
"Etiquette and Etiquette" Civilized Etiquette Publicity and Education Respect for Elders

author:Nine Schools of Education
"Etiquette and Etiquette" Civilized Etiquette Publicity and Education Respect for Elders

The ancient Chinese national culture has a long history, in the long history of 5,000 years, created a splendid culture, formed a noble moral code, a complete etiquette norm and excellent traditional virtues, known by the world as "ancient civilization, etiquette country", Chinese is also known for its polite style.

What is etiquette

"Etiquette and Etiquette" Civilized Etiquette Publicity and Education Respect for Elders

From the perspective of personal cultivation, etiquette can be said to be an external manifestation of a person's inner cultivation and quality.

From a communicative point of view, etiquette can be said to be an art, a method of communication or a method of communication that is applicable in interpersonal communication. It is a customary practice in interpersonal communication to show respect and friendliness.

From a communication point of view, etiquette can be said to be a technique for communicating with each other in interpersonal communication.

The content of etiquette education covers all aspects of social life.

From the content, there are appearance, demeanor, expression, clothing, conversation, treatment of people and things, etc.;

From the object point of view, there are personal etiquette, public place etiquette, hospitality and hospitality etiquette, table manners, gift etiquette, civilized exchanges, etc.

The performance of etiquette in speech and action is called politeness. To strengthen moral practice, attention should be paid to etiquette, so that people can conduct interpersonal interactions on the principle of "respect, self-discipline, moderation, and sincerity" and bid farewell to uncivilized words and deeds.

Etiquette, etiquette, and courtesy are rich and diverse in content, but it has its own regularity, and its basic etiquette principles: First, the principle of respecting people; the second is the principle of self-discipline, that is, in the process of communication, we must deny ourselves, be cautious, be proactive, consciously and voluntarily, treat others politely, treat others with courtesy, be consistent in appearance, self-comparison, self-reflection, self-requirements, self-inspection, self-restraint, can not be arrogant and arrogant, and duplicitous; the third is the principle of moderation, moderation and decency, and mastery of proportions; the fourth is the principle of sincerity, sincerity, treating others with sincerity, and not making a scene. Words and deeds vary.




Respect for elders

Born in the world, grown up in the world, from the parents. Parents gave us life, taught us the most basic life skills, the grace of hard work and nurturing, and it is difficult to return for life. Therefore, filial piety to parents and respect for elders is the duty of human beings and the virtue of natural righteousness. The affection of parents and children is the most primitive and instinctive emotion of human beings, the basic emotion formed by a person's kindness, love and conscience, and the basic premise for the formation of various moral qualities in the future.

The ancients said, "Hundred goodness, filial piety first." "It shows that filial piety and respect for the elderly is the most beautiful morality formed in the process of human development." If human beings should love each other, then first of all, they should love their parents, and secondly, they can talk about loving others, loving the collective, loving society, loving the motherland... Just think, if a person does not even love his parents, cannot even honor his parents and repay the grace of parenting, who still believes that he is a loving and responsible person? So, who wants to deal with him? Who believes that he can selflessly dedicate himself to the motherland?

Studying and leaving home, living independently, we often miss our parents and the warm home. However, if you think more, perhaps most of it is the meticulous care of your parents for you: nursing and caring for you when you are a child, taking good care of you when you are in pain, drying your tears when you are wronged and deceived, worrying about your food and clothing, worrying about your itinerary, worrying about your growth... Yes, parents think more about their children than we do about their parents. The British scientist Faraday said with deep gratitude for maternal love: "The tears of a loving mother have a noble and deep love that cannot be analyzed chemically." ”

At present, some acts of filial piety to parents in society cannot but cause us to reflect: blindly emphasizing the parenting responsibility of parents, relying on their parents' support for a long time, or appropriating their parents' savings and family property for themselves; treating parents as nannies, hating not being able to squeeze the old man's last strength out; treating parents as a burden, and even driving the old man out of the house and begging for wandering. In any country in the world, even the most prominent or richest person, if he does not honor his parents, he will not be respected by the people, and even strongly condemned by society. Honoring our parents is the duty of each of our citizens, and it is the most basic moral requirement for a young student.

Source: Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China website

Review: Chen Yuechen

Editor: Feng Xinzi

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