop said that the engine was not checked when the inspection was carried out. In the face of various explanations from the 4s shop, Mr. Che said that he really can't ask for this car, and must be returned, or replaced.

Horror new car highway turned off, engine belts shattered and noodles, the owner angrily scolded the 4s shop

The 4s store said that it needs to communicate with the manufacturer, specifically judge the failure of this vehicle, if it can really change the car, they are also willing to actively cooperate.

When we buy a car, we must see the condition of the car clearly, and then buy, otherwise it is easy to buy some accident vehicles and faulty vehicles, although buying a car is a very happy thing, but still need us to carefully check it, otherwise it is easy to buy a faulty vehicle like Mr. Zhang. Fortunately, Mr. Zhang's family did not have a traffic accident, otherwise the 4s store must not be able to escape the relevant responsibility. Of course, when Zhang Xian buys a car in the future, he will definitely do a careful inspection, and only by doing a good job of careful inspection can we improve our happiness in buying a car.

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