
Is there a real difference between the elderly who often drink milk and those who don't drink milk? The doctor tells you the truth

author:Doctor good words

"Dr. Zhang, is there really a big difference between the elderly drinking milk and not drinking milk?"

Is there a real difference between the elderly who often drink milk and those who don't drink milk? The doctor tells you the truth

When I went to the room rounds today, a patient with me and he recently browsed the web and saw some "experts" mention that "the difference between the elderly drinking milk and not drinking milk is very different." This patient was more confused after seeing this point of view, because he subconsciously thought that milk was relatively thin, so he asked me the question at the beginning of the article.

In fact, in real life, many elderly people think that there is not much difference between drinking milk and drinking boiled water, which is not the case. In order to let everyone know more about milk and understand, today the doctor's kind words will talk to you about the milk!

1. The elderly are prone to osteoporosis, and they are also more likely to fracture:

Is there a real difference between the elderly who often drink milk and those who don't drink milk? The doctor tells you the truth


I had a relative whose family was not in very good condition, so he hardly drank milk. One winter when it snowed, he accidentally fell down when he went out to work, and he felt obvious pain in his hip. So I went to the hospital for an examination, and found that my hip was fractured and there was significant osteoporosis.

Is there a real difference between the elderly who often drink milk and those who don't drink milk? The doctor tells you the truth

You may not understand what osteoporosis is, but here I will explain. The main component of our bones is calcium, but as we age, some of this bone is lost. At the same time, after reaching a certain age, the secretion of hormones that regulate calcium metabolism will be abnormal, and the digestive ability of the elderly will also be weakened, and the amount of exercise will be reduced, so that calcium loss will be easy to occur.

In a way, osteoporosis is similar to decaying wood, and the more severe the decay of wood, the less strong it is, and the same is true for osteoporosis. Older adults with severe osteoporosis may fracture when they do a little physical work or have minor trauma.

Is there a real difference between the elderly who often drink milk and those who don't drink milk? The doctor tells you the truth


Don't underestimate fractures, although it is nothing for young people, it may be fatal for the elderly. It has to be said that the healing ability of the elderly is relatively poor, and after they have fractures, they heal very slowly or do not heal at all. Because it is difficult to remain motionless after a fracture, the fracture may be slightly longer and fractured by activity. In this way, the activities of the elderly will be greatly affected. Insufficient amount of activity will make the body worse, and it will also increase the risk of diseases such as epigenetic pneumonia and pulmonary embolism, which will definitely affect lifespan.

2. Is there a big difference between the elderly who often drink milk and those who don't drink milk?

The content of calcium in milk is relatively high, according to authoritative data, 100ml of milk contains calcium can reach 110mg. Drinking 250ml of pure milk every day can meet the body's needs for calcium. Therefore, if the elderly drink milk regularly, it can play a role in preventing osteoporosis.

In addition, milk is not only high in calcium, but also easily absorbed. The calcium contained in milk is mainly a fat-soluble calcium, and it contains tyrosine, vitamin D and amino acids that can help the body absorb.

Previously, someone once did a survey and found that the bone density of the vertebral body and hip bone was about 6.5% higher than that of people who drank 300ml of pure milk per day and never drank pure milk.

However, it should be noted that if there is already significant osteoporosis, it is not enough to rely solely on drinking milk. You also need to pay attention to exercising, sun exposure, and appropriately increase the intake of green vegetables and high-quality protein.

Is there a real difference between the elderly who often drink milk and those who don't drink milk? The doctor tells you the truth

For the elderly, aerobic exercise should be chosen, such as walking, brisk walking, jogging, etc., in these aerobic exercises, walking should be preferred. This is because walking is safer and easier to stick to. Exercise should be about 30 minutes a day, and the number of exercises per week should not be less than 5 times. Try not to carry out morning exercise, because the morning temperature is low, the human body will constrict blood vessels in order to reduce heat dissipation, resulting in a rapid increase in blood pressure, which may induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents. If the weather outside is cold, indoor exercise should be done.

Is there a real difference between the elderly who often drink milk and those who don't drink milk? The doctor tells you the truth


You may think that sunbathing is relatively simple, in fact, there are some precautions. Sunbathing times can be around 10am and around 4pm. You can dry for about 25 minutes a day in spring and autumn, about 7 minutes in summer, and about 40 minutes in winter. When basking in the sun, pay attention not to the glass, it is best to choose outdoors.

In combination, it is not easy to say that the difference between drinking milk regularly and not drinking milk is not big. Because although drinking milk can prevent osteoporosis, other behaviors can also prevent osteoporosis. This is like making money, although some people can't make money in their own jobs, but people's side businesses make money, and they can make a lot of money in a year. However, I have to say that the benefits of drinking milk regularly are indeed more.

3. What do I need to pay attention to when drinking pure milk?

❶ Drink milk on an empty stomach:

Is there a real difference between the elderly who often drink milk and those who don't drink milk? The doctor tells you the truth

When many people drink milk, they like to drink it on an empty stomach, but in fact, this practice is unscientific. This is because when people drink milk on an empty stomach, the peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract will be relatively fast, and the nutrients in the milk have not yet had time to be digested and absorbed, which will be discharged, resulting in waste. #养老知识大赛 #

The correct way to do this is to eat some steamed buns, bread and other foods before drinking milk, and then drink milk.

❷Now boiled milk at high temperatures:

Many elderly people's gastrointestinal tract is not very good, in order to reduce the burden of the digestive tract, many elderly people will choose to boil milk when drinking milk, in fact, this practice is biased.

After the milk is boiled, some of the nutrients in it will be destroyed, which will reduce the nutritional value of the milk. The correct thing to do is to warm the milk to about 50 ° C.

❸ Do not take the drug with milk:

Is there a real difference between the elderly who often drink milk and those who don't drink milk? The doctor tells you the truth

Many people think that the nutritional value of milk itself is relatively high, so they use milk to take drugs, but they do not know that there is a certain problem in doing so. #健康明星计划 #

Taking medication with milk may affect the body's absorption of the drug, which in turn reduces blood concentrations. At the same time, some minerals contained in milk, such as calcium and magnesium, may be combined with drugs to form insoluble substances, thereby reducing the efficacy of the drug.

❹Do not add sugar to milk:

Is there a real difference between the elderly who often drink milk and those who don't drink milk? The doctor tells you the truth


We all know that the taste of pure milk is relatively light, and it is not too good to drink, so many people will add some sugar to milk.

Milk sugar is actually a bit inappropriate, because sugar will increase the energy of milk, and sugar can also inhibit the excretion of uric acid. Drinking this sweetened milk for a long time may increase the risk of obesity and gout. #健康科普大赛 #

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