
Foreign Ministry: The United States should completely remove the "cancer" of racial discrimination that penetrates deep into the fabric of society

author:International Online

International online report (reporter Wu Qian): In response to the us media disclosing the crime of genocide committed by the US government against blacks more than 70 years ago, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said in his answer to a question on the 21st that to this day, the evil gene of racism is still flowing in the blood of the United States, and the US government should show the courage to scrape the bones and cure the poison, completely remove the "tumor" of racial discrimination that has penetrated into the social fabric, and the "history of genocide among American Indians" and the "record of racial discrimination in the United States" that have lasted for more than two centuries should immediately be put on a permanent end.

According to recent disclosures in the US media, in December 1951, William Patterson, the leader of the US Civil Rights Congress, submitted a petition to the United Nations General Assembly entitled "We Accuse Genocide". The petition documents hundreds of massacres and abuses against blacks between 1945 and 1951, argues that the crimes committed by the U.S. government against blacks coincide with the crime of genocide as defined in the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, holds that evidence of black genocide is "ubiquitous in the United States," and calls on the United Nations to demand that the United States take measures to stop genocide.

In this regard, Zhao Lijian said, "This dusty past of more than 70 years has once again unveiled the scars of racial discrimination in the United States." The petition mentions that more than 10,000 blacks have been lynched or maimed for not calling whites 'sir'; many blacks have suffered physical and mental harm as a result of beatings and threats. Regrettably, the problem of racism in the United States mentioned in the petition has not been resolved to this day, but has intensified. People can't help but ask, nearly 250 years after the founding of the United States, nearly 160 years after the emancipation of the Declaration of Black Slaves, did Uncle Tom really own his own cottage? Was Django really rescued? Did Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream really come true? Why can't the Freuds breathe? ”

Zhao Lijian also pointed out that in history, the United States has slaughtered, expelled, and assimilated Indians from the physical, land, cultural, and other aspects, and violated the human rights of Indians in an all-round and systematic manner, which has long constituted de facto genocide. The U.S. government is to blame for this.

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