
48-year-old truck driver, diabetes died! These "2 things" are done too much, which is equivalent to self-destructing islets

author:Dr. Yuan's class

Mr. Wang, a 48-year-old truck driver, is usually busy at work, and he almost stays in the car except for rest time. This also leads to the fact that Mr. Wang, who suffers from diabetes, has a very irregular schedule and usually cannot regularly monitor blood sugar.

Some time ago, when Mr. Wang drove several times, his body would sweat and dizziness, but because he was busy at work, he did not take time to go to the hospital for examination. Until a week ago, when Mr. Wang and his colleagues were ready to hand over, he had fainted.

When the ambulance took Mr. Wang to the hospital, his blood glucose level had risen to 36.2 mmol/L and he was diagnosed with hyperosmolar coma. After more than 3 hours of rescue, Mr. Wang finally passed away.

According to the doctor's analysis, the reason why Mr. Wang's condition will deteriorate is most likely because of these "2 things".

48-year-old truck driver, diabetes died! These "2 things" are done too much, which is equivalent to self-destructing islets

48-year-old truck driver, died of diabetes, doctor: often do "2 things", or self-destruct islets

1. Sedentary

Because Mr. Wang wants to drive, he usually sits in the car most of the time, and such a long-term sedentary can easily cause sugar and fat accumulation.

In addition, people with diabetes generally have abnormalities in body metabolism, which will further hinder sugar metabolism, cause blood sugar to rise, and aggravate diabetes.

2. Irregular work and rest

People who drive trucks generally have irregular schedules and often stay up late. For diabetics, if they stay up late often, they will make the endocrine more disordered and hinder the excretion of sugar in the body. It also inhibits the secretion of insulin, affects blood sugar control, and increases the probability of diabetic complications.

48-year-old truck driver, diabetes died! These "2 things" are done too much, which is equivalent to self-destructing islets

In addition, what harm will diabetes bring to the body if it worsens?

1. Eye diseases: increased blood glucose concentration will affect the blood oxygen delivery of the eye, resulting in damage to the nerves of the eye, loss of vision, unclear vision, and eye diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts;

2. Neuropathy: lesions of peripheral nerves will make limbs frequently tingle, feel stiff, and affect limb coordination;

3. Kidney disease: because the blood sugar is too high in the kidneys, the blood oxygen transmission is hindered, which will lead to a decline in kidney function, and even kidney failure and other diseases;

4. Diabetic foot: the increase in blood sugar level will cause damage to the nerves at the end of the limbs, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the lower limbs, causing foot pain, ulcers, etc.;

48-year-old truck driver, diabetes died! These "2 things" are done too much, which is equivalent to self-destructing islets

If you want to prevent diabetes from getting worse, regular check-ups of these items can not be less:

1. Glycosylated hemoglobin;

2. Diabetic foot examination;

3. Urine microalbumin;

4. Detection of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases;

5. Insulin function detection;

6. Eye examination;

48-year-old truck driver, diabetes died! These "2 things" are done too much, which is equivalent to self-destructing islets

To control blood sugar levels, you usually need to do these 2 things often, or it is helpful for the health of the islets and the stability of blood sugar

1. Supplement nutrients

When the blood sugar level is abnormal, pay more attention to the diet in daily life, you can appropriately supplement some nutrients, you can choose to contain a variety of hypoglycemic plant essences, such as corn whiskers, mulberry leaves, kudzu root, burdock root, ginseng, etc., after a reasonable and scientific ratio, you can deeply regulate blood sugar.

Studies have shown that kudzu root can accelerate sugar metabolism, help clean up excess sugar in the blood, improve islet function, promote the secretion of insulin in the body, and help control sugar;

Mulberry leaves not only have antioxidant properties, but also maintain blood vessel health, helping to reduce the appearance of atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases.

When blood glucose levels are unstable, supplementation with some can help protect blood vessels, deeply regulate blood sugar, and prevent complications.

48-year-old truck driver, diabetes died! These "2 things" are done too much, which is equivalent to self-destructing islets

2. Maintain a good mood

Poor emotional state, anxiety, depression, irritability and other negative emotions, will affect insulin secretion, resulting in blood sugar fluctuations.

Therefore, people with high blood sugar should usually maintain an optimistic and peaceful attitude, so as not to get out of control of blood sugar and affect the condition.


[1] Wang Liping. "What Diabetics Need to Be Aware of". Family Medicine.2021

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