
The advantage of chatting with elders is that they surprise the differences in value between generations

author:Tree's mouth
The advantage of chatting with elders is that they surprise the differences in value between generations

How long have you not been chatting with the elders in your family? Some people are worried about not talking to their elders, or they are afraid that they will not be able to communicate well with each other, so they will deliberately avoid the time spent alone with their elders. But in fact, chatting with the elders is a very interesting thing, and you can gain a lot in the process.

Some experiences will take more than ten years of accumulation to have

The advantage of chatting with elders is that they surprise the differences in value between generations

No matter how rich your experience is, no matter how wonderful your past life experience, there will always be experiences that have not yet been exposed to, or events that are impossible to encounter again in this era. Some experiences are age-limited and cannot be copied or traced back, so when the elders of that era talk about the memories of that time, the relevant memories become irreplaceable collections.

Moreover, the accumulation of certain experiences will become more and more fragrant like wine. At this stage of life, you may feel that you have become accustomed to some things and have no feelings, but such a state may be different in a few decades, and chatting with the elders and exchanging each other's moods and feelings is like preparing for the future mentality, and having the experience of predecessors can be evidenced and referenced.

Communicate between generations and cultivate your own open-minded outlook on life

The advantage of chatting with elders is that they surprise the differences in value between generations

Chatting with people of different generations, in addition to anticipating the opportunities and ideas that may occur in the future, can also cultivate their own open-minded outlook on life. At this stage of some things, we may feel "unable to pass", unable to accept and be relieved, but if we can have elders to talk and advise, we will find that people in the same period of time to consider the same troubles, not only modern people will have such encounters, so feel much more relaxed. And the elders, as people who have come over, must be able to understand your current mood and give condolences and solutions accordingly.

In another case, the elder you talk to may be very negative, then don't be discouraged, then listen more carefully to what the elder is talking about, and then think further: What is the reason why he thinks so? If you feel that the reason is sufficient after thinking about it, you must prevent yourself from repeating the same mistakes later; and if you think that the causes of the negative thoughts of your elders can be solved, then remind yourself to adjust your mentality at all times and cultivate your own attitude towards things.

Chatting with the elders, I believe that whether the content is positive or negative, it can be very rewarding. Because the exchange between generations is often a value impact, the mutual transmission of content and information is a very interesting thing in itself.

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