
Sadly, Chinese donated 183 national treasures to the United States free of charge, which was highly praised by the United States

After the Opium War, the Western powers openly set foot on China's territory, burned and plundered, and did all kinds of evil, not only Chinese people's lives were in dire straits, but China's cultural relics of past dynasties were also fatally damaged. When the great powers came to China, they wanted to rob everything they saw, and if they couldn't grab it, they destroyed it, and the burning of the Yuanmingyuan was ironclad evidence of the evil done by the great powers. Because of this history, countless Chinese cultural flows have landed overseas, and after the founding of New China, under the call of the state, patriots from all walks of life, cultural relics enthusiasts, etc. have made every effort to buy back cultural relics at astronomical prices and donate them to the state free of charge.

Sadly, Chinese donated 183 national treasures to the United States free of charge, which was highly praised by the United States

In fact, not only do we Chinese sons and daughters long for our national treasures to go home, but also the national treasures who have wandered overseas also want to go home very much. The story of the past and present life of "National Treasure" in the first season of "National Treasure" is tearful, the instrument body and the instrument cover are forced to separate in the chaotic world, and finally under the efforts of all walks of life, they can be united, and the actor of the instrument cover is in the moment of unity, how many viewers have followed them to tears.

Sadly, Chinese donated 183 national treasures to the United States free of charge, which was highly praised by the United States

Cultural relics are spirited, have feelings, and cultural relics that have been exiled overseas are actually shouting every day: "The world is so big, it has been circulated several times in major auctions, and it has been to many countries, why?" Why can't I go home yet? The world is so big, I don't want to go anywhere, I just want to go home, home is the place that my soul longs for the most, my home is in China. ”

Sadly, Chinese donated 183 national treasures to the United States free of charge, which was highly praised by the United States

However, some people, despite the shouts of cultural relics, actually donated Chinese cultural relics to the United States free of charge, and this person was Weng Wange, a Chinese-American. The name Weng Wange may not be familiar to everyone, but when it comes to his grandfather, I believe that many people will know that his grandfather is Weng Tonggong, and when it comes to Weng Tonggong, I believe that there are still people who do not understand, but when it comes to Weng Tonggong's students, I believe that no one does not know, Weng Tonggong is the teacher of Puyi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

Sadly, Chinese donated 183 national treasures to the United States free of charge, which was highly praised by the United States

Weng Tonggong was a lover of cultural relics, he collected a lot of cultural relics, after the fall of the Qing Dynasty, his descendants fled the country with many cultural relics. Weng Wange donated the "Ten Thousand Miles of the Yangtze River" to the United States free of charge, causing an uproar in the Chinese collection circle, and patriotic collectors were heartbroken, but helpless. This "Yangtze River Wanli Flower Scroll Map" is 16 meters long, which is a very rare national treasure-level cultural relic, and Weng Wange's donation can be said to be one of the biggest tragedies of the loss of national treasures in the mainland.

Sadly, Chinese donated 183 national treasures to the United States free of charge, which was highly praised by the United States

In 2000, Weng Wange had the idea of sending some cultural relics back to the motherland, and the relevant personnel of the Chinese cultural relics department, who were not far away, traveled across the ocean to negotiate with him, but Weng Wange did not appreciate it, but transferred the rare ancient books of the Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, a total of 540 volumes, at a price of 4.5 million US dollars, through the auction of China Guardian International Auction Co., Ltd., to the Shanghai Museum.

Sadly, Chinese donated 183 national treasures to the United States free of charge, which was highly praised by the United States

Even more infuriating is that in December 2018, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts publicly announced that it had accepted a total of 183 donations of Chinese paintings and calligraphy from collector Weng Wange, and the Boston Museum of Fine Arts also said that this donation of Chinese paintings and calligraphy was the largest and the most extraordinary, spanning five dynasties and thirteen centuries, with 4 weaving shows, 18 rubbings, 31 calligraphy, and 130 paintings. In addition, Onwango has donated 21 pieces of Chinese art to the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston over the past decade.

Sadly, Chinese donated 183 national treasures to the United States free of charge, which was highly praised by the United States

Because of Weng Wange's donation, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts has become a world-renowned collection of ancient Chinese paintings and cultural relics, attracting a large number of tourists to visit every year, and the US government also highly praises him. However, his approach has really infuriated the people of the country, and the relevant departments of the state have now attached great importance to his practice.

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