
congratulate! China's GDP in the fourth quarter exceeded 5 trillion US dollars, which is expected to be equivalent to Japan's GDP for a whole year

author:Nansheng said in this life

In the whole of 2021, the mainland's economy achieved a year-on-year real increase of 8.1%, and the economic scale exceeded 114 trillion yuan - converted into US dollars nearly 17.73 trillion yuan, which not only further narrowed the gap with the United States, but also fully demonstrated the superiority of the mainland's economic and social release model.

congratulate! China's GDP in the fourth quarter exceeded 5 trillion US dollars, which is expected to be equivalent to Japan's GDP for a whole year

In addition to the breakthrough in the total economic volume, the per capita GDP of the mainland in 2021 also reached 12,550 US dollars, and many economists said: This may exceed the global per capita level, and it is expected to reach the "threshold of high-income countries", and the mainland's economic development has entered a new stage.

In the fourth quarter of 2021, the mainland's GDP also achieved a new breakthrough

Compared with the "breakthrough" mentioned above, in the fourth quarter of 2021, the mainland economy also achieved a new breakthrough. According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, although the real growth rate of the mainland economy slowed to 4% in the fourth quarter of 2021, the completed GDP still climbed to 324237 billion yuan (as shown in the figure below).

congratulate! China's GDP in the fourth quarter exceeded 5 trillion US dollars, which is expected to be equivalent to Japan's GDP for a whole year

In the fourth quarter, the average exchange rate of the renminbi and the US dollar was about 5,072.506 billion US dollars – the first time that the mainland's GDP in a single quarter "achieved a breakthrough of 5 trillion US dollars", which has been "on par with the economic scale of a whole year" with Japan, which is certainly a huge leap forward.

According to information released by the World Bank, in 2005, the mainland economy was slightly smaller than that of the United Kingdom – but it overtook in 2006. Then it surpassed Germany in 2007, with GDP of $3.55 trillion and $3.42 trillion, respectively.

By 2010, the size of the mainland's economy had exceeded $6 trillion, while Japan was still fluctuating around $5 trillion. Since then, the mainland's economy has continued to rise rapidly, further widening the gap with Japan – by the fourth quarter of 2021, the mainland's GDP in a single quarter has been comparable to the size of Japan for a whole year.

There are also data such as total import and export trade, official foreign exchange reserves, total retail sales of social consumer goods, automobile sales, manufacturing scale, etc. Many economic indicators on the mainland are significantly ahead of Japan and catch up with the United States. Even in some areas, it has surpassed the United States and risen to the world's first.

congratulate! China's GDP in the fourth quarter exceeded 5 trillion US dollars, which is expected to be equivalent to Japan's GDP for a whole year

In 2022, the size of the mainland economy is expected to hit $20 trillion

In the middle of 2021 (especially in the fourth quarter), the mainland economy and trade have also encountered many obstacles in the positive recovery state - supply chain obstruction, chip shortage, continuous spread of the global epidemic, inflation to the world, the relative downturn in the mainland real estate market and so on.

However, under the impetus of policies such as "adhering to stability and progress, scientific overall planning, six guarantees and six stability", it still achieved relatively obvious growth - GDP in the fourth quarter, achieving a new breakthrough. This solid foundation may push the mainland's economy to continue to climb in 2022 and is expected to go to a higher level.

The World Bank, the IMF, and a number of economic analysts all predict that the mainland economy will grow by 5% to 6% in 2022. If we consider the rising prices of goods and services and the potential appreciation of the RMB exchange rate, the size of the mainland economy in 2022 can exceed 19 trillion US dollars. If it is more powerful, it can even impact 20 trillion.

congratulate! China's GDP in the fourth quarter exceeded 5 trillion US dollars, which is expected to be equivalent to Japan's GDP for a whole year

This is not rhetoric, but a reasonable estimate based on a strong foundation! Nansheng noted that in recent years, the mainland's high-tech industries, equipment manufacturing industries, and emerging industries have all achieved excellent results. Taking 2021 as an example, the information transmission and service industry increased by 17.2%, microcomputers increased by 22.3%, semiconductor chips increased by 33.3%, and industrial robots increased by more than 40%.

The growth of new energy vehicles has reached 145.6%, coupled with big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and other industries have also ushered in a period of rapid development, the mainland economy continues to maintain the "foundation is still there, the potential is still there", and the economic scale will continue to increase in the next few years. This article is organized and written by [Nansheng], please do not reprint or plagiarize without authorization!

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