
Hello, 2022| He Xiaowu, CEO of Sixiang Unlimited: Open innovation, embrace change, and keep moving forward

The field of mobile video is currently one of the focuses of attention. How to focus on the development of cutting-edge technologies such as 5G, Internet of Everything, edge computing, and smart devices, and extend the business sector to entertainment, education, e-commerce, new media, financial services and other fields is what needs to be deepened in this field. At the beginning of the new year, Red Star News "Hello, 2022" talked to He Xiaowu, chairman and CEO of Sixiang Unlimited, to talk about his views.

Hello, 2022| He Xiaowu, CEO of Sixiang Unlimited: Open innovation, embrace change, and keep moving forward

Red Star News: With the large-scale construction of new digital infrastructure, the integration and application of new technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence, and blockchain are deepening, looking forward to 2022, what trend will your industry develop?

He Xiaowu: The in-depth integration of technology and content has brought more imagination to the live broadcasting industry. With the blessing of AI, AR, VR, big data and other technologies, the dream of the live broadcast meta-universe is being illuminated into reality. Sixiang Infinite Future will take the meta-universe as the strategic direction and lead the upgrading of user needs. In the conception of the infinite live broadcast meta-universe, each of its live broadcast platforms is an independent virtual world, users and anchors have personal attributes of digital identities (avatars), in each virtual world to swim freely, experience a grander and more diverse world view; at the same time, each digital identity from the original content receiver to producer, the anchor and user boundaries become blurred, live interaction methods have undergone subversive changes.

Red Star News: At the beginning of the new year, everyone is making a Flag for the year. What are your goals for this year?

He Xiaowu: 2022 is the beginning of a new decade of Infinite Enjoyment, comprehensively upgrading the brand and corporate culture, committed to connecting people and people, connecting people and things, connecting virtual and reality through technology, and making life better; looking for new development opportunities under challenges, focusing on the development strategy of building a live meta-universe and the whole ecology of mobile live broadcasting, investing more energy in expanding overseas markets and the second curve, and better creating value for users.

Red Star News: In the process of achieving personal goals and corporate goals, how to fulfill social responsibility has become the focus, and how do you do it?

He Xiaowu: Dust with the light, and shu roll with the times. With the development of the enterprise and the in-depth understanding of the live broadcasting industry, Sixiang Unlimited continues to output positive energy and bring better spiritual food to the majority of users. After the rural revitalization strategy was proposed, Sixiang Unlimited actively participated in it and contributed. At the beginning of this year, the "Beautiful Countryside, Hello Well-off" campaign was launched, covering all its live broadcast platforms, inviting anchors and users from all stations to participate in the activities through multiple channels, and outlining the rural revitalization and development practices including industrial revitalization, talent revitalization, cultural revitalization, ecological revitalization and organizational revitalization for netizens in the form of live broadcasts, videos, texts and pictures. In April this year, SiXiang Infinite launched a beautiful rural style collection activity at the homestay in Yingpan Village, Yanqing, Beijing, using the homestay immersive drama performance and red classic works to celebrate the happy life of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. This cross-border live broadcast is a new attempt by Sixiang Unlimited to help rural revitalization and promote "live broadcast + homestay". Subsequently, Sixiang Infinite also participated in the "Wall Painting Beautiful Life and Boosting Rural Revitalization" live broadcast collection series of activities with the main content of "Arshan Spring Warm Flowers Blooming Xikou Village Wall Painting Wonderful", reflecting the appearance of the countryside in the form of live broadcasting, and at the same time, around the main theme of the activity, Sixiang Infinite also donated publicity equipment and live broadcast equipment to the local area to better help the local publicity and display the beauty of the countryside. This has played an important role in stimulating the consumption upgrading of rural culture, promoting rural entrepreneurship and reemployment, and boosting the optimization of rural economic structure. In order to celebrate the centenary of the founding of the party, SiXiang Infinite launched a series of activities of "Red Mark Tribute to the Centenary of the Founding of the Party", of which "Centennial Glory Singing Style" was collected for all anchors, and the anchors used songs to express their love for the party, the people and a better life. Over the years, Sixiang Public Welfare has delivered love and positive energy to the society in diversified and rich forms such as live broadcasting, material donations, and student counseling, and has launched a series of public welfare projects such as "Listening to the Voice of the World", "Caring for Children with Hearing Impairments", and "Loving Learning", contributing to adults and children in need. He Xiaowu firmly said that as an entrepreneur, thanks to the policy support of the state, the enterprise can achieve the current results. Born in a prosperous world, when not living up to the prosperous world, Sixiang Infinite will keep in mind its mission and original intention, and consolidate the fulfillment of corporate social responsibility.

Red Star News reporter Guo Jingjing

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