
Schopenhauer: Cherish the friends who can get along day and night

author:Harato Academy
Schopenhauer: Cherish the friends who can get along day and night
Schopenhauer: Cherish the friends who can get along day and night
Schopenhauer: Cherish the friends who can get along day and night

A young man may also be a young man, as long as he never wastes his time, but such a situation is rare. Generally speaking, youth is like the initial contemplation, far less wise than the later contemplation. In addition to youthfulness in age, there is also youthfulness in thought. But often the inventions of young people are more vibrant than those of older people, and the imagination flows through their minds more brilliantly because it is closer to the gods.

Those who were fiery by nature, ambitious, eager for success, and restless were not mature enough to accomplish great things until they reached their prime, as was the case with Caesar and Severus. The history books say of the latter, "He made countless mistakes in his youth, even a little crazy," yet he became almost the most capable emperor of all time. A calm personality may be beneficial to young people, such as Augustus, The Grand Duke of Florence, Cosimo, and Gaston, Duke of Lemore. On the contrary, for the elderly, it is more valuable to maintain enthusiasm and vitality.

Young people are better suited to create than to judge, more suited to execution than to make suggestions, more suited to trying new things than to a successful career. While older people can guide them in careers where they need experience, they can only hold them back in emerging careers.

Once young people make mistakes, their careers are ruined, while the mistakes of the elderly will only be to do too little and act too late.

When young people decide on their own actions, they are easy to rejoice in their achievements but are unable to complete them, rush to achieve their goals without considering the methods, methods and priorities, change at will and insist on going their own way, recklessly innovate but recklessly, and disregard the unknown drawbacks that may be caused. From the beginning, extreme means are used, even if they make mistakes even worse, without acknowledging and repenting, like untamed horses, not knowing when to stop and when to turn around. The elderly, on the other hand, oppose too much, worry too long, are too reluctant to take risks, regret too easily, rarely grit their teeth and persevere to the end, and are always satisfied as long as they barely succeed.

Obviously, it would be nice to combine the strengths of both. On the one hand, it can ensure that the present can be guaranteed, because people of two ages can complement each other; on the other hand, it can ensure the continuation of the career, the young people humbly seek advice, and the elderly take the helm. Finally, such arrangements are also good for diplomacy, with the elderly being authoritative and the young likable. Morally, however, it may be more important for young people to take the lead, just as the elderly should be the protagonists in politics.

The Bible says, "Your young people will see visions, and your old people will have dreams." A teacher once analyzed that this sentence implied that young people were closer to God than old people, because illusions were clearer revelations than dreams. Of course, the more experience a person has in the world, the more poisonous he will be in the world, and the benefits of age are more in the power of understanding than in the superiority of will and emotion.

Some people become famous at a young age, but as time passes, their talents dry up. The first is that he was witty early on, but soon after he turned back to the past, such as the rhetorician Seymour Genes, whose books were full of witty remarks, and then there were only stupid remarks. The second is that some talents are more elegant for young people but not for older people, such as smooth and flowery words that are wonderful for young people, but not for older people. Thus Cicero, in his criticism of Otencius, said: "His style is still the same as before, but it is no longer suitable for him." "The third is to tighten the string of pressure too early when you are young, and you can't continue it as you get older, you can only relax. Livy once said of Scipio the Great: "His last deeds pale in comparison to the great deeds of his youth. ”

Schopenhauer: Cherish the friends who can get along day and night

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Schopenhauer: Cherish the friends who can get along day and night

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