
The Vietnamese female teacher and her rich second-generation students have children out of wedlock, and now there are 2 children living happily


In the plot of the novel, we can often see the plot of the student's crush on the teacher. Especially at the age when the love sinus was first opened, it was even more heartwarming to face the knowledgeable and polite teacher.

There is a very famous celebrity couple in Vietnam. They have overcome the taboos of age, teacher-student love, and all kinds of prejudices, and have been together for many years.

Although they did not have a wedding, they worked together for many years to work together in their careers, and gave birth to a son and a daughter, and the family of 4 has been living happily ever after.

Over the years, they have supported each other and walked through countless gossip and slander. Gradually, the harsh sound faded away and was replaced by blessings.

Who says true love doesn't exist?

The Vietnamese female teacher and her rich second-generation students have children out of wedlock, and now there are 2 children living happily


The heroine, named Khánh Thi, was born in Hanoi in 1982 and grew up in an artistic family.

Her parents were artists in the Art Troupe of the General Political Department of Vietnam, so Qingshi was exposed to dance from an early age and embarked on the path of a professional dancer in international standard dance. She and her partner, Chí Anh, were once recognized as a pair of gods and immortals in the industry.

In the 11 years together, they once went to France to study together out of their own pockets, and after returning home, they won three national championships. On the stage of the East Asian Games, they made it to the top 4.

They also had sweet dates between them, but the personality discord made them eventually part ways. In 2000, they ended a more than a decade-long career as partners.

The Vietnamese female teacher and her rich second-generation students have children out of wedlock, and now there are 2 children living happily

After the breakup, Qingshi had to find another male partner as her partner. This is not an easy task.

The national standard dance, also known as sports dance, contains the social dances we are familiar with, such as Chacha, Latin, and Rumba, and the existence of partners is indispensable.

It can be said that the ornamentality of this dance comes from the warm and romantic joint interpretation of the two partners, which not only requires the resonance of artistic concepts, but also requires a tacit understanding cultivated for a long time.

In short, both sides must "call", so many national standard dance partners will also be a couple, and eventually a couple is also everywhere.

The Vietnamese female teacher and her rich second-generation students have children out of wedlock, and now there are 2 children living happily

Love is the best catalyst for the art of national standard dance, but this also brings no small drawbacks. For example, after a breakup, you need to find another partner. If the partner doesn't work well together, it will have a huge impact on their careers.

Finding such a partner is not an easy task. Just as Qingshi was in distress, Phan Hiển entered her field of vision.

Pan Xian was a student of Qingshi. His father was a famous vietnamese real estate tycoon. But born in such a family, Pan Xian has never shown a trace of ambition in business. He is introverted by nature, gentle in character, delicate in thought, not very good at dealing with people, but full of artistic talent.

The Vietnamese female teacher and her rich second-generation students have children out of wedlock, and now there are 2 children living happily

He loves dancing and wants to follow the path of a professional dancer. But the good times did not last long, and soon he encountered a bottleneck period.

Fortunately, his parents are also very clear-minded, and they do not interfere with their son's life.

They invited Qingshi to Pan Xian as his instructor. Pan Xian, who has a full talent in this area, quickly learned something, and Qingshi was also very surprised, so he invited him to step on the stage of the competition as his partner.

In 2009, Pan Xian and Qingshi participated in the special training of the competition. The training schedule is very dense, which makes Pan Xian, who is competing for the first time, feel very stressed. In order to soothe the nervous Pan Xian, Qingshi patiently encouraged him and enlightened him. Soon, Pan Xian found himself seemingly in love with his teacher.

During her time with her, she fell in love with people in the entertainment industry several times, but all of them ended without a problem. It was difficult for her to get out of Zhi'an's shadow, so Pan Xian comforted her by her side and listened to her share her thoughts.

The Vietnamese female teacher and her rich second-generation students have children out of wedlock, and now there are 2 children living happily

Qingshi realized Pan Xian's intentions, but she did not like Pan Xian at that time.

No one can stop the pace of love. Qingshi is bright and moving, and the smile is unbridled during the dance, and everyone who has seen her dance will be infected by her smile and feel her full charm.

Whenever she danced, Pan Xian seemed to be fascinated, just staring at her, her mind blank. In contrast, Pan Xian seems to be somewhat unassuming. Compared to the dashing and personable Zhi'an, he is somewhat dwarfed.

However, their joint cooperation was full of tacit understanding, and soon a new pair of immortal partners was born. With Pan Xian's cooperation, the two won many gold medals and trophies along the way.

The Vietnamese female teacher and her rich second-generation students have children out of wedlock, and now there are 2 children living happily

These include two-time Vietnam Open Dance Championships winner and an East Asian Club gold medal. With many awards in Asian competitions, they have both stepped into the ranks of Asian national standard dance masters. At the same time, Qingshi also found that she also had different feelings for this partner.

In contrast to Pan Xian, Qingshi is warm and straightforward. She is very outgoing and her excellent expression skills have made her develop a outspoken personality. Soon they were together, but this relationship touched too many taboos, and Pan Xian's parents first expressed their disagreement.

When they first started together, Pan Xian was only 16 or 7 years old, while Qingshi was 12 years older than Pan Xian. Second, they are a teacher-student relationship. Such a relationship can be called unethical.

The Vietnamese female teacher and her rich second-generation students have children out of wedlock, and now there are 2 children living happily

After the romance was exposed, they received a lot of insults. During that period of great confusion and confusion, Qingshi was very painful: "If our relationship had been postponed for 5 years, maybe everything would have been different." ”

Finally, under great pressure, they failed to go through the 5th year together.

After the breakup, Qingshi was briefly with a movie, but later she was reunited with Pan Xian. This time, they kept a low profile and didn't announce their relationship in public.

After years of love running, after dividing and merging, they still chose each other, and Pan Xian's parents and family gradually relaxed.

At the end of 2014, Qingshi announced that she was pregnant, and the public could not help but speculate, who is the father of the child?

The Vietnamese female teacher and her rich second-generation students have children out of wedlock, and now there are 2 children living happily

At that time, Qingshi did not have any public marriage partners, only Pan Xian was always by her side and attended every event with her. Such a move raises questions.

Later, the wedding photos of Qingshi and Pan Xian were exposed, and the public learned that Qingshi and Pan Xian had been reunited for a period of time. Qingshi officially admitted to the public that she had formed a family with Pan Xian, although they had not held a formal wedding.

But the sudden exposure swept the two men into a storm of public opinion. Some people say that Qingshi covets Pan Xian's money, while others call them "a combination of grandmother and grandson". Qingshi even suffered from prenatal depression during that time, an emotion that could not be resolved until after the birth of their first child.

The Vietnamese female teacher and her rich second-generation students have children out of wedlock, and now there are 2 children living happily

She expressed her feelings on her homepage, and all the sadness and exhaustion were at a glance, but Pan Xian still silently accompanied her, comforted her, and gave her encouragement.

He said: "There are many things I have never experienced before, a lot of feelings can only be vague, and commitment seems very empty. I feel guilty about causing her all this pain. As long as my wife is happy, I will be happy. My heart is so small. ”

As they spent together, the voice of the insult became quieter and smaller.

The Vietnamese female teacher and her rich second-generation students have children out of wedlock, and now there are 2 children living happily

Looking back, I can see that Qingshi has been put down. "Everyone can express their comments either in praise or disparagement, and that's their right," she said. But under this tremendous pressure, those who love us around us do not dare to bless us, but can only watch silently to see how long we can last. And those who hate us say that we have touched taboos, which is immoral.

During that time, my friends knew I was depressed. Sometimes I don't wear makeup in the morning, and I get depressed and run around the street like a madman to vent my emotions. Up to now, our story has been accepted by the vast majority of people. After all, it's all your own choice, right or wrong. ”

In July 2015, Qingshi gave birth to their first child and named the boy Kubi. After the relationship became public, the couple seemed relieved.

The Vietnamese female teacher and her rich second-generation students have children out of wedlock, and now there are 2 children living happily

They bought their own house in Ho Chi Minh City and built a romantic rose garden on the roof. Subsequently, their daughter Anna was also born.

Qingshi told the media that they now have a good relationship with Pan Xian's parents. When Qingshi and Pan Xian are busy performing, Pan Xian's parents will come to help take care of the children so that they can make time.

The Vietnamese female teacher and her rich second-generation students have children out of wedlock, and now there are 2 children living happily


Fairy tales about love have always stopped: "They have lived happily ever after." "But after marriage, chai rice oil and salt is never within the scope of a happy love story.

The Vietnamese female teacher and her rich second-generation students have children out of wedlock, and now there are 2 children living happily

In true happiness, it has always been like glue paint and noisy coexistence. Every couple who has been together for a long time will inevitably be disturbed by quarrels. But every couple who can run their marriage well will have their own way of getting along.

Life is inevitably a bit frivolous. And this couple not only faces each other in life, but also needs to face each other at work. It can be said that 24 hours a day, at least 22 hours are together. There is not much personal space for such a relationship, and there are more places where friction occurs for a small matter.

And Qingshi is 12 years older than Pan Xian, and there is a certain generation gap between them, and their views and opinions on things are often very different.

The Vietnamese female teacher and her rich second-generation students have children out of wedlock, and now there are 2 children living happily

Whenever the couple became angry with each other, Qingshi would not take the initiative to talk to Pan Xian for at least three days. In the past, when she was serious, she would take the child back to her mother's house for a week, and sometimes Pan Xian herself would run away from home for a few days. They need some breathing space.

But now when they have a rose garden, one of them will go to the roof to take care of the rose garden and vent all their unhappiness.

After a period of arguing, when they calm down and communicate, they will get to know each other better.

In the public eye, Qingshi is the more assertive side, but Pan Xian said he usually maintains a more humble attitude. Because his wife is older and she has more experience professionally, he listens carefully to her ideas.

Originally, Pan Xian's parents would mediate between the two when they quarreled. But later, I also felt that children had their own ideas, so let them solve them by themselves.

The Vietnamese female teacher and her rich second-generation students have children out of wedlock, and now there are 2 children living happily

Sometimes the two quarrel, and Qingshi can't help but go to social media to express her feelings, which often makes the public speculate whether they have broken up. Once, Qingshi even changed her emotional state to single, which once set off speculation among the "melon-eating masses".

Pan Xian felt that this was Qingshi's character. He said bluntly that she was very direct-tempered and "like a volcanic eruption, it is difficult to suppress her emotions." She needs to share to free herself from that mood.

Because of this, every quarrel will lead to public speculation, and Pan Xian is very understanding. Although he thinks that this behavior still has limitations and reminds Qingshi, this reminder is basically invalid, and his wife will not think about how to solve this problem.

They often expose each other in interviews, but in the final analysis, it is just a form of fancy show of love. The so-called "powder" top ten "black", only love to the depths, will be disgusted to the point of no return.

The Vietnamese female teacher and her rich second-generation students have children out of wedlock, and now there are 2 children living happily

Pan Xian said that Ai Qingshi was under a lot of pressure, and Qingshi said that Pan Xian was girlish, greedy, and had no heart and lungs.

Sometimes, though, Mr. Pan's family sees these negative messages on social media. His parents scolded both of them directly, while his grandparents gently reminded them. He is a little ashamed to say that the frequency of updating knowledge in the elderly is particularly fast, and they are also comfortable with social media, and even sometimes follow them anonymously.

After they gave birth to their first child and stayed together for several years, public opinion began to change direction, began to support them to walk together, and sincerely envied their happiness.

Today, their story has become an example of "true love" and the envy of many.

The Vietnamese female teacher and her rich second-generation students have children out of wedlock, and now there are 2 children living happily

Inspired, Qingshi and Pan Xian became more active on social media and more confident in presenting their recent mindset and dance videos.

For Pan Xian, he proved that the age gap and public opinion are not the biggest obstacles for them. His love for Qingshi has always been consistent and has not changed.

On their son Kuby's first birthday, Pan Xian and Qingshi threw a birthday party for their son. In front of both family and friends, Pan Xian said: "I love you, my wife", and gave Qingshi a sweet kiss, Qingshi was moved to tears.

After the party, Qingshi excitedly wrote on her personal homepage: "I still have you and Kubi, and it is my greatest luck to be together until now." You gave me the simplest and most valuable thing: the first time I said I love you in front of everyone. Thank you and our family and friends for your silent and unconditional support. ”

The Vietnamese female teacher and her rich second-generation students have children out of wedlock, and now there are 2 children living happily

Previously, when Qingshi had not yet gained enough security, she was easily jealous.

There is a group of fans around Pan Xian. Although they have always been inseparable since they got married, Qingshi is always particularly unhappy when he goes out for a while. If Pan Xian was practicing dance in the practice room, she would definitely watch Pan Xian in the camera through the screen. Even he was not comfortable going to motorcycle clubs where men were all men.

Pan Xian said that he did not know how to make his wife less jealous, so he could only drag her to the club and travel together every day.

The Vietnamese female teacher and her rich second-generation students have children out of wedlock, and now there are 2 children living happily


In 2021, when the epidemic eased slightly, they resumed their previous training rhythm. They need to stay in shape, and they're under pressure to defend their gold medals to prepare for the 31st East Asian Games in May.

Running a company is not an easy task. After the COVID-19 pandemic, much of the company's operations have come to a standstill. The trainees are all children under the age of 16 and cannot come to the training. But the salaries of the company's employees still have to be paid, which creates a huge financial pressure on them.

Fortunately, Qingshi and the children did not have to be isolated.

The Vietnamese female teacher and her rich second-generation students have children out of wedlock, and now there are 2 children living happily

Qingshi shared some practice room videos, which recorded some panicked funny clips of Pan Xian and her son.

In the video, Qingshi did not see the glass of the practice room, slammed into the door of her head, and was rubbing it in pain. Kubi, a son who had just turned 6, quickly found some ice cubes to ice her, while muttering and scolding his father for choosing this invisible glass, causing his mother to bump into it.

Qingshi's forehead was swollen and tall, and her face was a little sullen. Seeing that her mother was unhappy, Kubi quickly said "I love you" to her mother, and then brought her beloved candy to make her happy, and then shouted at her father in the video, asking for compensation for her mother.

Seeing such a cute baby netizens have been spoiled by meng, directly praising him for being smart.

The Vietnamese female teacher and her rich second-generation students have children out of wedlock, and now there are 2 children living happily

After much ordeal, the public shifted from criticism to blessings, using them as role models for a happy family and instead looking forward to their weddings. But for some objective reasons, they still can't hold a wedding.

Qingshi said they will release their new video at the anniversary to celebrate with wedding music as bgm. In fact, why does a truly happy marriage and love need a form? It's just that the icing on the cake is even more enjoyable.

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