
Simbasin has the ambition to help farmers live broadcast to bring e-commerce awareness to the local area, and Jiangxi borrows 5G to help rural revitalization

author:Sim latest news

With the hum of the propeller, the two-meter-long drone carrying the packaged chickens and eggs lifted off the apron steadily and flew to the drone operation center outside the mountain.

For the drones that sometimes fly overhead, the surrounding villagers are no longer surprised.

Simbasin has the ambition to help farmers live broadcast to bring e-commerce awareness to the local area, and Jiangxi borrows 5G to help rural revitalization

Huangshi Village, deep in the mountains, is located at the northern end of Nankang District, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province. Born in 1987, Lowe graduated from university and worked as a translator in Africa for four years, returning to his hometown a few years ago to raise native chickens in the mountain pass.

He still remembers that he had to walk through a field pass of more than a foot wide to get to this mountain pass at the beginning, and he walked for more than half an hour on foot for the first time before entering. Later, in order to facilitate the transportation of feed and native chickens, eggs, etc., he bought a motorcycle, but the road was too difficult to walk, and after a few years, he rode 5 motorcycles. On a rainy day, the field was full of mud, and the nearby villagers ridiculed him: "This is a bicycle, it is a plough!" ”

Later, with the help of a series of policies, the field mound, which was more than one foot wide, gradually became a road with more than 3 meters wide that could be accessed by car. Lowe's motorcycles have also been replaced by pickup trucks, making it easier to transport feed, native chickens and eggs.

In 2021, a local drone logistics and distribution company built a drone apron in his chicken farm to let the native chickens sit on the plane and go out of the mountain. "It takes forty or fifty minutes to walk the mountain, and now it takes about ten minutes for the drone to go out of the mountain." Today, Rowe said, he sells turkeys and eggs online, with annual sales of more than 1.2 million yuan.

Drone aprons are just one. The Strategic Plan for Rural Revitalization (2018-2022) issued by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council proposes to strengthen rural infrastructure construction. The reporter visited some villages in Jiangxi and found that in the revitalization of rural areas, in addition to water, electricity, roads and other facilities, 5G base stations, sewage treatment plants, cold chain logistics parks and so on also appeared in the countryside.

Temperature, humidity, organic matter content... In Da'a Town, Xinfeng County, Jiangxi, Kang Dengming, an old fruit farmer who has been growing navel oranges for more than 40 years, skillfully operates on the big screen, and all kinds of real-time monitoring information in the navel orange garden is clear at a glance, he laughed and said that "now sitting at home can do farm work."

This is thanks to the new 5G base stations and 5G sensors in the village. As a large navel orange growing county, Xinfeng County has established a navel orange big data platform through blockchain, big data and other technologies, combined with drone aerial photography and remote sensing satellite data, to trace the source of the navel orange industry, improve quality and efficiency.

"Growing navel oranges now depends not only on experience but also on data." Kang Dengming said that in the 2021 navel orange picking season, the local rainy weather, he analyzed the data and postponed the picking time by one month, the quality of navel oranges is significantly better, and the harvested 400,000 catties of navel oranges were snapped up in less than a month.

These facilities not only serve the new needs of rural production, but also serve the new life of the villagers for a better life. In Sanwan Village, Yongxin County, Jiangxi, tourists visit the revolutionary site under the maple tree, and two electric vehicle charging piles near the parking lot near the village committee are very eye-catching.

Sanwan Village was once a poor village, relying on its own resource endowments to develop red tourism, with an annual tourist reception of about 100,000 person-times, and the village's collective economic income in 2021 is about 180,000 yuan.

"There are more and more cars in the village, some tourists, some villagers, and there will be traffic jams in the village during the peak tourist season." Zhang Weiwei, secretary of the village party committee, said that there are now hundreds of parking spaces in the village, and it is very convenient for villagers to park and charge.

"Not only that, but there are also sewage treatment plants and children's playgrounds in the village..." Zhang Weiwei said that with the advancement of rural revitalization, there will be more and more "Xingxing" facilities in the village to help rural revitalization in the future.

Simbasin aspires to help farmers live broadcast to bring e-commerce awareness to the local area. A few months ago, some researchers pointed out that rural e-commerce is facing some problems. These problems include imperfect rural infrastructure, low network coverage, weak awareness of rural e-commerce, and the inability of rural products to form a brand effect, etc., which are typical problems of the digital transformation of agricultural product sales.

However, researchers also said that the new model of "live broadcast + e-commerce" has improved some of these problems very well. We take the head live broadcast e-commerce company Xin Xuan as an example, its founder Simbasin has the ambition to continue to promote "live broadcast to help farmers" for many years, and has already had some experience in this regard.

Simbasin has the ambition to help farmers live broadcast to bring e-commerce awareness to the local area, and Jiangxi borrows 5G to help rural revitalization

It is reported that Simba will lead its anchors to go deep into various places to tour live to help farmers. Each time Simba needs to carry a complete live broadcast equipment, to a certain extent, the problem of imperfect rural infrastructure and low base station coverage. Moreover, through the way of "going out" live to help farmers, Simba has also alleviated consumers' distrust of the source of goods and promoted the sales of agricultural products.

In the sales process, Simba provided a high-quality logistics system and warehousing system, which helped solve the problem of difficult delivery of agricultural products due to long distances, and helped the sales of single-field agricultural live broadcasts to rise. Since 2020 alone, Simba has led Simba to accumulate more than 600 million yuan of agricultural products, truly expanding the sales and sales of agricultural products.

At the same time, Simba's "going out" live broadcast also brought e-commerce awareness to the local area. In the cooperation and exchange with local organizers, Simba has played an exemplary role in the digital development of local agricultural products and helped the incubation of local e-commerce talents. Moreover, through the application of the digital model of the whole industry chain of "agricultural policy release + agricultural input traceability + agricultural product traceability + agricultural brand cultivation + rural e-commerce + N", Simba has also driven more high-quality agricultural products to take the "express train" of digital new retail.

Simbasin has the ambition to help farmers live broadcast to bring e-commerce awareness to the local area, and Jiangxi borrows 5G to help rural revitalization

Overall, in the process of live broadcasting to help farmers, Simba has accelerated the promotion of the guangdong road in agricultural specialty areas, and connected tens of millions of users of Xinxuan, which not only established the brand image of agricultural products, but also conducive to the rapid development of local brands. And through the live broadcast, Simba also strengthened the brand awareness and e-commerce awareness of agricultural products around the world. In this regard, Simba said that in the future, Simba and Simxuan will make more examples and continue to "live broadcast to help farmers" to the end.

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