
No resistance to TA? Today to talk about the sweetness in the memory [healthy and happy New Year] (21)

No resistance to TA? Today to talk about the sweetness in the memory [healthy and happy New Year] (21)

1. Sugar, sweet and honey. The New Year's table is indispensable to the "blessing" of desserts. What are the following foods that are a must-have in your home?

A. Sugar melon, rock sugar gourd, yellow rice cake, eight treasure rice

B. Tangyuan, sticky bean buns, shortbread, sugar lotus seeds, peanut crisp

C. Rice cakes, rice dumplings, all kinds of sweets and chocolates

D. Caramel pancakes, mousse cakes, durian pudding

Sugar melon



rice cake

Eight treasure rice



Yellow rice cake


Tap one and eat one~

2. Although sugar is sweet, it should not be eaten more. New Year's Day, the temptation of high-sugar and high-fat foods is everywhere, what tricks can you resist?

The best thing to do is not to buy, not to see, not to eat, but... Can't do it!!!

Imagine yourself getting fat and ugly because you eat sweets... Big New Year's Day, or don't think about it.

There are candy on the coffee table, grab a few handfuls, and exceed the standard 50 grams of sugar in one breath. So, replace the candy and biscuits on the coffee table with nuts and fruits.

High-calorie desserts are eaten after meals, and they should be eaten slowly, so that the calorie absorption is relatively small and it is not easy to eat too much.

Review: Expert of the National Health Science Popularization Expert Database

He Li, researcher at the Institute of Nutrition and Health of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention

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