
Focusing on the Winter Olympics| the legacy of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has given a beautiful answer

Tenderness like water to fortitude like ice, how long does it take?

The builders of the National Aquatics Center told us that from the water cube to the ice cube, 8,000 square meters of functional conversion, steel structure brackets - concrete panels - insulation materials - waterproof layers - ice making, in five steps, fast is 10 days, the slowest only needs 20 days.

Back in the beginning, the pool became an ice rink, and there was no precedent in the world. Since 2016, the National Aquatics Center, together with Harbin Institute of Technology and other units, has set up a scientific research team, through a large number of experimental comparisons, tested a variety of schemes, and finally determined a creative solution path: the ice structure is removable and movable, and the original pool is not destroyed, and the swimlane is transformed into a curling track.

Making full use of the legacy of the venues of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games to reduce resource consumption and environmental impact is the sustainable development commitment of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games to the world.

From scratch, although it is gratifying, if you can achieve from A to B and then from B to A under the guidance of green and technology, it is more level. The conversion of water ice to ice water restoration, coupling assembly, and rapid realization make the double Olympic venues highly efficient, economical, and reusable.

Focusing on the Winter Olympics| the legacy of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games has given a beautiful answer

Ice, water for it, and cold for water. Between change and invariance, the light boat has passed through the Ten Thousand Heavy Mountains. From summer to winter, from 2008 to 2022, after years of expectation and effort, the double Olympic venues have made annotations for the city of the two Olympic Games.

Coincidentally, Wukesong Stadium, which was once the venue for basketball competitions at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, has its original "ice dam" technology, which can change the original size of the 30-meter × 60-meter ice rink into a 26-meter × 60-meter ice rink that meets the requirements of the Winter Olympics in 6 hours.

Originally built in 1968 and with a history of more than 50 years of operation, the Capital Gymnasium, after undertaking the volleyball events of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, this veteran venue can quickly change the ice temperature through transformation, making it possible to hold two events in the same venue and on the same ice.

The double Olympic venues are not for the vanity of the "double Olympics", they are real transformations, venues, science and technology and green, trinity, take root. Peering into a leaf and knowing autumn, in the same way, from the double Olympic venues, we can also glimpse the heritage and charm of Beijing as a city of double Olympics.

Inheritance is for better development, just like the Ice Cube, not only focusing on the current water ice conversion two-wheel drive. Facing the future, thanks to the data reserves of venue performance, ice quality, health monitoring systems, and environmental control technologies, combined with the investigation of many other sports venues in China, the "Ice Cube Paradigm" has established a large database to provide data support for the creation of more converted sports venues.

IOC experts believe that the Olympic Games are a "7+17+20" challenge: not only 7 years of difficult preparation, 17 days of event delivery, but also the challenge of how to contribute to society for another 20 years.

The legacy of the 2008 Beijing Olympics has given a beautiful answer. Open to the public only, the water tower receives more than one million tourists a year, providing swimming services for millions of people, and the Olympic venues have become a real people's stadium.

From summer to winter, youth has changed the face of a generation. Time will get old, but young people, always similar. More and more Olympic venues and facilities, more and more Olympic concepts and spirits, together with young people, together with the future.

Photo by Li Jihui and Pan Zhiwang, reporters of the Winter Olympics

Courtesy of Visual China

Client The Winter Olympics | Author Zhang Xuwang

Edited by Qian Wang

Process Editor Wu Yue

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