
I am not the enemy! The United States imposed sanctions on 4 Ukrainian officials, and Ukraine's fate was already doomed

author:Elephant talk

Sending lethal weapons and special forces, although under the impetus of the United States, many Western countries have given "concern" to the security of Ukraine, in fact, the main purpose of Western countries is to highlight the threat of the Russian military, and they will not hesitate to build Ukraine into a solid tool. And yet another U.S. action against Ukrainian officials has once again demonstrated its determination to turn Ukraine entirely into an instrument.

I am not the enemy! The United States imposed sanctions on 4 Ukrainian officials, and Ukraine's fate was already doomed

The Global Network reported on the 21st that 4 Ukrainian officials have become the target of the United States, on the grounds that these officials have "some kind of connection" with Russian official agencies, helping Russian intelligence agencies spread "false information" in Ukraine, so that the Russian army has a reason to attack Ukraine, and it can even be said that these officials are a "fatal threat" to Ukraine's security.

The United States said that these officials used their influence to cooperate with Russian agents in Ukraine to carry out some unauthorized activities, while trying to create some "conflicts" at the border between the two countries, so that the Russian military launched a "war of aggression" against Ukraine in the name of dealing with the border crisis. In other words, while the United States has taken sanctions, it has also put on the guise of "protecting Ukraine".

I am not the enemy! The United States imposed sanctions on 4 Ukrainian officials, and Ukraine's fate was already doomed

In fact, whether these officials have contact with Russia or not is a matter of one sentence from the US government. The U.S. government approached them because they made statements that contradicted the United States. Unlike the United States, which advocates responding to the Russian military crisis, these officials prefer that the Ukrainian government be able to engage in dialogue with Russia, rather than intensifying contradictions and even creating military confrontation.

Such a statement directly makes americans unhappy. Because the efforts of the United States in recent times have always been on the "hard-line confrontation" route. Whether it is a joint Ukraine to propose the Russian military to display the border and "invade at any time", or to unite European countries to threaten Russia, it is a manifestation of the United States's desire to squeeze the living space of russians, and the United States wants to obtain greater benefits in this political game or even military game through a strong posture, and does not hesitate to stimulate military confrontation.

I am not the enemy! The United States imposed sanctions on 4 Ukrainian officials, and Ukraine's fate was already doomed

In such an environment, the United States will not let other different voices come out under any circumstances, and those who put forward Russian-Ukrainian dialogue and ease relations between the two countries are all disguised challenges in the eyes of the United States, which will directly affect the interests of the United States in Europe. Understanding this, it is not difficult to understand that the United States has sanctioned several Ukrainian officials, in fact, this is an attitude, so that Ukrainians understand that what the United States says is enough, and Ukraine can only follow in the footsteps of the United States step by step.

In fact, it is not only a few Ukrainian officials who have such views, but also countries in NATO member countries that hold this attitude and even take action. The Turkish president recently announced that he had invited the presidents of Russia and Ukraine to hold "friendly consultations" on the current crisis and confrontation, to ease the tension in regional relations as much as possible, and to act as a "peacemaker" between the two countries.

I am not the enemy! The United States imposed sanctions on 4 Ukrainian officials, and Ukraine's fate was already doomed

For Turkey, as long as the presidents of the two countries can be invited to have a "symbolic" dialogue, then Turkey's purpose will be achieved, and it can gain certain benefits from the chaos caused by the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Whether it is some commitment from the United States or some commitment from Russia, it is a hard-won victory for Turkey, a country that has been excluded by the United States.

Although the United States cannot take drastic action against Turkey because of its NATO membership and unique geographical location, this does not prevent the United States from distasteing the Turks. You should know that before, because Turkey purchased Russian military weapons, the United States imposed sanctions on Turkey. If Turkey once again offends the United States in this Russian-Ukrainian issue, the United States may take more stringent action.

I am not the enemy! The United States imposed sanctions on 4 Ukrainian officials, and Ukraine's fate was already doomed

The United States has made up its mind to use Ukraine as its "tool" and will not allow any country or organization to sabotage their actions. Any attempt to compete with the United States for interests will be attacked by the United States, and Ukraine will have difficulty escaping the fate of becoming a "tool".

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