
Another new trick, accusing of not caring about the climate, the US media tried to kidnap the Chinese military with carbon emissions

author:World Military Express

Sometimes we have to admire the American media's talent for making things bad, it's just "brain holes." The US website Defense One recently published such a brain-hole article in an attempt to kidnap the Chinese military with carbon emissions. Let's enjoy this brain-hole article that contains evil intentions.

Another new trick, accusing of not caring about the climate, the US media tried to kidnap the Chinese military with carbon emissions

Defense One began with the phrase "as climate change forces world militaries to adapt to new security conditions and think about their carbon footprint, the Chinese People's Liberation Army remains largely silent." Not only is the pot forcibly held on the head of the Chinese military, China has pledged to reduce the country's carbon emissions starting in 2030 and achieving full carbon neutrality by 2060. But senior PLA leaders, scholars, and strategists have little practical discussion of it. While climate change is part of the Chinese military's non-traditional concept of security threats, addressing its (climate change) impacts does not appear to be part of its (Chinese military)'s security strategy."

Another new trick, accusing of not caring about the climate, the US media tried to kidnap the Chinese military with carbon emissions

"The PLA's silence is not because China is somehow insulated from climate change," Defense One cites a Blue Book released by the China Meteorological Administration's Climate Change Center in August 2021, "China's annual surface average temperature rose by 0.26 degrees every 10 years from 1951 to 2020, almost twice the global average (0.15 degrees), and 2020 was China's hottest year since 1900." In addition, China's average annual rainfall has continued to increase over the past 80 years, but the number of rainy days per year has decreased, which means a significant increase in 'extreme precipitation events'."

Another new trick, accusing of not caring about the climate, the US media tried to kidnap the Chinese military with carbon emissions

"A lot of the current rainfall in China tends to be devastating rather than beneficial. While some areas are raining devastatingly, rainfall is decreasing in other parts of China, exacerbating economic and social pressures and tensions. Hydroelectric reservoirs are drying up, reducing the amount of electricity available to cope with the hot summer months. During a heatwave last May, Guangdong ordered factories to close to avoid a grid collapse. As sources of freshwater dwindle — the Yellow River has reportedly dwindled by 90 percent since 1940 — substandard water sources could be used for households. It is estimated that up to 80% of China's groundwater is contaminated with toxic substances. In addition, Defense One argues that China's coastal areas are being affected by rising sea levels, and coastal economic cities will be severely affected. Rising sea levels by 2050 will displace at least 30 million people in China." Seeing this, do you think that the US media is sincerely concerned about China's climate issue? If you think so, you're dead wrong.

Defense One then took a sharp turn and began to try to force the Chinese military into an irresponsible image of ignoring "climate issues," saying that "while the PLA does seem to think that energy security is important, it still lacks a comprehensive consideration of climate threats in comparison." The PLA set up a climate expert committee 13 years ago, but it doesn't seem to be active. Chinese the People's Liberation Army's 2019 Defense White Paper does not mention climate change. Nor does the PLA seem to take seriously the growing threat of environmental catastrophe as part of a training or strategic outlook. There have been no exercises or war drills that have openly discussed the impact of climate change on China's security environment. Construction of island facilities in the South China Sea doesn't seem to have slowed down either, though many people will find themselves underwater when the ice sheet melts."

After belittling the Chinese army, "Defense No. 1" began to praise the Western army with "the queen's wife selling melons". First, the Australian military began to solve this problem (climate change) in a 2009 white paper more than a decade ago. This was followed by a blaming of the U.S., saying that "climate-related events have been part of U.S. military exercises since 2016." The U.S. Department of Defense's Climate Adaptation Plan 2021 calls for installation resilience and climate-informed decision-making, while the upcoming National Defense Strategy is expected to include climate risk assessments." It is also not known whether U.S. Defense Secretary Austin will cover his face, because Austin explained the reason for the plan last January, because "climate change has directly affected 79 Defense Department facilities in each geographic command, and floods, droughts, wildfires and extreme weather events have affected military facilities in the country." In short, it's not defense one at all about the American people.

Another new trick, accusing of not caring about the climate, the US media tried to kidnap the Chinese military with carbon emissions

In fact, while criticizing China on the issue of carbon emissions, some US media represented by "Defense One" have completely ignored the fact that the United States has the world's largest navy, the largest air force and the world's largest military bases, and the US military has more carbon emissions than 140 countries combined, and also refuses to reduce carbon emissions. The U.S. military is the black swan in the field of carbon emissions. In 2017 alone, the U.S. military bought $8.683 billion worth of fuel, an average of about 269,230 barrels of oil per day, which will emit more than 25,000 tons of carbon dioxide when used, the data shows. If the U.S. military is regarded as a country, its fuel consumption is enough to become the world's 47th largest emitter of greenhouse gases, even more than Sweden, Portugal and other developed industrialized countries. Netta Crawford, a political scientist at Boston University, has estimated carbon dioxide emissions from U.S. troops in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria between 2001 and 2017. The results show that the U.S. military has emitted more than 400 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere during these three wars. And that's only the data for 2017, which hasn't been released in recent years, but only more.

Another new trick, accusing of not caring about the climate, the US media tried to kidnap the Chinese military with carbon emissions

Without mentioning these, "Defense No. 1" naturally does not mention another fact, that is, the Chinese army's rescue and disaster relief are all accompanied by various engineering rescue equipment, and in the rescue and disaster relief, the local people will take the initiative to send food for them, and when the rescue convoy leaves, the people will spontaneously brave the rain to send farewell.

Another new trick, accusing of not caring about the climate, the US media tried to kidnap the Chinese military with carbon emissions

However, the US army (including the police) in the domestic rescue and disaster relief is like entering the war zone, there is no engineering rescue equipment, but it is fully armed, loaded with guns, and driven in armored vehicles. They were safe, but the victims were unlucky.

Another new trick, accusing of not caring about the climate, the US media tried to kidnap the Chinese military with carbon emissions

All along, the US strategy of suppressing China has three main "cards." The first is to isolate China in terms of values, the second is to encircle China strategically, and the third is to alienate China economically. Now the United States has joined a so-called "environmental protection card", trying to extend the China threat theory to the field of environmental protection with the general meaning of environmental protection and using the advantage of the international discourse power in its hands. It can not only give China a hat and trouble, but also hide the fact that the US military is wantonly exceeding carbon emissions on a global scale. It can be described as an extremely vicious and destructive move, for which we must resolutely oppose the US hat and take the initiative to attack and expose the lies of the United States to the whole world.

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