
Country Garden Zhejiang region launched "Spring Wind Action" in Chun'an and Tonglu

author:Qiantang Fengming

Approaching the Spring Festival, the taste of the New Year is getting stronger and stronger.

Under the guidance of Hangzhou's 2022 "Spring Wind Action", Country Garden Zhejiang has recently sent heart-warming materials to the people in need in Chun'an and Tonglu counties.

On the morning of January 16, Country Garden Zhejiang Regional Linkage Chun'an County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau sent nearly 50 New Year condolences such as cooking oil, rice and nut gift boxes to the low-income households, the elderly and seriously ill patients in Youyuan Village, Qiandao Lake Town, and youyuan Village, Linqi Town.

At 8:30 a.m., volunteers from Country Garden's Zhejiang region, led by Sun Lingxiang, secretary of the Party Committee of Sunshine Community, went to the community to comfort the people in need.

Seeing the arrival of Secretary Sun and volunteers, Aunt Wang came out to receive oil, rice and other materials, and thanked the society and caring enterprises for their concern.

Aunt Wang's wife died last year, and now she lives alone in a house on the first floor. The departure of her wife had a certain impact on her, but she still faced life positively and optimistically.

Aunt Wang said that now she collects cardboard to sell in her spare time, first as a workout, and secondly to increase her income.

Country Garden Zhejiang region launched "Spring Wind Action" in Chun'an and Tonglu

Country Garden volunteers sent love supplies to Aunt Wang

Uncle Li, a 45-year-old with uremia, goes to the hospital for dialysis every two weeks, and volunteers follow Secretary Sun to his home.

Seeing that Uncle Li looked good, everyone began to talk. "If you have a question, tell us that the state and society will help you." Chen Jianhua, general secretary of the Zhejiang regional party branch and vice president of Country Garden Group, said.

Subsequently, volunteers from the Zhejiang region of Country Garden and Wang Liquan, member of the party committee and deputy director of the Chun'an County Housing and Construction Bureau, drove more than 40 minutes to Youyuan Village in Linqi Town, bringing more than 30 pieces of oil and rice materials to the needy people in Youyuan Village.

It is understood that Youyuan Village is Wang Liquan's paired help village, and Wang Liquan has come to the village many times, so he also knows more about the situation in the village. Under the leadership of Wang Liquan and village cadres, volunteers from country garden Zhejiang went to the homes of several families in need to offer condolences.

Country Garden Zhejiang region launched "Spring Wind Action" in Chun'an and Tonglu

Operation Spring Wind

Uncle Zhang is 65 years old this year, and compared with other buildings in the village, he currently lives in a wooden house. Seeing that the volunteers had sent oil and rice, he said happily: "The condolences you sent are very practical, thank you very much."

In addition to Chun'an, on January 15, Country Garden Zhejiang launched the "Wish 100 Project - Dream Space Plan" in Tonglu, and also brought New Year condolences to 30 needy families who were funded.

It is reported that since 2000, the Hangzhou Federation of Trade Unions has carried out the "Spring Wind Action" with the theme of "sending warmth from all walks of life and bathing the people in difficulty with spring breeze".

Under the correct leadership of the municipal party committee and the municipal government and the attention and support of relevant departments and all sectors of society, the leap from "a spring breeze" to "spring wind resident" has been realized, and it has gradually developed into a "Hangzhou model" that focuses on ensuring and improving the lives of the people in difficulty and helping and assisting the people in need.

In the past 21 years, the "Spring Wind Action" has arrived every year. Country Garden Zhejiang has actively participated in the "Spring Wind Action" for many years, adding temperature to the "good city" of Hangzhou and helping to achieve common prosperity.

Country Garden Zhejiang region launched "Spring Wind Action" in Chun'an and Tonglu

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