
Liu Xuezhou, a teenager looking for relatives in Hebei, committed suicide: what makes searching for relatives become a death seeker

People place their hopes on the New Year.

Sincere expectations, a new year, a new life.

However, with such a teenager, his life can no longer usher in a new dawn.

His world darkened.

He is still very young.

His name is Liu Xuezhou.

His name was Ding Jing.

01. Looking for "relatives"

Liu Xuezhou's first Microblog wrote this sentence:

"I hope that one day I can become an ordinary child, even for one day."

Liu Xuezhou, a teenager looking for relatives in Hebei, committed suicide: what makes searching for relatives become a death seeker

Therefore, for this day, Liu Xuezhou embarked on a long road to find his relatives.

With an old vaccination information book, he learned his name.

He said, hello, Ding Jing!

On December 17th, God seemed to have really cared for him once, and he found his biological parents, and they were waiting for a suitable time to meet.

He said that he may there be no abduction in the world, and may the abducted children return home as soon as possible.

However, on December 27, the day of true acquaintance, Liu Xuezhou liked the Weibo of Lu Dawson, a photographer who jumped into the sea and committed suicide.

Liu Xuezhou, a teenager looking for relatives in Hebei, committed suicide: what makes searching for relatives become a death seeker

What happened on this day?

Later, we learned that this day was the "moment before dawn" in his life:

"There was a time before dawn when it was very dark, and there were no stars, and there was no moon."

It turned out that Liu Xuezhou was not abducted, he was sold.

The people who sold him were his biological parents.

The reason is quite absurd, saying that it is to collect the so-called bride price.

From birth, Liu Xuezhou was an undesirable child, and this has not changed after more than ten years. The biological parents have long since divorced and have a new family.

Unlike when Sun Haiyang and Sun Zhuo recognized each other, hugging and crying bitterly, Liu Xuezhou's biological parents were complaining that he had come to recognize them.

Dad slandered him in the circle of friends for selling miserable success, packaging people, and being an internet beggar.

Liu Xuezhou, a teenager looking for relatives in Hebei, committed suicide: what makes searching for relatives become a death seeker

His mother directly blocked his WeChat.

Liu Xuezhou, a teenager looking for relatives in Hebei, committed suicide: what makes searching for relatives become a death seeker


Liu Xuezhou's heart was cold, he no longer had the luxury of asking for so-called family affection, he only wanted a place to shelter from the wind and rain.

At the time of this request, Liu Xuezhou was a child with biological parents who received an "orphan allowance", and he lived in a place where he lived was not so much a house as a few homeless places piled up with bricks.

Liu Xuezhou, a teenager looking for relatives in Hebei, committed suicide: what makes searching for relatives become a death seeker

In fact, he was indeed wandering.

After hearing Liu Xuezhou's request for a place to live, his biological father scolded him as a "white-eyed wolf" and asked him never to contact him again.

And the network sunspot is even more rampant, in their view, Liu Xuezhou is undoubtedly "red eyes" Sun Zhuo. Words such as, disgust, and mother-in-law began to appear frequently in Liu Xuezhou's private messages.

Less than a month after searching for relatives——

Liu Xuezhou's world began to collapse.

Black and white are instantly reversed.

02. Light life

In the early morning of January 24, Liu Xuezhou left his last letter on Weibo.

In this letter, he unveiled the "scars" on his body piece by piece for everyone to see.

It hurt, but he was going to be "born again."

A "scar" that he was sold by his biological parents when he was born.

A "scar" is that when he was four years old, his adoptive parents died twice.

A "scar" is that after he began to board the school, he became a victim of bullying in the school and was molested by a male teacher.

A "scar" is that he wants to be an ordinary child, find his biological parents, but was abandoned twice, and it turns out that there are really children whose parents do not love themselves.

A "scar", he is not wrong, but many righteous people who do not know him hold up guns and say to him, You are wrong.

Liu Xuezhou, a teenager looking for relatives in Hebei, committed suicide: what makes searching for relatives become a death seeker

He was like a child who had lost his footing and fell into the sea, and every time he was about to surface, there was always a pair of hands that pressed him hard into the sea. After using all his strength, he stopped struggling.

On January 25, Liu Xuezhou confirmed his suicide.

As he said in his letter, later in his suicide note:

"The sun shines on the sea, and I also return to the sea, ending my life here and taking away the most beautiful scenery in the world."

Liu Xuezhou was gone.

The righteous man finally shut up.

Afterwards, Liu Xuezhou's family members learned of this bad news and said they could not accept it. At the same time, they told reporters:

"Liu Xuezhou has been taking antidepressants for more than a year, but he has not taken them since he found his biological parents."

Liu Xuezhou, a teenager looking for relatives in Hebei, committed suicide: what makes searching for relatives become a death seeker

Thought to be a cure.

It turned out to be fatal.

03. "Why bother?"

After Liu Xuezhou died after taking medicine, the "crusade" against him continued.

Some people feel sorry for him, and some people don't understand his practices.

They say, why bother?

Why use the most precious things to punish the things that others care the least.

Voices like this have been heard in many people who have committed suicide.

I can understand that these people are well-intentioned, in their view, living is the victory, and many things that you care about to die, after experiencing the dilution of time, will slowly fade and finally disappear. Maybe even, after many years, looking back on myself at this time, I will feel silly.

But we must know that many, many people can't wait for this moment, which is the "moment before dawn" mentioned above.

Those who take their lives, do they really not want to live?

No, they want to live more than anyone.

Liu Xuezhou, a teenager looking for relatives in Hebei, committed suicide: what makes searching for relatives become a death seeker

Just like Liu Xuezhou:

Experienced the death of both parents at a young age;

Experiencing school violence, indecency, and still trying to get rid of the haze;

At the same time as successfully confessing his relatives, he learns that he has been sold to the truth, but is not ready to sue his biological parents;

Slandered by netizens, telling themselves that they were born to the sun, and they were afraid of the heart of the villain;

Liu Xuezhou, a teenager looking for relatives in Hebei, committed suicide: what makes searching for relatives become a death seeker

In this way, he struggled to live to the 15th year.

However, there is really no way out.

This life was really too heavy, and he could no longer find a better way to love the world.

Or rather, he didn't know how to make the world love him.

Neither are the stars.

Neither is the moon.

It was pitch black, so scary.

04. Stop it!

Liu Xuezhou, or Lu Dawson before him.

They are all telling us at the cost of their lives not to "blame" them for suicide, but to know what caused them to take their lives.

For example, when will school bullying stop?

School bullying is the worst kind of behavior that is closest to us.

When I was a student, the formation of the three views was slower, and there were always people who bullied and hurt others invisibly and unconsciously.

It could be a taunt, a beating that simply looks unpleasant to you, and the deliberate isolation of a small group...

Therefore, in the process of children's growth, parents should properly educate their children to stop bullying from the source. The teacher who spends the longest time with students should also deal with and guide in time after the bullying behavior occurs.

Liu Xuezhou, a teenager looking for relatives in Hebei, committed suicide: what makes searching for relatives become a death seeker

For example, should buying and selling be the same sin?

Why buy and sell the same sin?

A family without children, they find it unfortunate.

But why, in exchange for the misfortune of another family, for their happiness?

Sadly, this misfortune, more often with life, does not end with the child being found.

How many children, after being found, decide to stay in the adoptive parents' homes, and even use the love of their biological parents as a threat to demand that the biological parents give up the responsibility for the so-called adoptive parents.

The act of buying and selling, making the birth parents give up their lives and sacrifice only to find their children, has become a complete joke.

Similarly, should parents who sell their children for money and abandon their minor children also be punished by the law?

Liu Xuezhou, a teenager looking for relatives in Hebei, committed suicide: what makes searching for relatives become a death seeker

For example, can the molested male teacher be found?

There is such a person in the world.

Cloaked in human skin, doing animal things.

In order to satisfy his own dirty selfish desires, he ruined the life of a child.

I don't want to say anything else, I just hope this teacher is found, convicted, and he deserves it.

Liu Xuezhou, a teenager looking for relatives in Hebei, committed suicide: what makes searching for relatives become a death seeker

For example, how to deal with the Internet storm keyboard man?

The biggest executioner in the Liu Xuezhou incident is none other than this group of "keyboard men".

24 hours a day guard liu Xuezhou, chasing him. Misinterpreted what Liu Xuezhou said during the live broadcast, satirizing him, framing him, slandering him, personal attacks, and so on.

And the reason why they are so rampant is precisely because they know that Liu Xuezhou can't do anything with them.

There are many people, and they are all trumpets.

Liu Xuezhou, a teenager looking for relatives in Hebei, committed suicide: what makes searching for relatives become a death seeker

Who can pick out the real person off the screen, the person who may only promise in life, but punches the Internet.

Even if it is caught, the punishment is very light.

We have really eaten such a lesson too many times, and we sincerely hope that the "keyboard man" of the Internet storm can be substantively punished.

Article last.

Back to Liu Xuezhou itself.

I saw the homepage yesterday morning and forwarded Liu Xuezhou's "suicide note".

Seeing the comments, many netizens dissuaded the dissuasion, the alarm of the police, are doing their best to save Liu Xuezhou.

But in the end, I heard the news that I least wanted to hear.

Having said all that, there is finally one hope left.

Hope as Liu Xuezhou wishes.

In the new world you went to, you had Daddy Pain and Mommy Love.

You're an ordinary kid.

But your new home, with the most extraordinary love.


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