
If you don't love yourself, who will love you?

author:Depth good text AM

Last summer, I went to Jiangsu and Zhejiang to collect wind.

Saying that it is a style collection is actually just a change of environmental life.

For a long time, I lived on a small street in Yixing, Jiangsu Province. My rental house is opposite the door of a couple in their fifties, the two have been married for nearly forty years, husband Ah Yun has a hot temper and hospitality, and wife Su Jin is gentle and virtuous, speaking softly and softly, and cooking a good Hand of Su dishes.

If you don't love yourself, who will love you?

Retired at home, Ah Yun especially likes to invite neighbors to come to the house for dinner, although I only live temporarily, but I am often invited by Ah Yun, but I save a lot of food money.

Every time I went to rub rice, I would see Ah Yun trapped in the Taishi chair, directing Su Jin to choose vegetables and stir-fry vegetables, wipe the table and wash dishes, and let Su Jin be busy inside and out.

Ah Yun loves face, and he hates doing housework too humiliating to men, so he never helps. And in order to show his "royal wife has a way" in front of the guests, he would always deliberately sneer at Su Jin in front of many people and pick here and there. The guests couldn't see it, so they persuaded Ah Yun to change this temper, but Ah Yun still went his own way.

Su Jin truly loved Ah Yun and had been enduring her husband without complaint or regret, and had endured for more than thirty years.

If you don't love yourself, who will love you?

Although people have feelings, the years are ultimately merciless, and Su Jin finally fell ill because of decades of overwork.

When I went to see her in the hospital, she told me that she was just dizzy and hemoptysis at the beginning, and she complained to her son.

Her son Zhang Luo wanted to take her to the hospital for examination, but she was frightened and did not dare to go, because she was afraid that Ah Yun would know and count the money she wasted at home.

Later, she felt that her condition became more serious, not only the frequency of hemoptysis increased, but also the whole body began to ache, and even could not sleep all night.

At this point, she carefully told Ah Yun that she wanted to go to the hospital for a physical examination.

Su Jin said that ah yun sat on the Taishi chair with tea that day, and after listening to her words with a cold face, he just waved his hand impatiently: "I see that you are actually not a big deal, can't you still wipe the floor and cook!" If you are really uncomfortable, take a baby pill painkiller, and how much does it cost to go to the hospital for a check-up?"

Listening to her husband say this, Su Jin had to shelve her plan to go to the hospital, and when she was uncomfortable, she would rely on taking painkillers to survive.

Later, her pain became more unbearable, and in order to relieve the pain, Su Jin often had to swallow half a plate of pills at a time to barely fall asleep.

After a few more months of enduring this, one morning, Su Jin, who was preparing to go out to buy vegetables, suddenly felt a whirlwind of heaven, and then fainted at the door of the house.

If you don't love yourself, who will love you?

Her husband, who was hungry, got up to find her lying in the doorway and took her to the hospital for examination, only to learn that she was in the advanced stage of liver cancer.

The attending physician pointed to the X-ray and told Su Jin that the cancer cells had spread, and she only had half a year left at most, and there was no need to even do surgery.

This is really "saving a lot of money"!

We all felt sorry for Su Jin, but after being discharged from the hospital, Su Jin seemed to have changed as a person.

After returning home, Su Jin immediately wrote a long letter and settled his son one. Home, then, she quickly divorced Ah Yun and ran to Lijiang, Yunnan Province, with tens of thousands of yuan of savings. It was where she had always wanted to go, and she said she wanted to live for herself once for the rest of her life.

I had forgotten the story of Su Zhi until the beginning of this year, when I unexpectedly received a postcard from Su Liyin, and then I remembered this woman who bravely said "I want to live for myself once" in the decisiveness of life.

At that time, she went to Dali again, and the apartment she lived in was opposite the Cangshan Mountains and on the erhai Sea. She told me in juan's beautiful but forceful handwriting that she was now learning to play guitar and compose music with a resident singer in the bar downstairs.

She said she also wanted to write an album of her own.

Su Jin said in the letter: "Until now, I have not known that a person's favorite should be herself."

I often hear such a confession: I love you more than I love life, I am willing to hurt myself for you, to throw my head and spill blood for you...

If you don't love yourself, who will love you?

I have no doubt about the sincere love of these confessors (after all, I don't want their blood to splash me), but I really doubt that such people understand the meaning of love, because true love does not have to be so bloody, and it should not be equated with sacrifice.

The person who loves me doesn't need me to hurt myself to please him: the person who doesn't love me, even if I really splash his hot blood on his body, he will only be disgusted like being splashed with mud.

A truly harmonious love relationship should not be one party giving up on himself and accommodating the other, but should be two people who can maintain their independence and help each other realize their ideals in life. It's just a pity that most people who are addicted to love are too obsessed with loving others, but they don't know how to love themselves.

Giving up one's job and future for love is a waste of opportunities to improve oneself. This kind of thing is not worthy of praise and pride at all, but should be taken as a warning! You think your sacrifice moves the world, but in fact, it is only yourself who is moved in the end. I certainly know that once people genuinely fall in love with someone, they tend to become humble. But I also sincerely want you to understand that there is no difference between love that hurts yourself and receiving alms. Since the other person's love is not from the heart, then why should you be heartbroken even if you lose it? If you walk on the road with a heart that does not know how to love yourself, it is inevitable that you will end up loving step by step and hurting step by step.

Loving yourself is not equal to narcissism, nor is it equal to being proud of "love" and abusing others at will. Loving yourself is actually affirming your due value and taking care of yourself without affecting others. Instead of entrusting your happiness to others and expecting a prince on a white horse to find you with a crystal shoe, it is better to ride on a white horse yourself and open up a world of happiness and freedom with your own hands.

Learn to love yourself from now on!

If you don't love yourself, who will love you?

When wandering in front of the store and wanting to buy a piece of clothing that you want to buy, please buy it generously, don't be reluctant to plan a trip to a certain place because of the small price, please go bravely with your bags on your back, don't hesitate because you are worried about trivialities: when you want to start pursuing your dreams again, please start working hard immediately, don't be willing to give up for "love" because you are afraid of your family's incomprehension: when you want to go to the gym, want to learn to draw, want to practice violin, want to read and write poetry, don't be afraid of other people's criticism, After all, if the people around you really love you, they will definitely support you in loving yourself.

May you give yourself the right to happiness, even if there is no one to take care of and no one to accompany, you can live exquisitely and beautifully.

May you be able to smile easily without any regrets even if you are old, and always remain optimistic and positive.

May you, from now on, make a promise to yourself in your heart: I am the most precious in this world! I will definitely take good care of myself and love myself!

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