
E-book sharing 丨 "Xu Qianyun Complete Collection" a full set of 14 books

E-book sharing 丨 "Xu Qianyun Complete Collection" a full set of 14 books

The Complete Works of Xu Qianyun (a full set of 14 books)


Xu Qiuyun, a native of Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, was born in July 1930 as an emeritus professor at the University of Pittsburgh and an academician of academia Sinica in Taiwan. He graduated from the Department of History of National Taiwan University in 1953, received a master's degree in liberal arts in 1956, later studied at the University of Chicago, and graduated from the University of Chicago in 1962 with a Doctor of Philosophy degree in humanities.

He served as a professor and head of the Department of History at National Taiwan University, and in 1970 he went to the United States as a professor and professor of history at the University of Pittsburgh. In 1986, he was elected honorary member of the American Humanities Society. Since the 1990s, Hui has been appointed Chair Professor of History at the University of Chinese, Hong Kong, Chair Professor at the University of Hawaii, Chair Professor at Duke University, and Retired Honorary Professor of History at the University of Pittsburgh. In 1980, he was elected as an academician of the Academia Sinica in Taiwan.

He is the author of "Wangu River", "Xu Zhuoyun Says about the United States", "Mental Journey", "Historical Research", "Seeking The Ancient Chapter", "Happy Chapter", "History of the Western Zhou Dynasty", "The Characteristics of Ancient Chinese Culture", "Challenge and Renewal", "Chinese Culture and World Culture", "The Development Process of Chinese Culture", "Modern Ethical Fables - Journey to the East", "Historical Spectroscope", "Characters from History", "Management from History", "Organization from History", Ancient China in Transition, Han Agriculture, Western Zhou Civilization and other monographs, as well as more than 100 monographs and encyclopedias.

E-book sharing 丨 "Xu Qianyun Complete Collection" a full set of 14 books


E-book sharing 丨 "Xu Qianyun Complete Collection" a full set of 14 books

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