
Honor's new product launch is scheduled for May 16

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Some time ago, Zhao Ming, CEO of Honor Terminal, said,

Through long-term technical accumulation, Honor continues to improve in the adjustment and optimization ability of the underlying system. From GPU TurboX, LINKTurboX to OSTurboX, we put Honor's phones in the lead in performance experience. Now, Honor will apply the successful experience of the mobile phone to the PC, and the MagenoSfor Windows based on the underlying tuning of the notebook is about to meet with you! Let the idealism of science and technology shine into the PC and create your own new MagicOS ecosystem! The possibilities are endless, so stay tuned!

Judging from this news, Honor wants to apply some functions of the mobile phone to the PC side, so will Honor succeed in doing so? Obviously, from the time Zhao Ming sent this paragraph, it had been successful.

Today, Honor Smart Life announced that the first new Honor notebook equipped with MagicOSfor Windows and PC debut OSTurbo technology is coming, and the time is scheduled to be officially released at 14:30 on May 16.

Honor's new product launch is scheduled for May 16
Honor's new product launch is scheduled for May 16

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