
Do you pay attention to these 15 points when you drop the money?

1. Falling paragraph refers to the writing content in calligraphy works other than the main text content. The payment includes: the source of the text content, the object of the gift, the reason for creation, the time of creation, the author's name, font size, etc.

2. Do not exceed the words in the subject of the text. It should be smaller and more coordinated than the words in the body.

3. The seal cannot be larger than the word on the note. Large large seals, small small seals.

4. If the last line of the body of the text is only 2-3 words, the end of the paragraph is written directly below, please do not switch to another line to write.

5. The title cannot be inscribed on the entire body of the text.

6. Be cautious about stamping, and do not cover too many and miscellaneous places.

7. Do not exceed the width of the body text on the left of the two rows of small characters.

8. The year, month, and gregorian lunar calendar in the falling paragraph cannot be mixed. When writing the inscription, it is used as a graceful name instead of a common name.

9. If the banner or bucket body is on top, the width of the drop below it should not exceed the width of the upper body.

10. If the money has been sealed, it is not allowed to sign the grant after the payment, and it will be disrespectful to sign it again

11. Where there is a person's name in the preceding paragraph, the upper part of the upper paragraph shall not be stamped and pressed on the person's name. One is disrespectful, the other is to ruin the picture.

12. The first painting of the calligraphy quadrimer, the upper right can be stamped with a small seal. The rest cannot be covered, if all are covered, the line qi will be destroyed.

13. If you write a couplet, you must write the upper paragraph in the upper link, and the lower paragraph falls on the lower link; if it is a gantry pair, the upper paragraph is on the right and the lower paragraph is on the left.

14. The font of the falling paragraph is generally not attached to the seal, the letter does not need to be attached, and the line grass does not use the letter. Inscribed. Generally speaking, it is "Wen Gu Qian Jin" and "Wen Zheng Jian Life". The main text is oracle bone, gold text, large and small seal, the fall of the paragraph is used in the seal book, chapter grass, kai, xingshu; if the main text is Lishu, Kaishu, Wei stele, the falling paragraph can be used in kaishu or xingshu; in practice, the most used font is still xingshu, which is easy to identify and lively.

15. For banner works, generally only the paragraph is dropped and not the upper paragraph.

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