
An overview of the life of Li Delin, the founding minister of the Sui Dynasty who was resourceful and judgmental and arrogant

author:Historic Mountain Villa

Li Delin (李德林), courtesy name Gongfu (字公助), was born into a family of eunuchs in the second year of the Northern Wei Dynasty (529 CE). His grandfather, Li Shou, served as a hucao in Huzhou (present-day Huzhou, Zhejiang). His father, Li Jingzu, served as a doctor of Taixue and a general of Zhenyuan, and served as an internal school secretary during the reign of Emperor Xiaojing of Northern Wei, participating in imperial court secrets. The rich and comfortable family environment gave Li Delin the opportunity to read the history books from an early age, and showed his talent among the dignitaries and nobles, paving the way for the future soaring huang Tengda.

Teenage prodigies are known for their filial piety

Li Delin has been intelligent and astute since he was a child, especially his memory is superhuman. When he was a few years old, it took only more than 10 days to recite Zuo Si's "Shu Du Fu" in full. At that time, after witnessing and hearing it, Gao Longzhi was amazed, and told all the people around him about this incident as an anecdote, and praised: "If this child is strictly cultivated, he will surely become a pillar of the country when he grows up." "Because of Gao Longzhi's praise, the story of the little prodigy Li Delin became a topic of discussion for a while. Many people wanted to see the little prodigy with their own eyes, and they visited his home, so that the cars and horses in front of his house were endless, and it lasted for more than a month. Li Delin himself did not indulge in people's praise, but redoubled his efforts and studied hard under the encouragement of his parents. At the age of 15, he studied the Five Classics and ancient and modern anthologies, insisted on reciting thousands of words every day, and soon mastered the essence of these documents and ancient books. After that, he began to dabble in the study of the Hundred Schools of The Sons, so that he knew everything in astronomical geography, strategic techniques, and the way of yin and yang. Due to Li Delin's intelligence and studiousness, he soon grew into a knowledgeable young man, especially good at writing articles. He wrote beautifully written articles, rich in content, clear in organization and fluent in language. Once, after reading his article, Wei, a great celebrity at the time, said to Li Delin's father, Li Jingzu, with great appreciation: "If your son can write such a beautiful article, he will definitely be wen Zisheng's heir in the future." "Wei Shuowencai is outstanding, has always been very conceited, and can be appreciated by him, which shows that Li Delin's talent is indeed extraordinary."

At the age of 16, just as Li Delin was growing up smoothly, his father suddenly died of illness. The heavy blow of his deceased father made the teenager Li Delin grief-stricken, and he personally drove a carriage to escort his father's Lingshu back to his hometown for burial. According to local customs, after the death of their parents, the filial piety is required to wear a thin linen robe and bare feet throughout the mourning period. It happened to be the cold winter, and his relatives and friends advised him to wear cotton clothes and shoes so as not to freeze his body, but Li Delin insisted on refusing. He still wore a single robe every day and served barefoot at his father's grave until the end of the funeral. After this matter was passed out, no one did not praise and admire Li Delin. There was a Hao bureaucrat named Cui Zhan in the same county, who was the brother of the current prime minister, who was on vacation at home at the time, and after hearing About Li Delin's filial piety, he was very touched, and he personally went to Li Mansion with many valuable gifts to mourn, and also met this filial piety that everyone praised. There was only more than 10 miles from the Cui family to the Li family, because he was eager to see Li Delin, the horse was flying, and the entourage was difficult to keep up, and when he arrived at the door of Li Delin's house, only 5 people were still around, and the rest were left behind. This matter has also become a momentary beauty talk. After Li Delin's father died, the family lost the source of life, and his mother was ill again, and life was very difficult. Suffering from this mutation and difficulty, Li Delin did not complain about the world, while serving his mother at home, he stepped up the study of classics and enriched his knowledge, without the slightest intention of becoming an official in the DPRK. After Li Delin lived a period of poverty at home, his mother's illness also improved, and for the sake of her son's future, the virtuous mother forced him to inherit his father's business and take the road of career. The mother's life was difficult to violate, and from then on, Li Delin began to be enthusiastic about fame and determination to fight in the official field.

An overview of the life of Li Delin, the founding minister of the Sui Dynasty who was resourceful and judgmental and arrogant

Fledgling is known for its literature

Because Li Delin has long been famous, there are many people who want to recruit him. First of all, Dingzhou (定州, in modern Dingxian County, Hebei) summoned him to the state pavilion, and the two of them spent time and night together, talking about the past and the present, forgetting their friendships, and having the same brotherhood. One day, Wang Li said to Li Delin, "I have heard that those who cover up the talents will be punished, and if you stay by my side for a long time, let me enjoy your knowledge alone, even if the imperial court does not blame me, I am still worried about being punished by God!" Therefore, in the eighth year of Tianbao (557 AD), he sent Li Delin as a Xiucai to the capital City of Yijing by recommending Xiucai to take the examination at the imperial court. Wang Also personally wrote a letter to Shang Shu Ling Yang Zunyan praising Li Delin's talent and virtue. Wang Yu said in the letter: "People often say that there are many wizards since the ancient Yan Zhao, and this statement is not false at all. This year, Li Delin, the talent recommended by the county, is not only good in articles and knowledgeable, but also his temperament and demeanor are also superior, and he must be a pillar of the country in the future. In terms of governing the country, Li Delin's talent is comparable to that of the previous generation of Jia Sheng and Chao Que; in terms of poetry and articles, he surpasses the predecessor Sima Xiang's generation. Yang Zunyan saw that Wang Yu admired Li Delin so much, and he also wanted to see it with curiosity. Immediately asked Li Delin to write a "Let Shang Shu Ling Table", Li Delin wrote like a fly, in one go, and even the text did not need to be modified. Yang Zunyan was amazed when he saw Li Wen, and then took the article to the official LangZhong Lu Ang to watch, and after Lu Ang read it, he also highly praised it, and said: "Li Delin's article is vast and mighty, like a river flowing east, and the momentum is magnificent. In contrast, the articles written by other Confucians can only be regarded as a trickle of streams. Lu Ang concluded that Li Delin would become a great instrument, asked his son to have more contact with him, and warned his son: "Everything you do, you must take him as a teacher and take him as your own example." At that time, Shang Shu ordered Yang Zunyan to preside over the selection of officials for the examination, and the requirements were very strict, and few xiucai who took the examination could be selected for the first-class first-class subject. Li Delin ranked among the best in five examinations, such as riding archery and governing strategy, and was selected to enter the first section. Therefore, the imperial court granted him the post of general in the palace. This official position is only a scattered official position that has neither real power nor specific things to do, which is certainly not in line with Li Delin's wishes. He came full of hope, but he was snubbed, so in a fit of anger, he resigned from illness and returned to his hometown, studied behind closed doors and served his old mother, and lived a life of dissipation.

In the first year of the Northern Qi Dynasty (560 CE), Emperor Xiaozhao issued an edict to search for the world's talents, and Li Delin was selected to send him to Jinyang (present-day Taiyuan, Shanxi). When he was proud, he improvised a "Spring Thought", which was cleverly conceived and beautifully written, and was praised by the people of the time as a model of the article. At that time, Gao Zhan, the King of Changguang, was the chancellor, and knowing that Li Delin was a talent, he recruited him back to Yijing, where he shared secrets with Gao Yuanhai, a regular attendant on horseback, and others, and gave him the post of counselor of the chancellor's office. Soon, Gao Zhan succeeded to the throne as emperor and promoted Li Delin to the position of a squire of the Outer Scattered Horsemen, still putting him in charge of the secrets of the court. In the first year of tiantong (565 AD), the northern Qi emperor Gao Wei succeeded to the throne, and Li Delin was promoted to zhizhong (給事中), Zhizhongshu (直中書), in charge of the edict documents. Soon, he was promoted to Zhongshu Sheren. In the first year of Wuping (570 AD), Li Delin was promoted to the rank of Tongzhisan Riding Attendant, and was ordered to share secrets with Zhongshu Shilang Song Shisu and deputy attendant Zhao Yanshen.

Just when he began to make steady progress, his mother unfortunately died of illness. Li Delin was a famous filial piety, and immediately resigned from the government and returned home to guard filial piety. The death of his mother made him very sad, did not eat or drink for 5 days, and fell ill with fever, had sores all over his body, and still cried day and night. His friends and doctors worked together to prepare a decoction for him, and Li Delin refused to drink it. At this time, Li Delin's body was already swollen, very frightening. But within a few days, without any medication, his illness and the sores on his body were all healed. Everyone said that it was his filial piety that touched the heavens, and the disease would be cured. Dr. Taichang Ba Shuren praised his behavior, and the imperial court also rewarded Li Delin for this. After a hundred days of filial piety, the imperial court summoned him back to Beijing to resume his duties. On the grounds that he had just recovered from a serious illness and was weak, Li Delin asked to recuperate at home and temporarily return to Beijing.

While Li Delin was at home, Wei Ande and Yang Xiuzhi were discussing the chronology of the revision of the Book of Qi, and often wrote to Discuss with Li Delin. In his reply, Li Delin talked about the past and the present, and provided Wei With many useful suggestions. At that time, Du Taiqing, a zhongshu attendant, was ordered to write a "Ode to Emperor Wucheng of Shizu", and Gao Wei, the lord of Qi, thought that he had not written all the merits of Emperor Wucheng, and was very dissatisfied, so he asked Li Delin to rewrite it, and issued an edict saying: "This article of Du Taiqing is not in line with The wishes of Emperor Wucheng. Li Aiqing is talented, and if you want to praise the virtue of Emperor Wucheng, you must also sketch an article to present. Li Delin quickly wrote a hymn and presented it to him, and after the Lord Qi read it, he even praised him and gave him a famous horse.

In the third year of WuPing (572 AD), Shangshu Zuo's servant Zhao Yan was deeply degraded, and Zu Xiaozheng was appointed as a servant and took charge of the imperial government. A courtier who had been favored by Zu Xiaozheng told him that Li Delin was a henchman of Zhao Yanshen and could no longer let him control the secrets of the imperial court. Zu Xiaozheng said: "Li Delin has been mourning at home for a long time. I often hate Zhao Yanhai for refusing to let talented people play their role, and should let Li Delin go to the introspection Wenhan to work first, and then appoint him to take office when there is a better place, and you should not talk about it in the future. Soon, the imperial court appointed Li Delin as Zhongshu Shilang (中書侍郎), responsible for revising the history of the country, and later, Lord Qi thought that his articles were beautifully written, and transferred him to the Wenlin Pavilion and jointly managed the Wenlin Pavilion with the Yellow Gate Attendant Yan Zhitui. In the fifth year of Wuping, Li Delin was promoted to the rank of Tongzhisan Rider Changshi and Zhongshu Shilang for his performance, and was later awarded the courtesy of Yi Tongsansi. Soon, Northern Qi perished, and Li Delin's life opened a new page.

Backing the Zhou Dynasty and the Sui Dynasty to seek merit

Emperor Wu of Zhou, who had great talent and great talent, paid great attention to collecting talents in the process of destroying Northern Qi. Because Li Delin has long been famous, of course, he is also recruited. After Emperor Wu of Zhou entered the capital of Northern Qi, Yijing, he sent Sima Tang Daohe to Li Delin's home on the same day to preach the holy will: "The greatest benefit from the destruction of Northern Qi is to get talents like you." I was worried that Your Excellency would follow King Qi and flee eastward. Now that I heard that you are still at home, I am very relieved, and I ask you to come and meet you quickly. Li Delin was greatly grateful for this favor, and immediately followed Tang Daohe to visit Emperor Wu in the middle of the journey. After some greetings, Emperor Wu of Zhou inevitably asked Li Delin about the strategy for governing the country. Li Delin replied like a stream, and his true insight greatly impressed Emperor Wu. Emperor Wu also asked Neishi Yuwen Ang to inquire about Li Delin's political system, education system, character goodness and evil, and customs of Northern Qi, and the two talked for three days and three nights in the introspection before Li Delin returned home. Emperor Wu of Zhou made some arrangements for northern Qi and returned to Chang'an. Li Delin also went with him, and was appointed as a civil historian, responsible for handling the drafting of edicts, proclamations, and the selection of former Northern Qi talents as officials. From then on, Li Delin became the favorite of Northern Zhou, and his favor far exceeded his situation in Northern Qi. Once, Emperor Wu of Zhou said to the Manchu ministers in Xianbei language: "I had only heard of Li Delin's great name before, but later I saw the edicts and proclamations he wrote to Northern Qi, and I really regarded him as a god-like figure." I couldn't imagine that he would become a subordinate of Yuan' today and write edicts and proclamations for Yuan. Shen wu gong QiDou Ling Yi heard this and replied, "The subject has heard that the Holy Emperor Ming Lord can get the Ruixiang things Qilin and the Phoenix, but what is the great use of getting them?" How can it be as auspicious and useful as His Majesty got Li Delin? Getting Li Delin is much better than getting some qilin and phoenix. Emperor Wu clapped his hands and laughed, "The truth is indeed the same as you said!" It can be seen from this that the Northern Zhou ruling clique's evaluation of Li Delin is very high. In the last year of Xuanzheng (578 AD), Li Delin was promoted to the rank of Imperial Grand Master, and in the first year of the Zhou Jing Emperor's Elephant (579 AD), he was given the title of Baron of Cheng'an County.

Just as Li Delin was preparing to make a grand plan, the rulers of Northern Zhou became more and more absurd, which led to the intensification of social contradictions and political turmoil. Foreign relative Yang Jian took the opportunity to gather his henchmen and formed a huge ruling clique. After the death of Emperor Xuan of Zhou, Yang Jian was appointed to assist the young Emperor Jing of Zhou and control the military and political power of Northern Zhou. In 580, after Yang Jian became an assistant minister, he sent his younger brother Yang Hui to say to Li Delin: "The imperial court has ordered me to be in charge of the overall situation, and the matter of governing the country is a heavy responsibility, and it is difficult to succeed without talents like you to help me." I would love to work with you to achieve great things, and I hope you don't resign. Li Delin saw hope again in the wandering, so he was very happy, so he said to Yang Hui: "Although I am shallow and shallow, I am not useful, but I still have a loyal heart." If I am promoted by the Minister of Life, I will definitely repay his old man with his death. When Yang Jian knew about it, he immediately summoned Li Delin to the palace to discuss important matters with him. Since then, Li Delin has repeatedly offered strange plots and become one of Yang Jian's important strategists.

After Yang Jian took over the military and political power of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, Zheng Yi and Liu Fang, who had put Yang Jian in this position in the false emperor's will, privately negotiated and prepared to make Yang Jian the Ōtsuka Zai, Zheng Yi as the Grand Sima and Liu Fang as the Xiao Tsuka Zai, hoping to form a situation headed by Yang Jian and the three of them jointly ruling the government. Of course, Yang Jian understood what Zheng Yi and Liu Fang meant, so he asked Li Delin, "Do you think I should do anything?" Li Delin replied, "Don't trust Zheng Yi and Liu Fang's words as Ōtsuka Zai, you should be the Grand Chancellor, in charge of Huang Yu, who represents the right to kill, and control all the armies inside and outside the court." Otherwise, it is not enough to calm the hearts of the people. Li Delin's design gave Yang Jian the right to stand tall and laid the foundation for the descendants of Zhou Lisui. In 581, after Yang Jian served as the Chancellor of the Imperial Household, Li Delin was appointed as a subordinate of the XiangFu, and Jia Yi was honored as a great general and participated in all the confidential affairs of the Xiangfu.

Soon, Yang Jian's intention to usurp Zhou gradually emerged, and he was strongly opposed by some Northern Zhou ministers. Among them, the most threatening Xiangzhou (Anyang, Henan) governor Chi Yi raised an army to rebel. Yang Jian sent Wei Xiaokuan and others to the conquest, and the troops went to Qinshui, but stopped because the opinions between the generals could not be unified. Wei Xiaokuan's changshi Li secretly reported to Yang Jian that the generals Liang Shiyan, Yuwen Xin, and Cui Hongdu had accepted bribes from Wei Chiyi and refused to move forward, causing great confusion in the military and a critical situation. After receiving Li Qian's secret report, Yang Jian was very worried, and consulted with Zheng Ze to prepare to send someone to replace Liang Shiyan and the other three, and other officials of the XiangFu also agreed with this decision. Du Li Delin disagreed, and he said to Yang Jian: "You and the generals were originally all powerful subjects of Northern Zhou, and there was no subordinate relationship between them. Now that you have so much power that you can make them submit to your command. How can it be concluded that those sent out in the front have different hearts and those sent out later will be loyal? Moreover, it is difficult to determine whether they accept gold and silver bribes or not. If someone were sent to replace the three of them, they might flee for fear of punishment; if they were imprisoned, there would certainly be a situation of suspicion from those below Wei Xiaokuan. At that time, the military's morale will be scattered, and I am afraid it will be even more difficult to control. And the change of generals, since ancient times for the march to fight the taboo ... In my foolish opinion, you only need to send a man of wisdom and courage, who is respected by the generals, to rush to the front line and let him carefully observe the situation. Even if some people have ill intentions, they certainly do not dare to act rashly. After listening to Li Delin's pertinent analysis, Yang Jian suddenly realized, he said: "If I don't hear your words in time, it will ruin the major events of my life." So he sent Gao to the military camp to stabilize the morale of the army and defeat Wei Chiyi in one fell swoop. At that time, in the process of dealing with the rebellion of all sides, Li Delin always participated in military decision-making, often had strange plots, and repeatedly solved problems for Yang Jian. Moreover, Li Delin was also responsible for the drafting of military documents, hundreds of them a day, sometimes due to the urgency of the situation, several documents waiting to be issued at the same time, he dictated the sentences, and let several of his subordinates write them separately. Although the content is different, each copy is clear and natural. After actively assisting Yang Jian in quelling the rebellions of various parties, he was promoted to the position of Neilang (内郎) for his meritorious service.

In 581, Emperor Jing of Zhou was forced to abdicate, and Zen was located in Yang Jian, who ascended to the emperor's throne, changed the name of the country to Sui, and built the Yuan Kai Emperor. In the process of interpreting the play "Zen Rang", the proclamations, seals, edicts, and ceremonial articles on Yang Jian's ascension to the throne in a dragon robe are all written by Li Delin. Li Delin made great contributions in the process of Yang Jiandai Zhou Lisui, so Yang Jianli Sui was proclaimed empress dowager, and he appointed Li Delin as the Neishi Ling of Neishi Province (the decision-making body), making him the same as Gao Gao, who was in charge of Shangshu Province and the governor of Shangshu Province, and Yu Qing, the historical supervisor of Neishi Province and the official Shangshu of Shangshu Province. But soon, The honest and loyal Li Delin offended Yang Jian. The thing is this: Yu Qing, the internal historian, advised Yang Jian to kill the old imperial Yuwen clan to cut off the aftermath, and Gao Ying and Yang Hui followed suit, but Li Delin loudly opposed it, believing that it should not be so vicious and leave a laughing stock for future generations. Yang Jian was so angry that his face changed, and he said to Li Delin: "You are really a bookish person, and you can't discuss important things with you." From then on, he began to alienate Li Delin, and Li Delin was unable to comply with Yang Jian's will, and the official title was no longer promoted, but was only granted the position of Shangyi Tong according to the general practice, and the title was only viscount, under Gao Ying and Yu Qingze.

In the first year of the Kai Emperor (581 AD), Li Delin, Gao Ying, Su Wei and others revised the law and made the "Kai Huang Law". After the promulgation and implementation of the Kaihuang Law, Su Wei, the main formulator of the law, repeatedly proposed to amend some of its provisions. Li Delin objected to it every time. He believes that once the provisions of the law are promulgated and implemented, their stability should be maintained for a certain period of time. Even if there is a small omission, as long as it does not harm the country and the people, it is best not to change the order at any time, so as not to make the people confused. Su Wei's letter suggested that every 500 families should set up a township chief, which is mainly responsible for the judicial trial work of one township. Li Delin also disagreed with Su Wei's idea, saying: "When the edict was issued to abolish the local officials at the grass-roots level who concurrently held judicial trial work, the reason was that most of the townships were relatives and friends, and the trial could not be fair. At present, 500 townships are set up to manage them, and I am afraid that the harm will be even more serious. Moreover, some remote counties have a population of less than 500, so aren't two counties governing one township! Later, Su Wei proposed to abolish the county and change the three-level system of prefecture, county and county to the two-level system of state and county. Li Delin objected: "When the system was formulated, why didn't you talk about the benefits of abolishing counties, and now that the system has been implemented, how can it be changed at will?" Because Yang Jian's first official Gao Ying agreed with Su Wei's suggestion, believing that Li Delin was too pedantic and stubborn and inappropriate, Yang Jian adopted Su Wei's suggestion as much as possible, but Li Delin fell into a reputation of opposing Su Wei.

In the fifth year of the kai emperor (585 AD), Li Delin was ordered to write a collection of essays and sayings of the prime minister, and completed the five volumes of the "Miscellaneous Collections of the Hegemonic Dynasty" and submitted it. After Yang Jian read it, he said to Li Delin the next morning: "Since ancient times, when emperors establish a great cause, there must be strange people and strangers to assist them. I read your "Hegemonic Miscellaneous Collection" yesterday, and only then did I know the truth of heaven and earth induction. I can't meet you earlier, I only hate that last night was too long. You will definitely let your wealth be consistent with my Great Sui Dynasty. So he posthumously gave Li Delin's father the history of Hengzhou. Soon, Yang Jian said to Li Delin, "I want to give your father a higher honor." Therefore, he posthumously gave his father the title of Duke of Dingzhou and Anping County, with the title of "Filial Piety", which was succeeded by Li Delin.

Since the founding of the state, Yang Jian has always wanted to conquer Southern Chen and complete the great cause of reunification. Li Delin also repeatedly presented Yang Jianjin with his plan to destroy Chen. In the eighth year of the kai emperor, after completing the deployment of the southern Chen campaign, Yang Jian went to the land temple in Tongzhou (同州, in present-day Dali County, Shaanxi) to pay homage, but Li Delin was unable to accompany him due to illness. After arriving in Tongzhou, Yang Jian sent someone with an edict to bring Li Delin to discuss the matter of Pingchen, and wrote on the back of the edict: "When you crusade against Southern Chen, you should personally accompany the army." It just so happened that Gao Ying had something to do when he was back in Beijing, and Yang Jian said to Gao Ying: "If Li Delin's illness is not cured and he cannot go to the front line, you should personally go to his house to seek advice on the strategy of destroying Chen." After the battle to destroy Chen began, Yang Jian often sent people to ask Li Delin for advice, and then handed it over to Yang Guang, the king of Jin. After worshipping the land god, Li Delin returned to Chang'an with Yang Jian. On the way, Yang Jian pointed his horse whip at the south and said to him: "After pacifying Southern Chen, You will be rewarded with Seven Treasures, so that none of the people in the former Northern Qi homeland can compare with you." After the unification of Jiangnan, Yang Jian discussed the reward for merit, prepared to award Li Delin the pillar state, promoted him to the title of county duke, and rewarded him with a large amount of land and property, and even the edict was announced by Yang Guang, the king of Jin. At this time, someone said to Gao Ying: "The destruction of Southern Chen was the result of the emperor's single-handed planning, yang Guang, the king of Jin, and all the generals working together to kill the enemy. Now that all the credit is given to Li Delin, the generals will certainly be indignant. Your own credit has also been overshadowed by Li Delin. Moreover, in the eyes of future generations, have you not become a person who does nothing and follows the army in vain?" Gao Ying had originally rejected Li Delin, so he told Yang Jian that Li Delin should not be rewarded heavily, but he did not expect that Yang Jian really listened to Gao Ying's remarks and ordered that the reward for Li Delin be withdrawn. Li Delin had not been promoted for many years, and his heart had long been dissatisfied; this time he destroyed Chen Guo in the south, offered his own ideas and suggestions, made great contributions but did not get the slightest reward, and inevitably felt dissatisfied in his heart, but he had no choice, and he was depressed and depressed ever since.

Fall out of favor and die straight

Li Delin was too upright, often committing offenses, and arrogant and arrogant, offending many colleagues. In particular, there were many disputes with Shangshu's right servant Su Wei due to political disagreements. Shang Shu left servant shot Gao Wei to protect Su Wei and reject Li Delin. At this time, Yang Jian was favoring Gao Ying and Su Wei, which determined the fate of Li Delin's future attack in the DPRK.

Also in the third year of the Northern Zhou Dynasty (581 AD), Yang Jian, the chancellor, gave Li Delin the residence of the rebel Wang Qian, and for some reason gave it to Cui Qian. Yang Jian caressed li delin not to argue with good words, allowing him to choose a good mansion in other places at will. If there is no satisfactory place, a new homestead will be built for him. So Li Delin chose a house of the rebel Gao Anaqiu as his homestead. In the ninth year of the Kai Emperor (589 AD), when Yang Jian was visiting Jinyang (present-day Taiyuan, Shanxi), someone accused Yang Jian that Gao Anaqiu had built a house by robbing the common people of their belongings, and at this time, Li Delin's political enemy Su Wei also took the opportunity to retaliate and frame Li Delin. Su Wei said to Yang Jian: "Gao Ana humerus is the chaotic prime minister, who relies on flattery to gain favor, robs the people of land and property, and builds hotels for rent. However, Li Delin deceived the emperor, saying that he had bought it at his own expense. Su Wei's henchmen Li Yuantong, Feng Shiji, and others added more oil and vinegar, saying to Yang Jian: "The profit of this hotel is equal to the income of a thousand households, and the date should be calculated and the stolen money should be recovered from Li Delin." After Yang Jian heard these remarks, he blamed Li Delin for corrupting the law. Li Delin believed that Su Wei had wronged him and asked Yang Jian to send someone to check the account books to clarify the truth. Yang Jian was now favoring Su Wei, and where he could listen to Li Delin's defense, he indiscriminately and arbitrarily ordered the hotel to be taken back. From then on, Yang Jian hated Li Delin even more.

In the tenth year of the reign of Emperor Kai (590 CE), Yu Qingze, a general of the Marquis of Right Wu, and others toured various parts of the Kwantung Region (east of present-day Hangu Pass) to investigate the people's feelings. After Yu Qingze and his party returned to Beijing, they jointly played Yang Jian: "The township leaders set up by 500 families specialize in managing litigation, which is very unfavorable to the people. Because they are partial to relatives and friends, enforce the law unfairly, and openly take advantage of it. Therefore, Yang Jian ordered the abolition of the township setup and the township official position. Li Delin objected, saying: "Although I resolutely opposed this kind of establishment at the beginning, but just after the establishment was immediately cancelled, such a change in the order will inevitably make the government decree lose its authority, which is not the principle of the emperor to implement the rules and regulations of the law." I hope that His Majesty will enact a rule that all civil and military officials who demand changes in the laws and regulations at any time shall be punished by military law. Otherwise, there will be a lot of discussion, and there will never be an end. Yang Jian listened to Li Delin's remarks, was furious, and scolded: "Do you want to say that you are Wang Mang?" Then flick your sleeves back towards the direction.

Li Delin was furious with Yang Jian and gave his political enemies the opportunity to attack him, so they began to collect Li Delin's bad deeds and prepare to give him a fatal blow. At the beginning, Li Delin had reported to the imperial court that his father was a lieutenant counselor, and the purpose was to seek a higher position for his father. After Li Delin's political enemies found out about this matter, Li Yuancao, Chen Mao, and others secretly reported to Yang Jian, saying: "Li Delin's father was still a school secretary until his death, but he falsely reported it as a lieutenant for consultation. After Yang Jian heard the secret report, he deeply hated Li Delin and decided to punish him well. Soon, Yang Jian reprimanded Li Delin in the court for repeatedly opposing himself and despising the authority of the emperor, and then counted him down: "You are the Internal History Order, in charge of the confidential affairs of the imperial court." Recently, I did not let you participate in the decision-making of the imperial court because you were not ambitious enough, don't you understand it yourself? He should rule the world with filial piety and prepare to set up the 'Five Religions' to carry it forward. But you say that filial piety is human nature, and everyone has it, and there is no need to teach and promote it. If this is the case, then why did Confucius write the Book of Filial Piety to spread to the world? You have deceived the upper and lower levels, deceived the mansions and gardens; and deceived your father's position, deceived the imperial court, and you are really angry, but I don't want to punish you severely, now give you a state, you go there to settle your rest of the year! He was then appointed as the Assassin of Huzhou. Li Delin was 60 years old and did not want to leave the capital where he had lived for a long time, so he had to kowtow and apologize, and pleaded with Yang Jian: "The minister does not dare to expect to be an internal history order anymore, but only hopes to give me a scattered official to let me stay in the capital." When the world is grand and Your Majesty has set up a ceremony to celebrate, I will also have the honor to witness this grand ceremony and end my long-cherished wish in my life. Then tell the old man to return home and die without regrets. Yang Jian ruthlessly refused his request, but was changed from Huzhou Thorn History to Huaizhou Thorn History.

When Li Delin went to Huaizhou to take up the post of assassin, just in time for the local drought, Li Delin wanted to make some achievements, so he urged the people in the state to dig wells everywhere, hoping to solve the irrigation problem. Who knew that this move would not help at all, but would hurt the people and their wealth, causing the people to complain. As a result, Li Delin was severely reprimanded by the officials of the Examination Department. After more than a year as an assassin, Li Delin died in grief at the age of 61.

Li Delin was erudite and talented, had a straight personality, had a scheming, and was good at writing articles, and went through three generations of Northern Qi, Northern Zhou, and Sui Dynasties, and was always reused. Especially at the peak of his political career, he assisted Yang Jian in acting on zhou lisui, reforming politics, and pacifying Jiangnan, and was an indispensable and important adviser to Yang Jian's side. However, he was arrogant and arrogant, which led to both falling out of favor with Yang Jian and offending his colleagues, and he did not even promote to the first level in 10 years, and finally he was demoted out of Beijing, and he died of grief, which was very pitiful.

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