
Dozens of cross-sea exchanges Gong Shumian, a hundred-year-old "Quanzhou girl", passed away

A few days ago, the famous Taiwanese writer Gong Shumian passed away peacefully in his Taipei apartment at the age of 100.

Gong Shumian is a famous writer and painter, author of "Fangcao Mountain Villa" and other books, once served as the vice chairman of the Taiwan Poetry and Calligraphy Association, and the honorary president of the World Chinese Poetry Society. However, the title he is most proud of is "Quanzhou Girl". Over the past 30 years, Gong Shumian has crossed the Taiwan Strait dozens of times to return to Quanzhou to promote cross-strait cultural exchanges. Especially after the death of his lover Gao Yihong, Gong Shunian's longing for his hometown became more and more serious, and he frequently returned to Quanquan to live for a period of time to comfort his homesickness.

Dozens of cross-sea exchanges Gong Shumian, a hundred-year-old "Quanzhou girl", passed away

Gong Shumian (Photo by Zheng Qidong)

Dozens of cross-sea exchanges Gong Shumian, a hundred-year-old "Quanzhou girl", passed away

Gong Shumian (second from left) touring Luoyang Bridge in Quanzhou (Photo by Zheng Qidong)

The cultural circles of Quanzhou City mourn bitterly

After the news of Gong Shumian's death came, people in Quanzhou's cultural circles expressed their condolences and condolences in various forms. Yesterday, Chen Zhize, a member of the China Writers Association and former chairman of the Quanzhou Writers Association, shared articles twice in the WeChat circle of friends and mourned Gong Shumian.

In the early 1990s, Chen Zhize and Gong Shumian met in the Tianhou Temple in Quanzhou and became friends for a long time. For more than 20 years, they have walked hand in hand through Qingyuan Mountain, Luoyang Bridge, Chongwu Ancient City and other scenic spots, talked about literary creation together, and co-edited the "Quanzhou Prose New Works". "Gong Shumian is versatile, her prose and poetry have had a wide impact on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, Chinese painting and music have reached a fairly high standard, and she is also very concerned about the development of the literary cause in her hometown of Quanzhou." Chen Zhize said.

"Gong Shunian is my aunt, she participated in the quanzhou University for the Elderly Art Troupe's national art activities for the elderly many years ago, with the theme of the elderly on both sides of the strait as a family, which has attracted much attention and received high praise." Yesterday, Gong Wanquan, president of the Quanzhou West Lake Cultural Promotion Association and vice president of Quanzhou University for the Aged, was shocked to hear the bad news, and for the first time, a friend in Taiwan went to Gong Shumian's home to mourn. He said that Gong Shumian was very concerned about Gong's relatives before her death, and most of the books she published were stored in her former residence.

Wu Qicui, the founder of the "World Cultural Celebrity Village" and vice president of the Chinese Overseas Chinese Photography Society, was deeply saddened when he learned the bad news, and immediately called With Gong Shunian's son Gao Guohua to express his condolences. Wu Qicui said that Gong Shumian is very concerned about the development of education in his hometown, and frequently returns to Quanquan to communicate with students and give special lectures.

Messenger of cross-strait cultural exchanges

Gong Shumian's former residence is located in Tongzheng Lane in the downtown area. The Gong family is a Hanlin family, and her deep family roots, coupled with her hard work and intelligence, have made her a famous "Fujian-Taiwan talented woman" on both sides of the Strait. The strong nostalgia that is difficult to dilute has always been Gong Shumian's guest residence in Taiwan for more than half a century, and the notes that have jumped between the lines of poetry have been shaped by pen and ink.

In the 1940s, 18-year-old Gong Shumian crossed the sea to Taiwan to devote himself to the cause of Chinese education in Baodao. It was not until 1991 that Gong Shumian finally set foot on his homeland again. For half a century, after returning, everything was human, and both parents had passed away. Since then, she has returned to the spring almost every year, frequently appeared in cultural activities on the mainland of the motherland, and became a messenger of cross-strait cultural exchanges.

"Nostalgia, like a pot of aged old wine, is more and more perfumed with age, making it difficult to let go, and the grass and trees of the hometown always touch their hearts." Gong Shumian's longing for his hometown and his love for the motherland are his inexhaustible source of literary creation. This nostalgia is overflowing with her works such as "Fangcao Mountain Villa" collected and published in Taiwan and "Ten Thousand Strands of Nostalgia" published in Quanzhou, and overflows with her frequent travels between the two sides of the strait.

Thousands of books, paintings and calligraphy were given to my hometown

Gong Shumian not only frequently returned to the spring, but also brought his beloved books, calligraphy and photography back to his hometown. The largest of these was in the spring of 2019, when she brought a large collection back to Quanzhou and donated it to the "World Cultural Celebrity Village" located in Quanzhou Huaguang Vocational College.

It is reported that Gong Shumian is the second famous cultural artist of Spring Nationality who has settled in the "World Cultural Celebrity Village" after Yu Guangzhong, and its special exhibition hall is named "Gao Yihong Gong Shumian Poetry Calligraphy and Painting House". The three words "Gao Yihong" were added by Gong Shumian before his death, and the story of the "one-word marriage" between the two of them has become a good story on both sides of the strait. Gong Shunian has a deep affection for Gao Yihong, and has repeatedly emphasized in many exchanges that she can have her current artistic achievements, thanks to the encouragement and support of her husband. Many of the calligraphy and painting works donated by Gong Shumian were created by Gao Yihong before his death.

"The ancient paintings of the Qishu are priceless, and the clever pen and poetry have gods." Wu Qicui said that this calligraphy work was written by Gao Yihong in accordance with Gong Shumian's instructions, which embodies a strong sense of love, and is now hanging in a prominent position in the "Gao Yihong Gong Shumian Poetry Calligraphy and Painting House". In addition to their calligraphy and painting works, the exhibition hall also includes essays and poetry collections such as Gong Shumian's "Ten Thousand Strands of Nostalgia" and some old photographs.

Three years ago, Gong Shumian crossed the sea to bring back a batch of calligraphy and painting works to give to her hometown, she said in an interview with reporters: "I followed the sound of thorny flowers to return to Quanzhou, back to the hometown of my dreams. "Now, her hundred years have been complete, and her soul has returned to her hometown. (Quanzhou Evening News reporter Chen Zhiyong)

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