
My beautiful fifth grade female teacher

author:Leader of the Iron Sword Gang

Now that I think of my fifth-grade female teacher, I can still remember her good face.

My beautiful fifth grade female teacher

At that time, we began to study from the Yuhong class, and experienced the grumpy teaching of male teachers in grades one to four, and we were all used to that model. If anyone can't write in class, the teacher will take the teaching whip, come over with a strong momentum, greet us for a while, and then we will cry and learn to write.

Sometimes, dictate new words in front of the gray blackboard. Standing a slip of the person, if we can't write, the grumpy male teacher will grab our hair and crash into the blackboard, a bump is a big bag, the pain makes us wow wow crying, of course, also remember the few difficult words.

Later, we got used to laughing in the face of the whip, taking the initiative to walk over to the blackboard that bumped our heads, and touching our heads a few times, even if it was a punishment.

The male teacher didn't bother to hit us, he was afraid of getting angry, and when he saw that we had punished ourselves, he had to give up.

By the fifth grade, we all stopped eating soft and hard, and we all knew the teacher's routine, so we knew when naughty was not managed by the teacher, when we must not be naughty, and when we were naughty, we would have to suffer.

Naughty between classes, no one cares, if you are naughty in class, you will suffer from the teaching whip, or you will be inexplicably asked questions by the teacher, and you will have to receive the teaching whip if you can't answer, or you will be kicked out by the teacher's ears.

We like to be kicked out by the teacher's ear, at least we can breathe outside, stand under the big tree to watch the ants move, touch the rope hanging from the big tree with the iron rod inside the bell, just don't dare to knock.

The ringing of the bell means that the class is over, the students will come out to play, the teachers will leave the class———— no one dares to make that joke.

The principal rings the bell, and sometimes the teacher takes turns ringing the bell, but none of the students dare to ring the bell.

In the fifth grade, a new teacher came.

It's a woman, not yet married, melon face, beautiful.

She wore skirts in the summer, skirts in half, pink coats on the upper half, and when she walked, the aroma struck.

When she came to the classroom, the classroom was immediately filled with aroma, and we didn't pay attention to the books, looked up at her, sucked her nose hard, and sucked all the fragrance emanating from her body into our stomachs.

I think she is an angel, with a civilized spirit. Unlike us who don't take a bath all day, the back of our hands is half an inch thick, and we can rub half a pound of mud with a rub.

Maybe it was the aroma that gave me the illusion that she was very modern, and even had to marry into the city later.

He lectured very gently, would not pull our hair and hit the blackboard, only took the whip and shook it, and did not spank our butts.

In fact, we didn't listen well to the lecture at all, looking at her willow waist, and snow-white calves, shawl hair, always hazy feeling of admiration, but no one can say it in class.

A classmate deliberately asked questions and asked her how to write a certain word. She leaned over and leaned down to talk, but the boy who asked the question was absent-minded, sucking his nose and sucking all the scent of her body into his stomach.

I've done that too, and I don't remember asking about the problem, only that her soft hair touched the base of my ear and tickled it. Her hair actually had a scent, a fragrance I had never smelled before, and it made me suck on my nose for half a day.

My beautiful fifth grade female teacher

At the end of class, we went to the boys' toilet and peed while talking about the scent of the female teacher's body.

Lao Bai said, I will marry my teacher after I marry my daughter-in-law!

Old Jia said, you, just like that buried child, can a big girl like a teacher look at you?

The old man said, I, that's what it means, then we will be beautiful boys.

I said, when I grow up, I will find a daughter-in-law like a teacher!

Old Jia said, you are all looking for such a beauty, and I am also looking for such a beauty as a daughter-in-law.

Old bai said, let's pee better than peeing, to see who pees far, who pees far can find a woman like a teacher as a daughter-in-law!

We held our breath and peed hard. Old Jia's guy was big, full of energy, and all peed so high above his head.

Old Jia still blew it, if the momentum is more sufficient, you can pee over the wall.

We are all jealous of Old Jia's kung fu of peeing, but no one can compare with him, and we think that he will really marry a woman like a teacher in the future.

The female teacher loves beauty, changes into a new dress every two days, and always carries a fragrance on her body. Unlike us, who smell earthy all day long.

When the female teacher did not do our homework well, she damaged us, saying that as soon as she entered the classroom, she had a smell of dog fish, and she did not know how to take a bath.

We didn't care at all, because we often played with the dog and didn't take a bath, and of course there was a smell of dog fish.

At the end of school, she rode out of the school in her new bike and wore a pink mask.

We carried our school bags and walked on the side of the road.

Seeing her riding by, Lao Bai said, look at the teacher, what is the outfit? Still wearing a mask...

Old Jia said, people are beautiful, you want to wear it can't wear it!

I said, that's called wearing a mask and talking about hygiene.

Old white shouted, wear a mask, talk about hygiene, cover your ass and don't breathe!

We all laughed and shouted at him, shouting harder and harder, and grimacing at her.

The female teacher scolded, fuck, look I don't clean up after you.

We laughed and ran into an alley, and she couldn't catch up.

The next day, when we arrived at school, we had forgotten what she had called out yesterday evening.

When the female teacher was in class, she said, who shouted dirty words yesterday when school was out? He also shouted at me, stand up, and if you don't stand up, call your family to come!

At that time, if you called the father and mother of the family to come, it was a big deal, unlike today's children. If the father and mother of the family came, they would beat us to cry and cry.

Lao Bai knew the seriousness of the matter and took the initiative to stand up, Lao Jia and I also stood up, Xiao Peng did not follow the shout, but also took the initiative to stand up.

I asked Xiao Peng, you didn't shout, why did you also stand up?

Xiao Peng said, I just don't want to go to class, and I will stand outside with you.

Sure enough, her punishment for us was to make us stand under the big tree outside, and there were two classes at a time, which made us bored and wanted to go to the classroom.

Lao Bai said that he would not see her when he shouted again in the future, hiding in the corn stalks and shouting, hiding on the roof, hiding in the car repair shop and shouting.

However, saying that it is said, doing is doing, we have not shouted the song of wearing a mask and talking about hygiene after all.

She was from our neighbor's village, and according to her classmates in the neighboring village, she was working on an object, so she had to dress well, put on perfume, and talk to the stupid men for a while.

According to our imagination, the people who her were stupid men, not as handsome and handsome as we were, and not as infatuated with her as we were.

Later, she made a partner, and got married, married a man in our village.

The man drove the van, and she was a teacher, both of them earned money, and on the day of the wedding, we all ran over to eat rubbing rice.

It was supposed to be a big day, but after we ate noodles in the evening, I was going to hold the rice bowl to serve the second bowl, and when I went down the steps, I accidentally stepped on the empty foot, and my hand shook, and the bowl fell to the ground, "whooshing" and shattered.

The hustle and bustle immediately turned to silence, and if you were writing an essay, you could hear even a needle falling on the ground.

People were looking at me with big eyes and small eyes, making me feel self-conscious, and I really wanted to find a rat hole to drill into.

The steward came over and said, Isn't this the child of whose family? Pick up, get out.

He helped me pick up the broken bowl and let me throw it into the big puddle in front of the door, and I took advantage of the night and Lao Bai and Lao Jia to go home.

I didn't dare to say anything about breaking the bowl when I got home, but within a few days, my father knew, didn't beat me, just said, let me be careful in the future.

At that time, there were many people in the village who teased the new daughter-in-law and listened to the room. We all said she couldn't stand it.

However, she really survived.

My beautiful fifth grade female teacher

Neither of us dared to tease her, nor did we dare to listen to her room, for fear that she would come to school to punish us.

The principal once joked with her that he would let her write an article. She asked what to write, and the principal said that the title was "Wedding Night."

She blushed, turned her head and left.

That's what we heard when we were deliberately playing pinball at the office door, and it was taken as a joke.

I saw her graceful figure become fat, but her stomach never moved.

I heard my mother say that she took a cart of Chinese medicine in order to conceive a child, or it was not OK, it may be her man's problem. What exactly is the problem, I don't know, even if I asked, my mother would not say.

After some time, the autumn breeze was cold.

One Saturday afternoon, we stayed up with excitement and waited for school to end because we had to take a day off the next day.

As soon as the afternoon class started, the female teacher came.

She just picked up the chalk, suddenly stopped writing, the expression on her face froze, and in an instant it exploded, shouting, who wrote the words? Stand up!

We didn't even know what was going on, and we thought who had written swear words on the table!

However, she did not say what she wrote, nor where she wrote it, but she was so angry that her eyes were wide open, her cheeks were red, and tears swirled in her circles.

I thought, as for? Isn't it just a few words? We bumped our heads against the blackboard and didn't cry, how could a few words make her shed tears?

She sat down on a stool on the podium, cocked Erlang's legs, and said, "You don't admit it, do you?" It's like this until you admit it!

We want to read, she said, not to read; we want to write, she said, not to write.

We sat so straight that no one dared to move. It turned out that a class of fighting and making trouble had passed, and I felt that it passed quite quickly, and now I actually felt that a class was so long as a day.

If only you could become a sparrow outside the window, fly around, and don't suffer this foreign sin!

After two classes, we couldn't go out to the toilet between classes.

The principal shouted outside the window, forget it, don't give the children a fight, let them do the activities!

She just doesn't move and doesn't let us move.

The principal asked the two female teachers to pull her out and told us, go to the toilet, don't scribble in the future!

We cheered and went out to the bathroom.

The urine in the toilet suddenly increased, and the smell of commotion was pervasive, like a rain of urine.

Old Bai said, this woman, not a cub, still complains about us?

I said, what exactly did you write?

Old Jia said, who knows? Don't you just write a few words? What if you scolded the ancestors for eight generations? Who cares?

Old Bai said that she cared and pulled us together to suffer.

I said, this woman, hard heart!

My beautiful fifth grade female teacher

When I got to the classroom, Lao Bai pointed to the chalk head on the table and said that this was all made of chalk she had pinched one by one, and in two lessons, she was pinching chalk!

Old Jia said, how many words do you have to write? I have to throw it all away!

I said, if the teacher pinches it, it is not called waste.

Old Bai said, don't move, stay, let the principal see.

Old Jia said that the principal had already seen it, no matter what.

Later, she was transferred to another village to teach primary schools. I heard she was divorced———— divorced the man in our village.

My mother said that it was because she had a bad relationship with her mother-in-law, or because she did not have children.

Maybe I hit a bowl when he got married, which became some kind of omen. If I hadn't eaten, I wouldn't have hit that bowl and wouldn't have heralded her divorce.

Still, I remember her walking on the road in a skirt and a pink mask before she got married, like a poem, a dream, and we shouted on the side of the road, wearing masks, talking about hygiene...

The sound of laughter remained in that time and space, but it has been transmitted to the present, breaking into my dreams.

In the fifth grade, the female teacher became our dream lover, but later we sighed and sighed, but the image of the fragrant female teacher still made us unforgettable for a long time.

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