
Why the "rice circle" has become Pandora's box, Guangming Daily: There are three parties behind the chaos

author:Shangguan News

Crazy data for idols to make lists, spend a lot of money to buy peripheral products to raise funds, in order to maintain the image of idols fans insult each other... The people in the circle were so intoxicated and full of morale, and the outsiders were stunned and puzzled, "How can they be so crazy?" With a number of traffic stars becoming "shooting stars", a "rice circle" industrial chain that is parallel to the lives of ordinary people but often interferes with everyone's audio-visual has surfaced, which has aroused great concern from all walks of life.

On August 26th, at the expert seminar on "Rice Circle Culture Governance" sponsored by the China Literary and Art Critics Association and the China Federation of Literary and Art Critics Center, experts and scholars from the fields of literature and art, aesthetics, economics, and sociology conducted rational analysis and discussion on the mechanism of "rice circle culture", the development chaos and effective governance from an interdisciplinary and multidimensional perspective.

See the "hand" behind the "rice circle"

In the era of big data, actors and stars are already two professions, and red is not necessarily related to works. The chaos of the "rice circle" has brought about an impact on the entire industrial form.

The "rice circle" is no longer a simple relationship between lovers and actors. Zhu Yannan, secretary of the Party Committee of the Development Research Center of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, said that behind the chaos of the "rice circle", there are three forces of star brokerage companies, platform institutions and capital.

For celebrities and performing arts institutions, the "rice circle" has a symbiotic relationship with them. Zhang Yiwu, a professor at the Department of Chinese at Peking University, said: "At present, the 'rice circle' has formed a 'powered' group and interest-oriented relationship, and fans can have an impact on what role the star plays. Once negative public opinion arises, fans will desperately defend it, create public relations incidents, and even break the law. At the same time, the profit side around the star has become more complicated, including many social relationships between the upstream and downstream of the 'rice circle' such as companies, 'fans', platforms, and capital. ”

Star chasing is not guilty, but normal star chasing alienation has changed its taste. "Originally, there were idols and then fans, but what we valued was the internal quality and external merit of idols, reflecting the mainstream value consensus of society." The idol under the chaos of the 'rice circle' is a 'human design' jointly constructed by capital, stars, fans and other subjects, and what is needed is 'produced', and even sometimes it is very simple - 'appearance is justice'", cao Gang, a professor at the School of Philosophy of Chinese Min University, analyzed, "The ethics of the 'rice circle' today is 'love beans' supreme, for members, it is only to ask loyalty without asking right and wrong."

"The existence of interests has led to the 'rice circle' becoming an economic phenomenon, a product of the content economy, the digital economy and the market economy." Zhang Yaguang, deputy dean of the School of Economics of Peking University, analyzed it from the perspective of economics. He pointed out that "the endless 'rice circle' scandals have also brought a huge impact on the order of social spiritual civilization, and at the same time, 'bad money expelling good money' has made good literary and artistic works lose attention." Allowing the 'rice circle economy' to grow blindly, disorderly, chaotically, or even vulgarly and barbarically is a huge waste of social resources. ”

Rescue teenagers who are wrapped up in the "rice circle"

On a "rice circle" data station recruitment announcement, whether it is a copywriting team, an art group, a management group or a control evaluation group, it is clearly required that the online time be stable, and some "types of work" are also marked with conditions such as "online priority during the day". This makes the "rice circle" taste different. Although there are some "mother powders" and "sister powders" in the "rice circle", there is no doubt that the most concerned and worried people in society are a large number of teenagers who are wrapped up in the "rice circle".

"Under the 'kryptonite' atmosphere created by the traffic star team and the 'pink head', there have been a variety of fundraising assistance, irrational impulse hits, auction ticket purchases, unlimited repeated purchases of virtual goods, etc., attracting teenagers to invest a lot of time and money." Some online platforms also induce fans to borrow money and chase stars, which is also a financial credit risk. Lin Pin, a lecturer at the College of Literature of Capital Normal University, said.

"'Rice circle culture' shows the characteristics of young age, community, organization, extremism, and exclusivity." Combined with the investigation, Zhang Hongsheng, executive dean of the School of Cultural Industry Management of the Communication University of China, proposed, "We should be particularly vigilant against the adverse impact of 'rice circle culture' on young people's values, learning and social interaction, which not only misleads young people into improper consumption, but may even lead to online violence, online fraud and juvenile delinquency.

The chaos of the "rice circle" is still changing the pattern of youth idolatry. Deng Xiquan, director of the Youth Research Institute of the China Youth Research Center, introduced that one of the most obvious characteristics of the "rice circle" is organization, which will form group mobilization and group pressure. "The pressure and constraints of the 'rice circle' control over teenagers, and idolatry has changed into an organized and long-term behavior, from spiritual input to spiritual input and supplemented by economic investment to a huge investment in both spiritual and economic aspects, which has a serious impact on the healthy growth of adolescents." Deng Xiquan said.

Why are so many children prone to falling into the "rice circle"? Peng Feng, director of the China Literary and Art Critics Association and dean of the School of Arts at Peking University, believes that this reflects the lack of aesthetic education. "The traffic stars concocted by 'rice circle culture' are like one-size-fits-all products on the production line, which is a fast-food 'artificial beauty', which does not require aesthetic sensitivity and is easy to consume." If teenagers can get a good aesthetic education from an early age, have their own aesthetic standards and sensitivities, it is not easy to be captured by such 'artificial beauty'. Peng Feng said.

Coordinate the management of the "rice circle" chaos

The key to controlling the chaos of the "rice circle" is to understand the mechanism behind it, to accurate the pulse, dig up the lesions, prescribe medicines, and grasp the core problems. On August 24, at the symposium on the construction of professional ethics and work style of literary and art workers in the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the "Self-cultivation and UprightNess and Soul Creation - Proposal to the Vast Number of Literary and Art Workers" was released; on August 27, the Central Internet Information Office issued the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Governance of the Chaos in the "Rice Circle"", which targeted 10 measures such as canceling the list of star artists, optimizing and adjusting the ranking rules, and strictly managing star brokerage companies. At present, the star list and CP list on some online platforms have disappeared from everyone's vision.

The root cause of the chaos of the "rice circle" can be traced back to the pursuit of capital profits, the lack of supervision, the failure of the platform and other aspects, so its governance requires all parties to work together to form a long-term coordination mechanism. Zhang Haijun, director of the China Literary and Art Critics Association and president of the Beijing Performance Industry Association, suggested that it is necessary to strengthen the coordination work mechanism and overall linkage mechanism of the whole industry such as culture, radio and television, and news, strengthen the supervision of artist institutions, social platforms and content platforms, strict industry standards, and give play to the intermediate management role of industry organizations.

Zhu Yannan particularly stressed that in the process of controlling the chaos of the "rice circle", it is necessary to clarify several objects: "The objects of our governance are star brokerage companies, literary and artistic entertainment platform institutions and capital; entertainers are the objects of our management, and those who touch the red line of the law must be held accountable according to law; fans, especially young people, are the objects of our guidance and education." At the same time, we must also continue to meet the diversified, multi-level, and multi-faceted spiritual and cultural needs of the people, and enrich the literary and artistic front with more positive and healthy programs. ”

Literary and art criticism undertakes the responsibility and mission of value guidance, spiritual guidance and aesthetic enlightenment. Xu Yuechun, vice chairman and secretary general of the China Literary and Art Critics Association, proposed that in view of the strange disease of the "rice circle," literary and art critics should "stir up confusion and promote purity, praise and debase the inferior," dare to show their attitude toward undesirable phenomena, and use their own profession and expertise to constructively carry out criticism and give full play to the role of intellectual support.

Column Editor-in-Chief: Zhang Wu Text Editor: Yang Rong Title Image Source: Visual China Image Editor: Yong Kai

Source: Author: Guangming Daily

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