
How many days does it take to do a third-generation IVF

Many infertile patients have successfully given birth to their own children through IVF, but there are still many infertility patients who are waiting and hesitating. They don't know what it's like to do IVF. Nowadays, IVF technology has developed into the third generation of IVF technology, and people are more and more willing to try the more perfect and mature. But many people don't know how many days it takes to do IVF.

How many days does it take to do a third-generation IVF

First of all, ivory infant surgery is also called IVF embryo transfer. The basic steps are to promote ovulation, take the eggs and sperm for in vitro fertilization, and then transfer to the mother for conception. Before surgery, it generally takes a certain amount of time to adjust the physical condition of both men and women, and a series of tests need to be done to determine whether it is suitable for IVF. After the test results are verified, the woman needs to perform about a week of ovulation induction, then check the egg retrieval, then extract sperm from the man, and then undergo in vitro fertilization to successfully cultivate the embryo.

How many days does it take to do a third-generation IVF

How long does IVF take?

It's not something you can do if you want to do IVF. You will need a detailed preoperative examination. If you want to do IVF, you must have a marriage certificate, a husband and wife ID card, a birth certificate semen test, and the woman needs to complete some basic examinations, such as gynecological examination, scraper diagnosis, fallopian tube osmosis test, anti-sperm antibodies, etc.

How many days does it take to do a third-generation IVF

To maximize success, IVF needs to be fully prepared for 1-2 months before an IVF transplant, during which time you frequently visit the hospital. But there is no need to take a long vacation. From the beginning of ovulation induction, it is necessary to go to the hospital every once in a while to do BC monitoring of follicles. After egg retrieval, rest is mainly used.

Preoperative physical examination, induction of ovulation, sperm retrieval, IVF after in vitro fertilization take about 28-30 days. Usually, there is an occasional delay.

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