
Psychology: Why is it that if the other person is not good-looking, you still "love at first sight"?

author:Xiao Bian loves to learn

Since ancient times, love at first sight has been the love that many people yearn for, after all, not everyone can have corresponding feelings when they first see each other. In many works of literature and art, the scene of love at first sight is depicted in great detail, and from these descriptions, the world can understand the beauty of love at first sight.

Through the actual example of love at first sight, it can be found that many people's appearance is not very outstanding, but they can become the object of love at first sight. In the process of psychological research, I asked "Why don't the other party look good, you still fall in love at first sight?" This issue is discussed accordingly.

Psychology: Why is it that if the other person is not good-looking, you still "love at first sight"?

In many literary, film and television works, we are described as scenes of love at first sight, whether it is acquaintance or heartbeat at first sight, love at first sight will always ripple in people's hearts. In the process of modern social development, with the gradual improvement of human cognitive level, relevant experts began to discuss the changes in the psychological state at first sight, hoping to find the root cause of love at first sight.

After understanding the feelings of many people who love at first sight, they will find that when they encounter the object of love at first sight, there will be a special current flashing throughout the body, and the emotions and expressions are even more uncontrollable. Although in the eyes of many people, the so-called object of love at first sight does not meet the standards of worldly judgment of beauty or handsomeness, but the appearance of these people can bring themselves a different feeling.

Psychology: Why is it that if the other person is not good-looking, you still "love at first sight"?

According to relevant psychologists, in the process of experiencing love at first sight, the brain will secrete a large amount of dopamine and hormones, based on the joint influence of these two substances, impulsive feelings appear in the heart. Such impulsive emotions represent the desire of the heart to intersect with the other party. If you can seize the opportunity of love at first sight, it is very likely to form a good relationship, if you cannot seize such an opportunity, you will have the illusion of lost love.

As for why love at first sight occurs, psychologists believe that there are the following reasons.

Psychology: Why is it that if the other person is not good-looking, you still "love at first sight"?

The first reason for love at first sight is "seeing the color"

Some people think that their visual feelings are greater than their inner feelings, and in their hearts, they generally have a different kind of good feeling for good-looking people. For this part of the people, their love at first sight is not an inner throbbing, but a yearning for outstanding appearance. Compared with other people's love at first sight, their love at first sight is more extensive, and whether there are real emotions hidden behind this love at first sight is not yet known.

Psychology: Why is it that if the other person is not good-looking, you still "love at first sight"?

The second reason for love at first sight is a good "first impression"

In daily life, ordinary people rarely appear around some of the more outstanding opposite sex, once there is a person of the opposite sex who can attract attention for the first time, the inner view of this person will change accordingly. From a psychological point of view, it is believed that this situation is the halo effect, and the so-called halo effect is that a certain flash point on the other party is too dazzling, which covers up all the shortcomings of the person.

Based on the existence of this flashpoint, after falling in love at first sight, it will have an inextricable emotion. This effect is common in blind dates, and if you can leave a good first impression on the blind date, the relationship between the two may be further developed.

Psychology: Why is it that if the other person is not good-looking, you still "love at first sight"?

The third reason for love at first sight is to be able to see the familiar shadow of oneself in the other person

When many people observe their partners, they will find that there is a certain similarity between intimate partners, which can be judged that when each person chooses a partner for themselves, they tend to choose those who are more similar to themselves. For people who are more similar to themselves, they will generally have a corresponding good feeling for them, and then judge this good feeling as love at first sight.

On whether the feeling of love at first sight is reliable, relevant psychologists have done experiments on it. In this experiment, psychologists took 100 single men and women and arranged for them to date ten people of the opposite sex every day to observe whether those feelings of love at first sight could achieve long-term development.

Psychology: Why is it that if the other person is not good-looking, you still "love at first sight"?

In the survey results, experts found that most people can make corresponding judgments about the opposite sex within 30 seconds, and many people who have a love object at first sight can start further dating with them, but it is difficult to maintain the relationship for a long time.

It can be judged from this that most of the feelings generated by love at first sight will not have long-term development, and under the influence of love at first sight, there will be ripples and fluctuations in the heart, and the only thing that can determine whether a relationship can be maintained is a long time together. If in the process of getting along, the two can tolerate each other, it means that the relationship can harvest a happy ending.

Psychology: Why is it that if the other person is not good-looking, you still "love at first sight"?


After analyzing the above content, we will find that the so-called love at first sight is closely related to the special thoughts in the mind, and behind the love at first sight, it reflects our special emotional sustenance for the heartthrob. Although love at first sight generally has a good impression in people's hearts, it is also necessary to be cautious when facing the feelings of love at first sight, so as to avoid being overwhelmed by love at first sight and then mistakenly entering into a tragic emotional relationship.

Whether it is love at first sight or a long-term relationship, you need to be responsible for the decisions you make, after all, every relationship is worth remembering. If you treat feelings with a casual attitude, you will pay a corresponding price for wrong behavior, and then you will not be able to harvest true happiness.

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