
Sleeping is actually more helpful for weight loss than exercising and eating less, and 5 reasons tell you the truth

author:Chen Jia'er

If you want to lose weight, your sleep time may be as important as your exercise and what you eat. If you don't get the sleep your body needs, your brain looks for other places, such as high-calorie foods and sugar. There are two hormones that control your appetite, one of which is called the hunger hormone and the other known as the satiety hormone (leptin). These two partners are there to balance your cravings, but the lack of sleep makes them unbalanced.

Here's a summary of some of the reasons why sleep is important for weight loss, and what to do to help you along the way.

1. Lack of sleep may increase appetite and increase the chances of obesity.

Sleeping is actually more helpful for weight loss than exercising and eating less, and 5 reasons tell you the truth

Hormones play an important role in appetite and sleep regulation, which is why when you're sleep-deprived, you disrupt your hormones. This in turn will make you want to eat high-calorie foods, even if you just ate a meal 1 hour ago.

What to do:

Hint of sleep laziness — When you are exposed to light, the chances of falling down are higher and the risk of staying asleep and being obese is higher.

Take it easy and don't stress too much – this can lead to poor sleep and weight gain.

Go to bed early – When you go to bed late, you're taking in more calories.

2. Going to bed early can prevent snacking late at night.

Sleeping is actually more helpful for weight loss than exercising and eating less, and 5 reasons tell you the truth

Eating a late-night snack keeps our metabolism running when it should be relaxing, resulting in the storage of ingested calories as fat. It may also not help us get a good night's sleep. However, eating low-calorie snacks may not hurt anything.

Eat dinner 2 hours before bedtime.

Eat enough in one day to block your desires at night.

If you really feel hungry after a meal, don't eat sugary foods. Instead, eat some fruit, low-fat yogurt, or some carrots.

3. Sleeping can enhance physical activity.

Sleeping is actually more helpful for weight loss than exercising and eating less, and 5 reasons tell you the truth

In order to get the energy of exercise, you need to rest enough, and when you rest, your body produces growth hormone, which makes the muscles in the body grow. Growth hormone is usually activated during sleep, and if you lack sleep, then it will be suppressed, resulting in fewer chances of burning fat.

It's also quite dangerous to exercise when we're tired, especially when we're lifting weights. In the case of injury, growth hormone helps speed up the healing process, which is why adequate rest is important.

4. Sleep can reduce sugar cravings.

Sleeping is actually more helpful for weight loss than exercising and eating less, and 5 reasons tell you the truth

If you crave a sweet tooth after a long day at work, this may not come as a surprise. Insomnia and food cravings are due to lack of sleep that can lead to an imbalance in appetite-regulating hormones, which can lead to weight gain.

Sleep for energy, not eat sugar for energy.

Increase your usual sleep schedule by 1 hour as this can help you make healthier food choices.

5. Sleeping a little longer may help you avoid weight gain.

Sleeping is actually more helpful for weight loss than exercising and eating less, and 5 reasons tell you the truth

Sleeping for a short period of time, such as 6-7 hours a night, is associated with weight gain. More specifically, it may result in a wider waist and more belly fat. This happens not only in adults, but also in children, especially in their middle childhood (6-8 years).

Sleep 7-9 hours a night.

How many hours do you sleep at night? What changes would you like to do to lose weight? The comment area told the editor.

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