
Don't worry, just go with the flow, it's all your business

Text/Flying Fish

Don't worry, just go with the flow, it's all your business

Mr. Yang Dai wrote a sentence in "The Two of Us", the years are quiet for a moment, and a place of chicken feathers is a daily routine.

In our lives, unsatisfactory things, ten times eighty-nine, life will always experience a lot of things, ups and downs, ups and downs, we can only go with nature, everything with fate, in order to see through life, cultivate their own state of mind.

Especially in this materialistic world, the more we desire something, the more we overwhelm all our expectations, and the slightest flaw, we feel unhappy.

In fact, it is because we put all our energy and expectations on one thing, full of expectations for it, only allow success, not failure, then a little bit of unhappiness, will be very disappointed.

Don't worry, just go with the flow, it's all your business

In fact, many things are contrary to our will, but also let us can not control, people in this life is actually bitter enough, if everything is grumpy, will not let go and relieved, we are destined to live a very painful life.

In fact, we don't have to care too much about other people's ideas, whether you are honest and responsible, or outstanding, or beautiful and moving, in fact, you can't get everyone's likes, the world is hot and cold, we see it clearly, and then immerse ourselves in being ourselves, everything goes with the flow, go with the flow, don't have to think too much, don't have to care too much, we naturally have a happy life.

Real life, will always be a chicken feather, life sea, floating and sinking is the norm, gathering and dispersing is also the norm, life is impermanent, when you see the impermanence, life is normal, everything is ordinary.

In the chicken feathers of life, we face it naturally, and if it comes, then it is safe, do not complain, do not accuse, if you bloom, the breeze will come.

Don't worry, just go with the flow, it's all your business

Life is like drinking water, cold and warm self-knowledge, although you do a good job of yourself, live your own life, whatever others think, whatever others evaluate, people who understand you will naturally understand, people who do not understand you, explanation is useless. People who care about you will naturally stay and love you, and people who don't love you will naturally think of it.

Life is like this, many things, not you think, can be complete, many things have uncontrollable factors, what we can do is to do our duty, try our best, work hard, then look at Providence, go with the flow, not chaotic, not trapped in love, not afraid of the future, not thinking about the past.

Life follows fate, do not live in the eyes of others, be loyal to yourself, live out what you like, what you can't keep, we no longer want, people who can't stay, no longer demand.

Don't worry, just go with the flow, it's all your business

Because the fate is a foot, it is difficult to seek a foot, what should be put down must learn to put down, day after day, year after year, come and go, learn to give up, properly clean up the garbage in the heart, but also clean up some things around, give yourself a clean environment, so that you will make yourself very comfortable.

Life for what happens, to accept calmly, live naturally, although you can't get it, it doesn't matter, because you have worked hard, so you don't have to feel regrets, but look at the circumstances.

Life will always hover between gain and loss, and will always face a lot of convergence and dispersion, although we look away, don't think too much, can not change, just go with the flow, can not have, learn to follow the fate.

Don't worry, just go with the flow, it's all your business

The things that life should face cannot be hidden, it is a blessing rather than a curse, and it is a disaster that cannot be avoided.

In this life, whether it is good times or bad times, we must learn to practice, because life cannot always be smooth sailing, there is no eternal good times and bad times, always take turns, no matter what the current state is, we should put the right mentality, because fate is sometimes ruthless, sometimes generous, and the mentality determines life.

Only learn to go with the flow, not to complain about the injustice of fate, but also to fall into self-depravity, everything goes with fate, tell yourself that everything will be fine, don't worry, every adversity is actually a practice, although you are kind to yourself and others.

Life is not satisfactory nine times out of ten, instead of lamenting the injustice of fate, it is better to treat it with an open heart. I believe that in the end of hardship, there will be a return to happiness and nourish yourself, in order to keep the clouds open.

Don't worry, just go with the flow, it's all your business


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