
No matter how old your child is, these 4 sentences can stabilize their emotions, so please say them often

No matter how old your child is, these 4 sentences can stabilize their emotions, so please say them often

Ting Ma Alan

2024-05-15 16:36Posted in Guangdong Parenting Creators

Hello everyone, I'm Ting's mother

The child next door, for some reason, cried in "Wow Wow". Half an hour ago, I was happily playing the game, but in the blink of an eye, it was heaven.

No matter how old your child is, these 4 sentences can stabilize their emotions, so please say them often

The child's mood changes like the weather in summer, sometimes sunny, sometimes rainy, this is true.

As parents, we are often faced with the dilemma of how to communicate with our children, especially how to stabilize their emotions.

Emotionally stable children are generally more confident, optimistic, and better able to face life's challenges.

However, in real life, many parents often ignore this point, thinking that as long as their children are materially satisfied, they can grow up happily. In fact, this notion is wrong.

As parents, we should pay more attention to the emotional needs of our children and guide and stabilize their emotions through words.

Do you know? There are 4 simple words, like magic spells, that can help children find peace in the midst of various mood swings.

1. "I love you, no matter how you are"

This phrase conveys unconditional love to the child.

No matter how old your child is, these 4 sentences can stabilize their emotions, so please say them often

When children know that their parents will love them no matter what they do, they will feel safe and accepted.

This will help them build a sense of self-worth and be better able to cope with external challenges.

For example, when a child does something wrong or has a hard time, we can tell them, "I know you did something wrong, but it was just one mistake and it didn't affect my love for you." ”

2. "You can do it"

It's a positive encouragement that boosts your child's confidence and motivation.

When children face challenges or difficulties, we should encourage them to believe in their own abilities instead of hitting their self-confidence.

For example, when a child is having difficulty learning, we can say, "I know you can learn this, as long as you don't give up." ”

3. "It's normal for you to feel"

This sentence can help children recognize and accept their emotions.

No matter how old your child is, these 4 sentences can stabilize their emotions, so please say them often

When a child has a negative emotion, we should not try to eliminate it immediately, but let them know that all emotions are normal, including sadness, anger, disappointment, etc.

This can help your child develop a healthy emotional coping mechanism.

For example, when a child feels sad or angry, we can say, "I know you're sad/angry right now, that's normal. ”

4. "Would you like to share it with me?" ”

This phrase provides a safe environment for children to express their feelings and thoughts.

When children are willing to share their inner world with us, we can better understand their needs and problems so that appropriate help and support can be provided.

No matter how old your child is, these 4 sentences can stabilize their emotions, so please say them often

For example, when a child seems to have something on his mind, we can ask, "You seem a little unhappy, would you like to tell me what's going on?" ”


As parents, the impact of our words on our children is enormous.

The above 4 sentences can not only help children stabilize their emotions, but also help them build a sense of self-worth, self-confidence and a healthy emotional processing mechanism.

We should say these words to our children often so that they can feel our love and support.

At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the following points:

1. Be patient: Children's emotional changes are the norm, we need to maintain enough patience and understanding, and do not rush or forcibly interfere.

2. Listen to your child: When your child expresses her emotions, we need to listen carefully and not interrupt or take lightly your child's feelings.

3. Respect children: No matter what the child's emotions are, we need to respect the child's personality and wishes, and do not force the child to accept his or her own views or practices.

4. Lead by example: We ourselves also need to maintain emotional stability and teach our children how to face and deal with emotional problems.

No matter how old your child is, these 4 sentences can stabilize their emotions, so please say them often

Only when parents truly care about their children's feelings and needs can these 4 sentences truly work their magic.

Let's work together to be a strong backing for our children's emotional stability!

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I am @婷momalan, a nationally certified nursery teacher, family education lecturer, committed to sharing parenting experience in small stories, welcome to follow me, and accompany children to grow up together.

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  • No matter how old your child is, these 4 sentences can stabilize their emotions, so please say them often
  • No matter how old your child is, these 4 sentences can stabilize their emotions, so please say them often
  • No matter how old your child is, these 4 sentences can stabilize their emotions, so please say them often
  • No matter how old your child is, these 4 sentences can stabilize their emotions, so please say them often
  • No matter how old your child is, these 4 sentences can stabilize their emotions, so please say them often

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