
Zhao Ming, CEO of Honor: 2022 will be a new era of smart terminals

China News Finance, January 26, 2022 "2022 will be a new era for the intelligent terminal industry to break through bottlenecks and bloom a hundred flowers." Recently, Honor CEO Zhao Ming said in an interview with the "China New Observation" column of China News Network.

Zhao Ming said that from the folding screen, XR and other rich hardware forms are becoming more and more mature, to 5G, the accelerated development of AI has brought about a transition in transmission and computing power, and a new round of changes in the industry is coming. In the new period of strategic opportunities, how to build a digital ecosystem in conjunction with the industrial chain and create the best experience in China's Internet ecology with AI is the direction for intelligent terminal enterprises to tackle tough problems.

"Facing the future, Honor will be committed to products, soft and hard collaboration, breakthrough innovation, to bring users seamless connection across devices, cross-application collaboration of traceless services, to create products and experiences that exceed consumer expectations."

"Taking the newly released Magic UI 6.0 as an example, it brings users an AI all-scenario intelligent operating system enabled by the Magic Live intelligent engine, realizing a new intelligent experience that integrates scenario-based services, personalized OS, and multi-device intelligent collaboration, which is a new milestone in the evolution of AI." Zhao Ming said. (End)

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