
Ancient Chinese History (Sui and Tang Dynasties) (IV. The Degradation of Li Delin and the Rebellion of the Five Religions)

590 AD

Li Delin was degraded: accompanying the king is like accompanying the tiger

In 590, Li Delin, the founding hero of the Sui Dynasty, was demoted to the title of Assassin of Huaizhou.

Before being degraded, Li Delin had actually been deeply trusted by Emperor Wen of Sui. After the founding of the Sui Dynasty, Li Delin became the secretary of Emperor Wen of Sui with his outstanding literary talent, often drafting edicts for the emperor, but soon after, the contradictions between him and Emperor Wen of Sui broke out. As a literati, Li Delin had his own set of concepts of right and wrong, and when Yang Jian, after the usurpation of the throne, discussed with his courtiers whether to kill the Northern Zhou imperial family, the chancellor Gao Xi and others advocated that all should be executed and cut down the grass and roots, but Li Delin was the first to stand up against it. Li Delin condemned this kind of massacre from the perspective of benevolence and righteousness, believing that the Great Sui had replaced northern Zhou, and there was no need to use force to kill people, and Emperor Wen of Sui listened to Li Delin's words that were not in line with his own wishes, and said coldly, You are a scholar, don't participate in the discussion of this kind of thing. After Li Delin was intimidated, he couldn't understand very much, his own proposition was not unreasonable, why was it not adopted, who said that students could not discuss state affairs? Li Delin was secretly determined to prove that he had the ability to provide advice for the management of the country.

The opportunity soon came. After emperor Wen of Sui dynasty Zhou, in order to completely solve the problem of hidden hukou of the people, he strengthened the management of the grass-roots level and let the ministers contribute ideas and suggestions. Su Wei, a minister who was deeply trusted by Emperor Wen of Sui, proposed to set up a township chief for every 500 households in the countryside to manage the affairs of the township and resolve litigation disputes. Emperor Wen of Sui felt that it made a lot of sense. But Li Delin did not think so, he told Emperor Wen of Sui that he was from the Boling Li clan, and he was very familiar with the fact that the people's magnates controlled the township, and at this time they should take back their power, how could they set up a township and give them more power, so that there would definitely be problems in management.

Emperor Wen of Sui finally chose to believe in Su Wei and implemented the township system. Not long after, Emperor Wen of Sui sent a minister to inspect the governance of various places, Yu Qingze, returned to the capital, and he told Emperor Wendi of Sui that the problem of the township system was very big, and corruption and party formation were frequent.

When Emperor Wen of Sui heard that Emperor Wen of Sui was planning to abolish the township, he immediately wrote to him, saying that at the beginning I said that this system was not working, you must implement it, and now that it has just been implemented for a few years, it will be revised again, and I am afraid that changing the system so frequently will cause trouble. Emperor Wen of Sui felt that Li Delin was deliberately embarrassing himself and decided to punish him.

There is a sentence in Li Delin's sonata that says that the imperial court's change of order is the way to control chaos. This deeply stung the heart of Emperor Wen of Sui, because in history only one emperor had been so evaluated, that person was like Emperor Wen of Sui who was a foreign tyrant, who was established by Zen and vigorously promoted the New Deal but eventually perished quickly. Emperor Wen of Sui pointed at Li Delin and scolded, Are you trying to compare me to Wang Mang? Li Delin did not speak, he thought that his suggestion was right, Emperor Wen of Sui should accept it with an open mind, and should be respectful to himself, a scribe who was famous all over the world, but at this time, Emperor Wen of Sui was already angry.

Li Delin's edict annoyed not only Emperor Wen of Sui, but also Su Wei. Su Wei felt that Li Delin was sincere in doing this to embarrass himself, so he held a grudge and began to look for opportunities to retaliate. The kung fu paid off, and soon he grabbed Li Delin's handle. It turned out that Li Delin's father had died very early and had not been a high official, but when Sui Chu discussed the reward for meritorious deeds, Li Delin lied that his father had been a lieutenant to consult in order to obtain favor. Su Wei immediately instructed his subordinates to report the matter to Emperor Wen of Sui. Emperor Wen of Sui, who was already bored with Li Delin, was furious when he heard this, and he sent Li Delin to ask him, "Haven't you always regarded yourself as a scholar and a celebrity, and it is disgusting to even do such a sneaky thing!" Li Delin could not argue in the face of the accusations, and he only begged Emperor Wen of Sui to leave himself in the capital to participate in the imperial government. Emperor Wen of Sui directly rejected him and demoted him to the title of Assassin of Huaizhou, and did not forgive him until he died in the office of Assassin Shi.

Conclusion: Li Delin was one of the founding heroes of the Sui Dynasty, but he was not a central figure in the Guanzhong aristocratic clique, and he was ostracized and suppressed, and he was degraded to weaken the political power of the Sui Dynasty in the area east of the Sui Mountains, and intensified the political struggle within the Sui Dynasty.

Ancient Chinese History (Sui and Tang Dynasties) (IV. The Degradation of Li Delin and the Rebellion of the Five Religions)

Li Delin stills

Rebellion of the Five Religions: Jiangnan Rebellion

In 590, after Emperor Wen of Sui destroyed Chen, in order to strengthen his rule over the Jiangnan region, he ordered the chancellor Su Wei to compile the Five Religions and force the newly annexed people in the Jiangnan region to recite it, thus provoking a popular uprising, known in history as the Rebellion of the Five Religions.

The chaos in Jiangnan should start from Su Wei. Su Wei was born into a famous family and was the son-in-law of Yuwen Hu, a northern Zhou chancellor, whose father had compiled a tax system and drafted laws for Western Wei. Under the influence of this family environment, Su Wei has developed extraordinary talents.

Under the repeated recommendation of the chancellor Gao Xi, the Sui Emperor Yang Jian adopted Su Wei for his own use. At the beginning of the establishment of the Sui Dynasty, because of the long period of war and division, the legal system was very chaotic, and Emperor Wen of Sui knew that Su Wei was superior in this regard, so he was responsible for compiling the laws. On the basis of absorbing the provisions of previous generations of laws, Su Wei deleted the complicated and simplified them, supplemented and improved them, and formed a total of twelve articles and five hundred articles of the "Kai Huang Law". Emperor Wen of Sui was overjoyed, and his trust in Su Wei grew day by day.

The biggest problem after Ping Chen was how to govern Chen Guo's homeland, and the first thing That Emperor Wen of Sui thought of was Su Wei. He hoped that Su Wei could devise a plan to help him quickly integrate this newly acquired territory into his own Sui territory. After Su Wei received the task, he began to design the plan, but there was an important issue that was ignored by Emperor Wen of Sui and Su Wei at the same time, although the Chen Dynasty was destroyed, but the powerful and powerful clans in the Jiangnan region still had a very powerful force, they hid their hukou and controlled a large number of armed forces attached to themselves.

Su Wei first suggested replacing all the officials at the prefecture and county levels in the Jiangnan region with northerners, because northerners were familiar with the laws of the Sui Dynasty and were more convenient when implementing policies. As a result, the Southern Hao lost the power they had held for many years to control local politics, and if they wanted to become officials thereafter, they all needed to participate in the examination to obtain meritorious titles, which was equivalent to completely depriving the Hao clan of its privileges.

For the Jiangnan Hao, the more fatal one is still to come. In accordance with the work carried out by the Sui Dynasty government in the north, Su Wei began to promote the study of major cases, the inventory of household registrations and the concealment of fields that evaded taxes. This is equivalent to directly taking away the money bags of the Hao clan. The reason why these policies have been successfully implemented in the north is because the north has gone through a long period of dogfight and there is little resistance. However, the Sui dynasty did not go through a large-scale sustained war, and as soon as the Sui army entered Jiankang, Chen Hou immediately surrendered. At this time, Su Wei wanted to completely suppress the remnants of the Jiangnan region with thunderous means, underestimating their determination to resist.

After formulating a series of administrative policies, Suewe felt that it was not enough, and he believed that he could not better rule the Southerners without changing their minds. At the behest of Emperor Wen of Sui, he selected the five teachings of fatherhood, motherhood, brotherhood, brotherhood, and filial piety in the Book of Shang, and added his own interpretation to compile the article "Five Teachings", ordering that both men, women, and children must learn the content of the five teachings.

Forced ideological assimilation made the people of Jiangnan hostile to Sui, and the road before them was armed resistance. Soon after, Local Hao clans such as Wang Wenjin of Jiangnan Bozhou, Gao Zhizhi of Yuezhou, and Shen Xuanjue of Suzhou first raised the anti-flag, and a huge rebellion broke out. They all called themselves the Son of Heaven and assigned hundreds of officials, while the less powerful rebels attached themselves to them, calling themselves the Governor of Dadu, and especially hated the local officials sent by the Sui Dynasty and the five religions that were forcibly indoctrinated.

Jiangnan set off a large-scale rebellion that Emperor Wen had never expected. When the news came, he calmly judged the situation and sent Yang Su, who had just returned to Beijing and served as an internal shiling, to lead a large army to go out. Yang Su was the most strategic and ruthless military expert of the Sui Dynasty, and after arriving in Jiangnan, Yang Su quickly extinguished the uprising with lightning speed. The armed forces of the local Hao clan were naturally inferior to Yang Su's well-trained army, and he quickly pacified several large rebel armies and reversed the situation in Jiangnan.

Emperor Wen of Sui also deeply realized that the huge differences between the societies of the north and the south were the root cause of the outbreak of this rebellion, and he began to adopt a certain policy of Huairou, transferring his second son Yang Guang to the south, reducing the high-pressure policy, and quelling the rebellion caused by the Five Religions.

Conclusion: The Rebellion of the Five Religions was a rebellion that broke out in Jiangnan against the sui dynasty's repressive rule policy, and Emperor Wen of Sui changed his policy toward the Jiangnan region after quelling the rebellion, stabilizing the rule of the Sui Dynasty and promoting the unification and integration of the north and the south.

Ancient Chinese History (Sui and Tang Dynasties) (IV. The Degradation of Li Delin and the Rebellion of the Five Religions)

Yang Su

Ancient Chinese History (Sui and Tang Dynasties) (IV. The Degradation of Li Delin and the Rebellion of the Five Religions)

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