
"Teacher, you are not wearing such a suitable", the teacher's dress caused parents to be dissatisfied, teacher: I am willing


"It is everyone's nature to love beauty", and everyone has the right to pursue beauty. But for children who first step into society and begin to contact other children and adults besides their parents, the teacher's code of conduct and dress play a very important guiding role.

Because in the eyes of children, in addition to their parents, the teacher is the second person they can believe in imitation. Therefore, teachers sometimes have to properly restrain their behavior, after all, we cultivate the flowers of the motherland and the future of the motherland.

"Teacher, you are not wearing such a suitable", the teacher's dress caused parents to be dissatisfied, teacher: I am willing

The teacher's dress causes parents to be dissatisfied, afraid of "bringing bad" children, teacher: Dressing is my freedom, it has nothing to do with you

Parents suggested the teacher's dress in the group, hoping that the teacher would try not to dress too exposed, afraid of "bad influence" and bad children. The teacher replied that dressing is my freedom, everyone has no right to interfere, or take care of their own children!

"Teacher, you are not wearing such a suitable", the teacher's dress caused parents to be dissatisfied, teacher: I am willing

More awkward conversations can only make both sides unhappy in the end. After all, everyone has their own unique views and perceptions of a thing.

When in life, we feel that the teacher's behavior is not "appropriate", how should we solve it?

One: Communicate privately and individually

In fact, when parents have opinions about the teacher's behavior, private communication alone is more effective than communicating in the class group.

Everyone's starting point is to hope that the child is good, but in the class group of so many parents, the behavior of the teacher is directly named, after all, the teacher will feel more embarrassed, especially the female teacher. In this way, there is no communication to solve the problem, and the conversation between the two people is already very unpleasant.

The teacher will definitely think that what I wear is my freedom, why do I name me in front of so many people. In the end, this matter can only be resolved and not resolved.

"Teacher, you are not wearing such a suitable", the teacher's dress caused parents to be dissatisfied, teacher: I am willing

Second: mutual understanding, from the perspective of the other side to see the problem

When everyone encounters a problem, the way to think about the problem must first start from their own point of view, but never from the other person's point of view. And when the other party says the reason for the rebuttal, he will find hundreds of reasons for himself to feel that he is right, but he refuses to stand in the other party's position and think about why he is like this, if it is himself, how will he do it?

"Teacher, you are not wearing such a suitable", the teacher's dress caused parents to be dissatisfied, teacher: I am willing

Take the teacher's dress:

The starting point of parents is to fear that the teacher's overly revealing clothing will have a bad impact on the child.

And the teacher feels that the beauty of his clothes, the children like, their own mood is good, the work will be more passionate. And so many people outside will dress like me, do you have to cover the eyes of children? I don't want to teach my children, but I find problems from me.

"Teacher, you are not wearing such a suitable", the teacher's dress caused parents to be dissatisfied, teacher: I am willing

In fact, everyone's ideas are not wrong, but when parents and teachers have differences of opinion, we can express and communicate more euphemistically.

After all, the school is a place to teach and educate people, and teachers can have their own private lives, and they can be themselves after work or on rest days.

"Teacher, you are not wearing such a suitable", the teacher's dress caused parents to be dissatisfied, teacher: I am willing

But in school, we can be a little "euphemistic", female teachers like to wear skirts, you can wear knee skirts, or dresses, and in the eyes of the parents of students, even if you wear very ordinary, in our eyes you are also "the most beautiful".

Because without your hard work, there would be no success for the children, so you are the "best".

"Teacher, you are not wearing such a suitable", the teacher's dress caused parents to be dissatisfied, teacher: I am willing


Everyone has the freedom to dress, but we also have to pay attention to many occasions to pay attention to whether the style of dressing is in line with the occasion and the right group of people. After all, life is like this, seemingly free, but there are many involuntariness.

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