
Every year, when it is cold, I have to make two bowls of eight treasure rice, which is sweet and soft, warms the body and warms the stomach, and the whole family loves to eat it

author:Mordor's kitchen
Every year, when it is cold, I have to make two bowls of eight treasure rice, which is sweet and soft, warms the body and warms the stomach, and the whole family loves to eat it

Before lunch, my daughter came to me with a calendar and asked, "Mom, what is the big cold?" "Ah, it turns out that tomorrow is the 20th, and the calendar table says "Big Cold"! I didn't even notice, since the child asked, let's explain it to her!

This great cold is one of the twenty-four solar terms, but also the last festival of the year, around January 20 every year, the sun reaches 300 ° ecliptic longitude is a great cold, indicating that the weather is very cold, but also reminds everyone to do a good job of cold work, to protect family, crops, livestock safely through the winter.

The daughter continued to ask: Mother, what does the big cold eat?

Sure enough, it was a snack, and when I talked about "festival", I immediately thought of "eating"! But then again, most of China's solar terms have a strong correlation with eating, and what festivals to eat and what food is still quite exquisite. In China, the folk have their own saying that glutinous rice is eaten in the cold festival, because glutinous rice can nourish the body's righteous qi, and after eating it, it will be hot all over the body, which is suitable for eating in the cold season, and can play a role in cold, stomach and nourishment.

When it comes to foods made with sticky rice, especially in the Waxing Moon, the first thing that comes to mind is the Eight Treasure Rice. Every year during the cold month of the Waxing Moon, my family will make eight treasure rice, one to warm the stomach, and the other is to take advantage of the time to cook more years ago, frozen in the refrigerator for the New Year's hospitality. Sticky rice means warmth, from the beginning of the year to the end of the year are warm, more auspicious, rich in fruit, nutritious and delicious, every year is also a particularly popular sweet glutinous staple food on my family's dinner table.

Tomorrow is the cold, I quickly looked at the ingredients at home, you can also make some eight treasure rice, first steam out two bowls of it, catch Ming'er and buy some glutinous rice, steam out a few more bowls to keep the New Year! This eight treasure rice is very simple to make, and I do not put sugar, it is seasoned with honey, nutritious and healthy, and the eight treasure rice sold outside is no better than homemade! Come and see how I did it!

Every year, when it is cold, I have to make two bowls of eight treasure rice, which is sweet and soft, warms the body and warms the stomach, and the whole family loves to eat it

【Ingredients】: 440g of white glutinous rice, 100g of purple glutinous rice, peanut kernels, lotus seeds, raisins, small red dates, dried cranberries, cashews, homemade red bean filling, honey, butter;

【Recipe making process】:

Every year, when it is cold, I have to make two bowls of eight treasure rice, which is sweet and soft, warms the body and warms the stomach, and the whole family loves to eat it

1, accurate to make all kinds of raw materials for eight treasure rice, glutinous rice I use is round, you can also use long shape, casual. Red bean filling is what I made before, soaked in red beans and cooked, put into the wok while pressing and stir-frying into the filling, is the original flavor, no sugar, with a small spoon of honey and red bean filling mixed evenly can be used as the filling;

Every year, when it is cold, I have to make two bowls of eight treasure rice, which is sweet and soft, warms the body and warms the stomach, and the whole family loves to eat it

2, lotus seeds are not easy to cook, so you need to add water in advance to cook and set aside;

Every year, when it is cold, I have to make two bowls of eight treasure rice, which is sweet and soft, warms the body and warms the stomach, and the whole family loves to eat it

3, red dates to remove the core, because there are children at home, the dates are not big, with the core to the child to eat afraid of danger, so it is safer to remove in advance;

Every year, when it is cold, I have to make two bowls of eight treasure rice, which is sweet and soft, warms the body and warms the stomach, and the whole family loves to eat it

4, it is also very convenient to pit the dates, an ordinary straw can be, pass through the middle, just put the core out;

Every year, when it is cold, I have to make two bowls of eight treasure rice, which is sweet and soft, warms the body and warms the stomach, and the whole family loves to eat it

5, after washing the white glutinous rice, purple glutinous rice and peanut kernels together, put it into the rice cooker, add water, start the "cooking rice" mode, steam out a pot of sticky glutinous rice, because the purple glutinous rice will be dyed, so the white glutinous rice has also been dyed dark; after steaming the rice, stir it with a spoon to cool down the heat;

Every year, when it is cold, I have to make two bowls of eight treasure rice, which is sweet and soft, warms the body and warms the stomach, and the whole family loves to eat it

6, take a bowl, it is recommended to use a large rice bowl, the size will just be right. Apply a layer of butter to the inner wall of the bowl first, which can help prevent sticking, or you can use lard. Then put all kinds of fruits at the bottom of the bowl according to their favorite appearance, and put the beautiful side below, because when the last food is eaten, it is to be upside down;

Every year, when it is cold, I have to make two bowls of eight treasure rice, which is sweet and soft, warms the body and warms the stomach, and the whole family loves to eat it

7, take some stirred glutinous rice spread in the bowl, gently press with your hands to tighten a little, leave a small pit in the middle, and put the red bean filling mixed with honey in the small pit;

Every year, when it is cold, I have to make two bowls of eight treasure rice, which is sweet and soft, warms the body and warms the stomach, and the whole family loves to eat it

8: Take some sticky rice and cover it with red bean paste, and press it flat with your hands.

Every year, when it is cold, I have to make two bowls of eight treasure rice, which is sweet and soft, warms the body and warms the stomach, and the whole family loves to eat it

9, I made a total of two eight treasure rice, one large and one small, the large bowl is made of soup bowls, after making a good job, put the two bowls of glutinous rice into the steaming box, continue to steam for 30 minutes;

Every year, when it is cold, I have to make two bowls of eight treasure rice, which is sweet and soft, warms the body and warms the stomach, and the whole family loves to eat it

10, after steaming, take out the small bowl of eight treasure rice, upside down in the plate, because smeared with butter, it is easy to buckle out, the shape is still very complete, the original bottom of the fruit is on the surface;

Every year, when it is cold, I have to make two bowls of eight treasure rice, which is sweet and soft, warms the body and warms the stomach, and the whole family loves to eat it

11, take a small spoonful of honey, turn the circle on the eight treasure rice, the color is bright and beautiful, in addition, you can also make the eight treasure rice more sweet and delicious;

Every year, when it is cold, I have to make two bowls of eight treasure rice, which is sweet and soft, warms the body and warms the stomach, and the whole family loves to eat it

A delicious honey eight treasure rice is made, is it delicious, simple, and beautiful! Every year in the Waxing Moon, my family will make such eight treasure rice, in addition to the usual breakfast occasionally eaten, mainly during the New Year, the family comes to the guests, you can quickly put out a plate as a staple food, the color is festive, the fruit is rich, it is sweet and delicious, very popular! If you still can't do it, then quickly learn to do it, learn to wait for the New Year to show your hand to the family!

In addition to steaming rice, you can also replace a part of the glutinous rice with rice according to your own preferences, reducing some stickiness to the bottom, but the amount of glutinous rice should account for more than 60%, so that the eight treasure rice produced by this is sticky and delicious;

The fruit material used in the eight treasure rice is not fixed, can be adjusted according to their own preferences, many dried fruits can be used in the production of eight treasure rice, such as ginkgo biloba fruit, guiyuan, dried hawthorn, walnut kernels, dates, etc., the inner filling can also be filled with date paste;

3, when giving the eight treasure rice shape must be greased in the bowl, lard, butter, edible oil can be, to help prevent sticking, lard is more oily, but some people mind, you can use butter instead, the taste is also very fragrant, if you do not grease, it is easy to destroy the shape when it is upside down;

After the bottom of the bowl is placed with fruit, be careful when putting glutinous rice into the bowl to prevent the fruit from moving, the shape of the bottom changes, the stickiness of the glutinous rice is large, it is recommended to wear disposable gloves for cooking to help prevent stickiness;

Some ingredients need to be handled in advance, the more difficult to cook lotus seeds need to be cooked in advance, and the dates need to be removed from the core, etc., so you can't be lazy.

Every year, when it is cold, I have to make two bowls of eight treasure rice, which is sweet and soft, warms the body and warms the stomach, and the whole family loves to eat it

Glutinous rice: Glutinous rice because of its fragrant sticky and slippery, glutinous rice is rich in B vitamins, Chinese medicine believes that it is warm and sweet, can warm the spleen and stomach, tonic qi. It has a certain alleviating effect on spleen and stomach deficiency, poor appetite, bloating and diarrhea. At the same time, glutinous rice has an astringent effect, and has a good therapeutic effect on frequent urination and self-sweating;

Red dates: The effect of red dates is not only to nourish blood and beauty, red dates have the effect of tonifying qi and are the most effective against cold. Red dates also contain a lot of vitamins such as thiamine, carotene, niacin, etc., which play a very good role in enhancing physical fitness and improving body immunity.

Raisins: Raisins also contain a lot of calcium, phosphorus, iron elements, etc., is a good tonic for expectant mothers, can help expectant mothers to replenish qi and blood, warm kidneys, especially for anemia of expectant mothers, eat more raisins is very good.

Lotus seed: Lotus seed has the effect of tonifying the spleen and stopping diarrhea, stopping the belt, benefiting the kidneys and astringent essence, nourishing the heart and calming the spirit.

Honey: Honey has the effect of skin care and beauty, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, promote tissue regeneration, and can also promote digestion, improve immunity, and protect cardiovascular effects. Honey contains about 70% glucose and fructose, and also contains protein, inorganic salts, organic acids, multivitamins, as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and other substances.

Although glutinous rice is nutritious and delicious, but not all people are suitable for eating, first of all diabetics do not eat or eat less; secondly, because glutinous rice is very soft and sticky, it is not easy to digest for people with spleen and stomach deficiency, so it is not advisable to eat more; the elderly, children or patients are not well digested, it is advisable to eat less; in addition, those who are wet and hot phlegm are afraid to eat; fever, cough phlegm, jaundice, bloating people are forbidden to eat.

Every year, when it is cold, I have to make two bowls of eight treasure rice, which is sweet and soft, warms the body and warms the stomach, and the whole family loves to eat it
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