
< Chinese folk tales> the origin of the red and green belt of the girl (Yi)

author:Pure blue all-night bugs
< Chinese folk tales> the origin of the red and green belt of the girl (Yi)

One night, a snowy star landed at the head of the village of Crown Dragon, illuminating the village brightly.

At this moment, in a room at the south end of the Mianlong Village, a beautiful girl was born. The lark came to congratulate and the phoenix flew in to say hello.

Mom and Dad named their daughter Mountain Girl. The news of the birth of the mountain girl spread throughout the villages of the Western Mountains, and people from the Axi (Yi clan) near and far came to hexi.

Time passed like flowing water, and the mountain girl grew up. During the day, she learned to weave, embroider and plant crops under the guidance of her mother; at night, she learned to sing and play the singing (a bamboo instrument).

The female eldest eighteen changes, the peony appears red. There are nine hundred and nine girls, and the mountain girls are the most beautiful. The sun did not come out of the mountain, and the girl's threshold was crowded with matchmakers, this said, that said, she blushed and beat.

But the mountain girl looked down on no one. Camellias on the high mountains, no sunlight and no opening, emerald birds in the dense forest, no phoenixes, no singing, the girl told her mother what she said.

It turned out that things had to start from last year's Torch Festival. On the day of the Torch Festival, the mountain girl got up early, put on her beloved clothes, dressed up, and took pictures in a basin of clear water before leaving the door.

The mountain girl was very satisfied, and she left the village and walked towards the wrestling field.

Walking to the edge of the forest, a tiger suddenly jumped out of the woods. The tiger was about to pounce on her when suddenly he let out a strange roar and fell to the ground and died.

The mountain girl was frightened, and there was no time to thank the young man who had rescued her, who had dragged the dead tiger down the mountain.

The mountain girl came to the wrestling ring alone and looked at the wrestlers. The laughter and the sound of the big three strings in the wrestling field could no longer arouse the interest of the mountain girl.

The sun gradually turned to the west, according to the rules of the Axi people, this is the time when the most won Hercules hung a red cloth parade. Suddenly, the salute in the field was noisy, and the gongs and drums sounded in unison. The mountain girl's eyes also followed the sound of the gong and drum.

Suddenly, the mountain girl's eyes lit up, and the red cloth hanging in her head was the young man who saved her, a young man named Azi in the village.

In the mind of the aunt Ah Zi, Ah Zi is as majestic as the pine trees on the top of the West Mountain, and as brave as the goshawk on the rock. Since that Torch Festival, they had been in love.

They labored together during the day, and sang "Xianji" (a song of the Assi people) together at night, sending away the sun and ushering in the moon.

Sweet Silk Love: Not always going so well. When Ah Zi still had no money to say kisses, Niannuo Toast drove ninety-nine cows to kiss, but was rejected by the mountain girl.

He heard that the mountain girl and his tenant Ah Zi were friendly, and secretly planned to break them up.

One day, ah zi was working at home, and the housekeeper of the toushi came to his house with a bunch of dog legs and said that Ah Zi and Shi Si had committed a crime and would not allow Ah Zi to live in this village anymore.

The mountain girl had to meet Ah Zi in the mountains. During the day they each worked on one side, and at night they talked together.

On this day, the mountain girl ate the rice, washed her feet, took out a wooden comb and combed her hair, and went to the agreed place to wait as usual.

Time passed like a blink of an eye, and after waiting for a long time, Ah Zi had not yet come. The wind blows the leaves beside the road, making a rustling sound.

The mountain girl's heart was uneasy. When the daystar gradually rose, she saw a man crawling towards here, and the man climbed to the side of the mountain girl, who was already unconscious—he was Ah Zi!

"Brother Azi! Azigo! The mountain girl caressed Ah Zi's flesh-and-blood blurred body. Ah Zi's injury made the mountain girl understand that Ah Zi had been bitten by a beast. She couldn't help but shed tears.

Ah Zi's heart slowly stopped beating. The mountain girl cried like a tearful person, she cried and cried, and carried Ah Zi's body to the house.

On the day of Ah Zi's cremation, the mountain girl jumped into the fire when no one was ready, and a puff of green smoke rose in the air, and the mountain girl and Ah Zi burned together.

Mill Notoshi asks people to separate the mountain girl from Ah Zi's ashes. But as soon as the ashes were scattered after they were separated, the ashes of the mountain girl turned into an emerald green cloud, and Ah Zi's ashes turned into red clouds, and the two clouds gathered together, and suddenly a thunderstorm was great.

The toshi and his dog's leg both drowned in the flood. The rain stopped and the clouds dissipated, and the people in the village saw Ah Zi blowing a flute, and the mountain girl playing the ringing basket and dancing on the rainbow----- Ah Xi dancing the moon.

In order to commemorate Ah Zi and the mountain girl, Ah Xiao girl used red cloth and green cloth to tie up and tie it around her waist. Legend has it that the red and green belt tied by the girl came from this way.

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