
He was the best of him at the time, and I was the best of me later


The best way to make a person strong is to have someone you want to protect. - "Hello Old Time"

If you ask me what love is?

I'll be gentle with you

Love is like suddenly having a layer of armor,

Suddenly, it seemed like there was a layer of weakness

The great thing about love is that

It can make people who were originally weak become strong

Let the original loose people become extremely responsible

With you, I know the meaning of life

With you, I know what I'm working for

He was the best of him at the time, and I was the best of me later


Growth is a kind of metamorphosis, losing the old, there must be a new, this is fairness. - "Dear Sanmao"

From green to mature

From ignorance to understanding

Every growth is a transformation

I have lost my youth, but I have also lost my innocence

Matured, but no longer able to play carefree

Life is like that

Fair and cold

He was the best of him at the time, and I was the best of me later


He was the best of him at the time, and I was the best of me later. But between the best of us, there is a whole youth. How to run can not cross the youth, had to stretch out their hands to say goodbye. - "The Best of Us"

I was not born, I was born and I am old

There is a youth between us

It's like being separated by a distant Milky Way

They can only stare at each other, but they can't touch each other

There is no possibility of being together

He was the best of him at the time, and I was the best of me later


Maybe the first secret that the ordinary, like us, has is called liking. - "The Best of Us"

We are all ordinary and ordinary people

But we all have a big secret hidden in our hearts

That's liking

We were students

Hide this love in your heart

I'm afraid that if anyone knows, they will lose this little beauty

But how can liking such a thing be able to hide?

He was the best of him at the time, and I was the best of me later


Most of the disappointment in friends comes from the words and deeds of the other party, and they do not meet the standards they demand of him. And I think that friends can't ask for it, not at all, because we don't have rights. - "Dear Sanmao"

For friends, we can't ask them to do anything for us

His willingness to stretch out his hand is his affection

If we just want our friends to help us

Then it is no longer pure friendship

That can only be called networking

He was the best of him at the time, and I was the best of me later


It is said that those who laugh with you as soon as you laugh are either fools or people who love you - "Love Letters to the Invincible"

This kind of stupidity, maybe only when you really like it

will be vividly reflected

Some people say that when they fall in love, people's brains become stupid

Become silly, become clumsy to show your love

Sometimes you may dislike his stupidity

Think he's childish

But what you don't know is

Wait until he's no longer childish in front of you

He doesn't love you that much anymore

He was the best of him at the time, and I was the best of me later

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