
In 1954, after his identity was exposed and sent to Beijing, why was he able to become a guest of honor for the leader?

author:Literary and historical detective
In the long road of defending our homeland and defending our country, whether it is the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression or the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, as long as the enemy invades our land and hurts our countrymen, then these warriors will appear. Their presence has always been active on various battlefields. Along the way, I don't know how many fighters have sacrificed their precious lives to defend the motherland. But there were still some lucky warriors who walked down the brutal battlefield, saw the founding of New China, saw the moment when China became stronger, and saw the aggressors who slipped away when they were personally driven out. After the country has settled down, they should be comfortable to accept the honor and respect that the state and the people have given them. However, among them, many people choose to return to their hometowns without mentioning merit or fault. And the hero we want to know today is such a fighter to resist the United States and aid Korea -- Lei Baosen. He quietly returned to his hometown after many miracles, what made him do this? What great deed did he do to become a guest of the leader after being discovered?

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Video link: In 1954, after his identity was exposed, he was sent to Beijing, why was he able to become a guest of honor of the leader?

In 1954, after his identity was exposed and sent to Beijing, why was he able to become a guest of honor for the leader?

Pictured| Rebson


In 1925, a poor family in Zhangmao Village, Shandong Province, gave birth to a son and named the child Li Baosen. Li Baosen also has two sisters in front of him. Li Baosen's father was very tall, and because he was very kind and simple, several villagers who had a good relationship with him began to call Li Baosen's father "Li Da", and slowly more people called him, and everyone followed suit. Li Baosen's mother is a Chinese woman with traditional ideas, and when "Li Da" goes out to earn money, Li Baosen's mother is responsible for cleaning up the family, taking care of her children, and occasionally taking over a little manual work from other villages, hoping to reduce the burden on her husband.

The living conditions of the Li family are very poor, the life is very poor, the three children in the family, two adults, this has to eat, all have to wear clothes, ah, fortunately the family still has a little land, can grow some crops, originally the life of the Li family is tight, but who let this be an era of landlords, under the exploitation of the landlord, their family's life is even more difficult, but fortunately the adults in the family are diligent people, have been working to earn money. Basically, there is no big thing and generally no rest, precisely because Li Baosen's parents are very diligent, so everyone in the family can eat.

In 1954, after his identity was exposed and sent to Beijing, why was he able to become a guest of honor for the leader?

The | the crops planted by the people

Just when Li Baosen was one year old, the landlord's family came to the house, under the pretext of coming to ask for debts, humiliated Li Baosen's aunt, that is, the sister of "Li Da", looking at the sister who was in tears, this man was very unhappy in his heart, and remembered his father's and mother's instructions before his death, he became more and more angry, and in a fit of anger, he hacked the son of the landlord's family to death. When he hacked the other person to death, he looked at the knife in his hand and didn't know what to do, but there was only one word in his mind, that is, "run". Although it was the landlord's son who made the mistake first, after all, the family has money, and the reason why having money can make the ghost push and grind is understood by everyone, and then say that he actually killed people in one breath, killing people is a major crime, and the landlord's family will certainly not let go of themselves.

The "big Li" who returned to God quickly took the family with him and left ZhangMao Village overnight, they had no place to go, they could only go to the relatives' homes in Henan for a few days first, at that time, there was no way to contact the relatives in Henan in advance, so they could only go directly. The aunt was very happy about the arrival of the Li family's big son, and immediately ate and drank well, but when Li Baosen's father said to her that he had committed a crime, there was no way to come to you, and the aunt suddenly frowned. Maybe everyone doesn't quite understand why the aunt's attitude changed so quickly, because in the society at that time, except for the landlord's family, everyone else's life was very difficult. The delicious food and drink mentioned above are only so that the Li family can eat a hot meal, or take out some of the ingredients they have hidden on this day.

In 1954, after his identity was exposed and sent to Beijing, why was he able to become a guest of honor for the leader?

Pictured| better houses

The aunt's family simply did not have any spare space for such a large family to live, and Li Baosen's father saw that it was indeed not easy for the relatives to live. Therefore, in order not to involve relatives, they could only take their wives and children to go first, at this time they found a broken temple, and in desperation, the family could only live in it first, at least there was a place to sleep. But a family without financial resources not only can't live in the house, but even eating is a problem. Therefore, Li Baosen's father finally decided to carry water to a landlord's family, and the landlords liked to let the poor work the most, because the poor people's wages were very small, but for the Li family's situation at this time, it was better to have a job than no job. Li Baosen's mother could not find a suitable job in the landlord's house, and the children were still young, so she decided to continue to do manual work.

I had no choice but to change my surname

Once, when Li Baosen's father was carrying water at the landlord's house, he accidentally broke the water tank, and a water tank did not have to lose a lot of money, but the landlord saw that the poor were bullied and directly offered a sky-high price. For the Li family, it is to give all the money to the landlord, can not afford to lose this water tank, can only ask the landlord's family to ask for less, but the landlord is not a benevolent person, seeing that the Li family is not willing to give, they simply found the place where they live, and robbed Li Baosen's mother of the money that has been painstakingly transferred in the past few days, and also deducted most of Li Baosen's father's wages. "Li Dajie", who had been working hard to earn money in the landlord's house, saw this scene and suddenly became an emergency, because the family had no money and could not invite a doctor to see him, so Li Baosen's father died shortly after.

In 1954, after his identity was exposed and sent to Beijing, why was he able to become a guest of honor for the leader?

Figure | common water tanks

And Li Baosen's mother sent away her late husband in grief, the burden of the family suddenly fell on this woman, women are not like men, can do some hard work, Li Baosen's mother looked at the three children in her arms, can only choose to take more manual work to feed the children, but the speed of the four people eating quickly caught up with the money earned by Li Mother. After several days of not having enough to eat, Li's mother finally decided to sell her two daughters to someone else's family, and let her two teenage daughters be used as child brides for other people's families. In this way, Li Baosen's two sisters were sent away, and only Li Baosen and Li Baosen's mother were left in the family.

The two children are the flesh that fell from their own bodies, Li Mother lives every day in the regret of sending her daughter out by her own hands, plus some time ago in order to support four children, the body has long been much worse than before, after spending the money from selling her daughter, the mother and son can only go to the street to beg, the situation of Li Mother's body is getting worse and worse, and finally the same as Li Father's situation, because there is no money, please come to the doctor, Li Mother died of illness, when Li Mother died, Li Baosen was only six years old. At the age of six, he was in the grade of school, and Li Baosen had died without his parents teaching him any survival skills. Young Li Baosen can only beg, except to beg Li Baosen will not do anything, coupled with the fear of death, so that Li Baosen can only keep begging.

In 1954, after his identity was exposed and sent to Beijing, why was he able to become a guest of honor for the leader?

Picture | begging child (non-Reberson)

Such days ushered in a transformation when he was eight years old. One day, when Li Baosen was begging on the street, a couple saw himself alone, and there were no adults around, so they asked Li Baosen if he would like to go home with them. After two years of social darkness, Li Baosen has long since become no longer easy to trust anyone, so Li Baosen finally decided to go home with them after repeated observation. After returning home, they were very good to Li Baosen, and Li Baosen also found that the couple did not have children, so they treated Li Baosen as if they were their own sons, although the couple was not rich, but it was extremely warm for Li Baosen at that time. Later, Li Baosen's surname was changed to "Lei". In this way, Lei Baosen grew up to thirteen years old without worry, and Lei Baosen could not forget the past of his begging, and at the same time, he also looked at the difficulties of the current family, and while thanking them for bringing them home, he had already regarded them as his own parents. Nothing could be returned to them, and Rebson decided to come out and earn money and ended up getting a job at the landlord's house.

Join the troops

At this time, Lei Baosen was already seventeen years old, and this young man who lived the same life day after day and year after year was very puzzled, could he really only work for a long time in the landlord's house all his life? Should the poor live like this for the rest of their lives and watch others live? At this time, Lei Baosen already had his own thoughts, and he did not like the landlords who often squeezed the poor, so he decided to look at the outside world with his friends! He wants to change his destiny. Rebulsen decided to tell his parents what he thought. Parents agree. Ray Baosen set off with his friends.

In 1954, after his identity was exposed and sent to Beijing, why was he able to become a guest of honor for the leader?

Pictured| part of the volunteer army

Because the three people did not know the road, so they quickly dispersed, plus there was no money on them, so they could only earn money while working, and after inquiry, he learned that he had walked to Zhengzhou, Henan, but now in the suburbs, not in the city. So Rebson could only earn money while heading out into town. Soon, Rebausen found a restaurant and found a job for himself, working in a restaurant just as hard, but not much better than a landlord.

When working in the restaurant, one of the bosses said that he liked his attitude when he worked and liked the way he worked seriously, so Reberson would receive some tips from time to time. Later, the owner of the shoe store also told him to come to his store if he needed to buy shoes. When Ray Baosen was out on an outing, he saw his shop and decided to go inside and walk around. After walking in, the boss was still the same old way, very enthusiastic about his arrival.

In 1954, after his identity was exposed and sent to Beijing, why was he able to become a guest of honor for the leader?

The picture | street during the War of Resistance Against Japan

At this time, the shoe shop owner finally talked to Lei Baosen about his profession, and at this time he realized that the thick man in front of him was not only the shoe shop owner, but actually he was doing dangerous work. The owner of the shoe store saw that Lei Baosen had been shocked by his identity, so he told Lei Baosen what the Communist Party was doing. At this time, Lei Baosen completely knew what the shoe store owner was doing, and it turned out that he was doing things for the Communist Party. After a long period of observation by the shoe store owner, Ray Baosen, who returned to the location of his residence, could not sleep at night. Under the careful consideration of the organization, Lei Baosen smoothly became one of them, successfully joined the ranks of the Communist Party, and officially became a member of the underground party, responsible for the liaison station.

The job Reberson loves, but it's a dangerous job after all. While on a mission, Ray Boson accidentally exposed information. But Lei Baosen did not flinch because of this incident, but strengthened his determination to join the Communist Party, and Lei Baosen later joined the army. Even if it is bitter and dangerous, Lei Baosen did not have a word of complaint, because after a long time together, he already liked such a team, he felt that this was the life he wanted, Lei Baosen's efforts were all seen by the superior leaders, remembered in his heart, so Lei Baosen was approved to join the party in 1948.

In 1954, after his identity was exposed and sent to Beijing, why was he able to become a guest of honor for the leader?

Pictured| Volunteer Soldier

Entering the Korean War

It didn't take long for the Korean War to break out, and after receiving news of their support for Korea, Lei Baosen and them immediately went to Korea, ready to fight! The weapons of the U.S. army are very advanced and take advantage of the numbers. However, the soldiers did not have the slightest timidity, and in the face of such a strong enemy, they still chose to go forward bravely, and under the command of the commander of our army, the soldiers successfully repelled the American army again and again. The US army was very angry, and it was beaten back by the volunteers several times in succession, and it was unwilling, so it prepared to "sneak attack", and the US army wanted to launch an attack when our army was resting. In the end, after a series of thoughts, the superior leader decided to send four squads to the high ground to ambush the enemy.

After receiving the order, all the soldiers of the fourth squad immediately packed up their equipment and set out for the heights. When lurking for two days, there was still no half a shadow of the enemy army, which was something that all the fighters did not expect, after all, when lurking, they could not move around, so the soldiers could not help but be a little discouraged. At this moment, the squad leader, Lei Baosen, decided to give everyone encouragement, saying that it was only a matter of time before the enemy army would definitely go here. Under his sponsorship, the mood of the warriors was greatly relieved.

In 1954, after his identity was exposed and sent to Beijing, why was he able to become a guest of honor for the leader?

Pictured| cross the Yalu River

On the morning of March 27, there were constant gunshots and shells, and Rebson knew that it must be the troops in front and the enemy fighting. The enemy's support force is definitely coming soon, and Ray Boson reminds everyone that the enemy is coming! Get ready for battle! Sure enough, a few hours later, they saw the enemy reinforcements coming in waves. Just listening to the sound, Lei Baosen sensed that something was wrong, and sure enough, it was not only the infantry that came, but also twelve combat tanks and more than a hundred infantrymen who came into the eyes of the four squads of soldiers.

When it came time to see the enemy aid forces, all the fighters could not help but panic. Looking at the weapons in their hands, this bit of equipment was originally intended to fight the infantry, but I did not expect that the enemy army also sent out tanks, can this little thing in hand help but get the tank? Thinking of the orders of their superiors, the warriors decided not to retreat! This battle must be fought, and we must hold high ground. Under Ray's observation, they decided to fight together, and under Ray's observation, he found that there was a very special road shape, which happened to be an "S" shape. If the first tank is hit at this time, won't the other tanks be unable to go, just blocked by the first tank. This was not enough, they decided to hit the first tank when the enemy troops entered the "S" section, and in order to delay the time, they also decided to attack the last tank. Wouldn't the tanks in the middle not be able to go there?

In 1954, after his identity was exposed and sent to Beijing, why was he able to become a guest of honor for the leader?

Pictured| U.S. military tanks

The enemy obviously did not expect a team to ambush them here, so they drove into the S-shaped section. Ray Baosen saw the deeds and gave the order. With a loud noise, the first tank was scrapped, completely turning into a large pile of scrap iron, although it did not hurt the last tank, but it frightened the American troops in the tank and quickly turned around and drove away. Before the battle was over, before the enemy could figure out what was going on, Reberson had given the order to strafe the enemy infantry. This succession of ambushes caught the AMERICAN troops off guard, killing many infantrymen on the spot, and some frightened, simply ran away. Can't let them escape! Lei Baosen's troops were immediately divided into three-man groups, each with its own tasks, without interfering with each other. Ray Baosen and two comrades went straight to the last tank, and with the cooperation of the three people, successfully blew up the tracks of the tank and killed the American troops.

In the end, the four classes led by Reberson won. In just a few minutes, the nine-man team blew up eleven enemy tanks and killed more than a hundred American troops, but none of the nine men were injured. Such excellent achievements were immediately passed on among the troops, and many people admired them in their hearts. After the war, Reberson also received honorary titles for the battle.

In 1954, after his identity was exposed and sent to Beijing, why was he able to become a guest of honor for the leader?

Pictured | bomber

Helpless to jump off a cliff

Having just successfully intercepted the large troops of the US army, Lei Baosen and his comrades did not dare to let down their vigilance, they knew that their move was undoubtedly a blow to the face of the US army, and they would definitely be retaliated by the US army. That's right, the next day, a large number of American troops were coming toward the heights. In this battle, they invested a lot of weapons and equipment and soldiers, and attacked like crazy. After a long battle, Lei Baosen and another warrior found that the equipment was almost insufficient, coupled with the death of their comrades in battle, there were only two of them on the battlefield at this time, so it was not the way to go, they decided to retreat. Ray Baosen decided to let another comrade retreat first, and after the comrade retreated, he found that he had no way to go, so he chose to jump off the cliff.

Coincidentally, Lei Baosen did not fall on the open ground, but fell on a branch, which saved a life, but after all, he fell from a high place, plus he also participated in a fierce battle before jumping off the cliff, and Lei Baosen was injured in more than ten places, not including ribs that had been broken. Rebausen was discovered by a woman who recognized the clothes worn by the soldiers of the troops who helped their country, and after confirming that Rebausen was a good man, she called in the villagers and took him to the hospital together.

In 1954, after his identity was exposed and sent to Beijing, why was he able to become a guest of honor for the leader?

Pictured| field hospital

After Lei Baosen woke up, he was very sad, and he never took the initiative to contact his superiors and contact the troops. Later, Lei Baosen decided not to return to the army, and he wanted to return to his hometown. After that, he also found a job as a waiter, which turned out to be because although Lei Baosen's body was well, all the functions of his body made it clear that he could no longer continue to fight.

The leader holds a feast

At that time, the people in the army could not find Lei Baosen's body, thinking that they had been eaten by wild beasts, and the fact that the battle was indeed fierce, this further determined the warriors' thoughts. But one of his comrades never believed that Reberson was dead, so he decided to seize the last chance: to publish a search notice.

Because Lei Baosen is very low-key, never tell people what he did before, so everyone does not know the real identity of Lei Baosen, in 1953, a leader was reading the newspaper after eating, just happened to see that it was the newspaper that published the issue of the search notice, the leader saw the search notice, at that time he felt that Lei Baosen's three words seemed to have been heard somewhere, so he ordered people to start to inquire, and after a while, he found Lei Baosen and took it to the office for inquiry. After seeing the newspaper, Lei Baosen was simply very surprised, but did not choose to admit that the person in the newspaper was himself. But the leader did not give up, but quietly reported Lei Baosen's name to the superior leader.

In 1954, after his identity was exposed and sent to Beijing, why was he able to become a guest of honor for the leader?

Pictured| plaque presented to Ray Boson

Suddenly there was a clamor outside, saying that he wanted to find himself, and when he looked up, he found that these people had government workers and his old comrades-in-arms, this resolute soldier, and saw that the comrades who had been with him could no longer hold back... Later, Ray, who had already revealed his identity, accepted a new job that the government later arranged for him. Later, the leader of our party listened to some things about Lei Baosen, which happened to be the National Day, so he invited Lei Baosen to watch the ceremony together, which can also be regarded as a tribute to this veteran. After the ceremony, the leader of our party extended an invitation to Rebausen, in addition to inviting several combat heroes who had distinguished themselves in other battles. The leader of our party not only read out Lei Baosen's name during the meal, but even asked about some things on the battlefield.

Since returning from Beijing, Lei Baosen feels that his physical condition has become worse and worse, and continuing to stay cannot help the motherland, so Lei Baosen chose to retire in his hometown. Rebalsen died on 9 March 2009. But his patriotic spirit was passed on forever. He often taught his children: "Although there is no war now, you must still love the country well, and you must not forget the good of the country." ”

In 1954, after his identity was exposed and sent to Beijing, why was he able to become a guest of honor for the leader?

| Medal

We also want to pay tribute to this patriotic old man! I would also like to thank all the brave soldiers who fought in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea. Lei Baosen could have been respected and loved by everyone with the title and honor given to him by the state, but he did not, and when he fell, he resolutely decided not to cause trouble to the organization, dragging his injuries back to his hometown, recuperating alone, relying on the money he earned to support himself. We should also learn from him.

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