
In commemoration of the 110th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution, why did Xi Jinping mention this cry of Sun Yat-sen?

author:Shangguan News

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his important speech at the commemoration of the 110th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution that Dr. Sun Yat-sen is a great national hero, a great patriot, and a great pioneer of China's democratic revolution. Dr. Sun Yat-sen shouted loudly that "it is urgent to save the people of Sri Lanka from water and fire, and to support the building of the building", held high the banner of struggle against feudal autocratic rule, put forward the political program of the Three People's Principles of nationality, civil rights and people's livelihood, and took the lead in shouting "rejuvenating the Chinese nation".

The strategic concept of "revitalizing the Chinese nation" put forward by Dr. Sun Yat-sen in 1894 was the theoretical beginning of the Xinhai Revolution's propaganda slogan of "expelling the Tartars and restoring the Chinese nation; establishing the Republic of China, equalizing land rights", and was also the historical source of the great historical cause of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in the new era. It has been 110 years since the Xinhai Revolution, and for more than a century, "rejuvenating China" has always been the strongest voice of the times reverberating on the land of China, and has become a powerful spiritual driving force for the Chinese nation to overcome foreign and internal troubles and resist disasters and disasters.

The proposal and development of "revitalizing China"

In 1894, the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War, which shocked the world, left a humiliating and sad page in the history of the Chinese nation. When the smoke of the Sino-Japanese War had not yet dissipated, and when the monarchs of the Qing Empire were busy paying reparations for the cession of land, another major event that affected the course of China's modern history occurred: on November 24, 1894, Dr. Sun Yat-sen initiated the establishment of the first bourgeois revolutionary group, the Xingzhong Association, and he clearly pointed out in the first article of the "Xingzhong Association Charter" drafted: "It is the establishment of the association, specifically for the purpose of revitalizing China and maintaining the national system." As the earliest bourgeois politician in modern China to sense and grasp the general trend of world development, Sun Yat-sen paid anxious attention to the historical situation of the Chinese nation, promptly revealed the historical themes related to the future of the country and the destiny of the nation, and made the chaotic historical tide rhythm stir up a more and more exciting melody.

The emergence of the strategic concept of "revitalizing the Chinese nation" marks the awakening of the Chinese people's consciousness of self-reliance and self-improvement. With the evolution of the times and the changes in the situation, Sun Yat-sen has continuously sublimated and deepened the main purpose and connotation of the strategic concept of "revitalizing China". In February 1895, he reiterated in the Constitution of the Hong Kong Xingzhong Association: "This Association was established specifically to contact Chinese people with lofty ideals at home and abroad, to emphasize the study of prosperity and strength, so as to revitalize the Chinese nation and maintain the national system." In 1905, Sun Yat-sen summed up "revitalizing China" as the "National, Civil Rights, and People's Livelihood" Three People's Principles in his speech published by minbao, the organ of the League. When the Xinhai Revolution broke out in 1911, he extended "rejuvenating China" to "expelling the Tartars and restoring China; establishing the Republic of China and equalizing land rights", thus sublimating the strategic concept of "revitalizing China" into the propaganda slogan and political goal of the Xinhai Revolution.

From 1917 to 1919, Dr. Sun Yat-sen wrote the "Industrial Plan" and the "Founding Strategy" one after another, taking the concept of industrial salvation as the core and cardinal of the strategic concept of "revitalizing China", which fully reflected his superb and profound political vision and social ambitions. Looking at and examining the "Industrial Plan" and the "Founding Strategy" with a modern eye, it is not difficult to find that Dr. Sun Yat-sen consciously and soberly grasped the key to "rejuvenating the Chinese nation" and must grasp the key of developing the productive forces.

Great dreams have become or are becoming reality

The Xinhai Revolution was a magnificent revolution personally led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, an important milestone in the people's struggle to save the people of the Chinese and revitalize China, which opened the prelude to China's modern national democratic revolution in the full sense of the word, and explored the road for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. However, due to the limitations of historical conditions and the obstruction of subjective and objective factors, the Xinhai Revolution did not change the social nature of semi-colonial and semi-feudal china in old China and the tragic situation of the Chinese people. During his lifetime, Dr. Sun Yat-sen failed to see the strategic concept of "rejuvenating China" become a reality, but with the broad mind and grand vision of "the trend of the world, the mighty and mighty, the smooth and prosperous, and the contrarian will perish", he vigorously advocated and focused on practicing the strategic concept and historical aspiration of "rejuvenating China", and hoped that the Chinese people would "take it as their duty to undertake China's reform and development... If the spirit is infused, the force is strongly advanced, and the tide of world progress is in line with the natural principle of good and evil, then there will be a final day of success", thus realizing the enlightenment and development of the great cause of history ideologically and spiritually.

For more than a hundred years, the mountains and rivers have changed the human world dramatically. Today, under the strong leadership of the Communist Party of China, "rejuvenating China" is becoming a reality. As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in his speech at the commemoration of the 110th anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution: "Dr. Sun Yat-sen's deep long-cherished wish to revitalize China, the pioneers of the Xinhai Revolution's beautiful vision for the development of the Chinese nation, the great dream that the Chinese people dream of and struggle for in modern times have become or are becoming a reality, the Chinese nation has ushered in a great leap from standing up and getting rich to becoming strong, and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process!" "What can be comforted today is that Dr. Sun Yat-sen and the pioneers of the Xinhai Revolution are gone forever, the conditions of poverty and weakness in old China, which worried them a lot, the dream of China's modernization that haunted their souls is gradually being realized, and the brilliant prospects for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation have been displayed before the world.

(The author is a distinguished researcher of the Research Center for the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in Heilongjiang Province and an adjunct professor of Harbin Institute of Technology)

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Column Editor-in-Chief: Wang Zhen Text Editor: Wang Zhen Title Image Source: Xinhua News Agency Photo Editor: Cao Liyuan

Source: Author: Liu Jinxiang

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