
Hello, 2022| Yingke Interactive Entertainment Xia Xiaohui: 5G+ will create a meta-universe social

The large-scale upgrading, popularization and coverage of international and domestic communication technology and hardware equipment have promoted the rapid development of the mobile Internet industry and brought new online entertainment content and social interaction methods to more users. With a new round of innovation and breakthroughs in emerging technologies, the further upgrading of the mobile Internet will also be driven.

How will online entertainment and social networking move forward? Red Star News "Hello, 2022" talked to Xia Xiaohui, senior vice president and editor-in-chief of Yingke Interactive Entertainment Group, to talk about his insights.

Hello, 2022| Yingke Interactive Entertainment Xia Xiaohui: 5G+ will create a meta-universe social

Red Star News: With the large-scale construction of new digital infrastructure, the integration and application of new technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence, and blockchain are deepening, looking forward to 2022, what trend will your industry develop?

Xia Xiaohui: As an important part of the Internet economy, online entertainment social networking still has huge growth potential in the future in the current environment, with the continuous improvement of people's online entertainment time and entertainment social demand.

For example, the application of 5G technology to ultra-high-definition live broadcasting, or combined with VR, AR, AI, cloud games and other technologies, will create a variety of high-quality, strong interactive online entertainment content and social forms, such as: meta-universe social, game skills social, etc., to achieve the iterative upgrading of Internet entertainment content and Internet social forms.

However, with the development of information technology and the wide application of big data, although information dissemination and interactive interaction are more personalized, customized and intelligent, there are also some chaos in the process. It is believed that in the new year, the network supervision department will continue to increase the intensity of inspection and supervision, and enterprises will also actively fulfill their corresponding obligations, jointly maintain the order of online social networking and communication, and create a better network ecology.

Red Star News: At the beginning of the new year, everyone is making a Flag for the year. What are your goals for this year?

Xia Xiaohui: Yingke has also been actively exploring the transformation after the live broadcast business has entered a stable period of development. In recent years, Yingke Interactive Entertainment Group has successively incubated a number of social products for vertical fields to meet the needs of users of different regions, ages, and hobbies, dating, communication and sharing.

Among them, the marriage and love social product "Right Fate" has ranked among the first echelon of the industry, and the Z generation social product "Jimu" has always been at the forefront of the list of interest social platforms. Jimu also opened the world's first real-time interactive positioning bar - ROOMUU in Changsha to improve users' social experience through online and offline interaction. In addition to "right fate", Yingke Interactive Entertainment Group has also launched a love social product for first- and second-tier young groups - "Super Like". Therefore, at present, Yingke has transformed from a single live broadcast product to an interactive social group with matrix products to drive performance growth.

At the same time, Yingke Interactive Entertainment Group has also gradually established a new development vision - to create the most influential all-scenario new entertainment platform, in the form of online + offline integration, to create a comprehensive new social ecosystem of strangers + acquaintances, and to build a new growth curve.

Red Star News: In the process of achieving personal goals and corporate goals, how to fulfill social responsibility has become the focus, and how do you do it?

Xia Xiaohui: Yingke Interactive Entertainment Group is well aware of the social responsibility shouldered by Internet companies, from the early days of the establishment of the platform to advocate green live broadcasting, while accessing intelligent audit, there are nearly 700 people of professional manual audit team 7 * 24 hours uninterrupted inspection in each live broadcast room, to ensure the clear ecological space of the platform. Yingke Interactive Entertainment Group has also won the "2017 Most Valuable Chinese Entrepreneurial Brand List", the Chairman Unit of the Self-Discipline Alliance of the Online Live Broadcasting Industry, the Excellent Team of Online Security Work of the 19th National Congress of the Ministry of Public Security, the 2021 Corporate Social Responsibility and Public Welfare Forum "Helping disabled Caring Enterprises" award sponsored by the China Association for the Promotion of the Cause of the Disabled, etc., and joined the Beijing "Sweep Pornography and Fight Illegality" workstation in October 2019.

At the same time, Yingke Interactive Entertainment Group is also actively organizing various positive energy activities and striving to become a positive energy platform with mainstream influence.

For example: "7.20 Henan rainstorm", Yingke Interactive Entertainment Group continued to pay attention to the local situation, on August 21, Yingke Interactive Entertainment Group donated a batch of materials worth 800,000 yuan to Shangcheng County, Henan Province through the Beijing Spring Wind Public Welfare Foundation for anti-epidemic and disaster relief.

Yingke Interactive Entertainment Group launched a live broadcast activity with the theme of "My Hometown", showing the comparison of life before and after the hat removal of the hat in various poverty-stricken counties, and publicizing the rapid changes in the lives of local people.

The series of activities jointly organized with The Chinese Disabled Persons' Disability Committee to popularize and disseminate barrier-free culture, the "Enjoy Barrier-free Humanities Lecture Hall" series of activities launched from November 13, 2021 to December 30, 2021, during which 6 lectures and 46 classes were held, with a total of more than 50 guests giving lectures and more than 100 hours of lectures. According to statistics, the cumulative number of online viewers of the six lecture halls exceeded 10 million, which is a major event worth celebrating in the history of the construction of barrier-free environment in the mainland, and it is also a useful attempt by the Special Committee for The Study of Barrier-free Environment to play the role of think tanks and the integration of new media to promote accessibility, and it is also the first large-scale charity volunteer public welfare action to promote the high-quality cultural dissemination of the mainland's barrier-free undertakings since the launch of the in-house broadcast. After the event, the "Yingke Barrier-free Cultural Live Broadcasting Base" was also officially inaugurated under the authorization of the China Disabled Persons' Federation.

As a leading enterprise in the mobile Internet industry, Yingke Interactive Entertainment Group will continue to tap its own social value, take the initiative to assume social responsibility, create and disseminate more positive energy content covering poverty alleviation, public welfare, education, cultural exchanges and other fields, and empower the society.

Red Star News reporter Yan Dan

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