
Song Jiang quelled the Fang La uprising? The historical Song Jiang did not even match Fang Lati's shoes

author:Drunken light strings

With the increasing enrichment of people's material life, most people began to pursue more spiritual enjoyment, and we could only obtain information and consultation from books and newspapers and periodicals due to the backwardness of video conditions.

Now the advent of the 5G era has made more video images the norm, and because of this, more and more TV themes have chosen to remake classical works as scripts.

Just like "Water Margin", I believe that many readers are not unfamiliar with this book, we lament the righteousness of the 108 brothers on Liangshan, admire the heroic righteousness of the Heavenly Path, and also applaud the traitors such as Tong Guan and Gao Li.

But just when we all thought that Shui po Liang Shan would open up hegemony, Song Jiang's paper trick broke everyone's illusion.

Song Jiang quelled the Fang La uprising? The historical Song Jiang did not even match Fang Lati's shoes

The most impressive thing about "Water Margin" is probably that the 108 good men are ranked and the end of the novel conquest Fang La suffered heavy damage, Dong Ping, Qin Ming, Zhang Qing and other backbone forces were killed one after another, but they also captured Fang La to eliminate harm for the country.

But when it comes to the historical Fang La and Song Jiang, the status of their abilities and even the scale of the uprising they launched are very different. Don't say that Song Jiang can quell the Fang La uprising, his rebel strength is not worth mentioning at all in front of Fang La, today let's take a look at the real history of the Song Jiang Fang La rebel army.

The false Song Jiang Uprising

The SongJiang uprising described in the Water Margin is centered on Liangshan Po, gathering heroes in the world, and even ranking the seats for 108 good men, and rewarding them with titles.

Song Jiang quelled the Fang La uprising? The historical Song Jiang did not even match Fang Lati's shoes

Defeat tong guan 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals, capture Gao Qi, and then Ye Luoguigen accepted zhao'an, pacified Tian Hu Wang Qing, and finally fought a bloody battle, the brothers were lost, and Song Jiang, who returned to the imperial court, committed suicide by drinking poisoned wine.

It seems to be a heroic song of a hero and a good man who died before he died, but in fact, the real Song Jiang Uprising in history is very different from it. As described in the Water Margin, the Song Jiang uprising was based on the premise that the government was faint at the end of the Song Dynasty and the traitors were not happy with the people.

The vast majority of the people were even faced with problems with their own subsistence security, and they were simply unable to cope with the heavy tax collection of the imperial court, let alone face the actions of corrupt officials and officials all day long. In this way, 38 fishermen led by Song Jiang occupied Liangshan Po and raised the banner of uprising and resistance.

Song Jiang quelled the Fang La uprising? The historical Song Jiang did not even match Fang Lati's shoes

After a period of development and growth, Liangshan Po, headed by these 38 people, gradually became a large gang of more than 100 people.

But even so, their weak forces were still difficult to compete with the Song Dynasty army with hundreds of thousands of soldiers, and they only took advantage of the natural geographical advantages of Liangshan Po to fight guerrilla warfare with local bandits and officials, sneak attacks to earn some daily necessities, and barely make ends meet.

Until later, song jiang, which gathered more and more soldiers and horses, not only used Shuipo Liangshan as the base of the uprising, but also attacked and occupied various parts of Shandong in an attempt to make a big uprising.

Song Jiang quelled the Fang La uprising? The historical Song Jiang did not even match Fang Lati's shoes

In the past few years, Song Jiang led the capture of more than a dozen cities, of course, the captured materials are also countless, but compared to Fang La's rebel forces, Song Jiang's uprising can be described as a small witch.

So that in the end, before Emperor Huizong of Song had time to recruit him, a number of forces in Song Jiang were suppressed by the local government officers and soldiers, song Jiang was also captured and beheaded, and this small uprising was unconsciously quelled.

The Fang La uprising that united the people

Fang Layuan was a domestic servant of a landlord's family in Muzhou, and when he deeply felt that Yang Jian, Cai Jing, Wang Yi, and other six thieves had caused chaos in the government and plundered the people's wealth, not only were loyal to the dprk and the chinese loyalists resentful, but the toiling people were deeply affected, so he used the Ming Sect to secretly organize the masses to launch an uprising.

Song Jiang quelled the Fang La uprising? The historical Song Jiang did not even match Fang Lati's shoes

Out of deep hatred for the feudal autocracy and extravagant corruption of the ruling class, Fang La profoundly exposed to the toiling people the harsh taxation and servitude of the landlord ruling class and the evil feudal system, and called on the people to unite and arouse the consciousness of the masses.

He put forward the idea of legal equality, gathered tens of thousands of rebel troops within a few days, killed feudal officials, established a peasant regime, and at the same time built Yuan Yongle and called himself a saint.

If Fang La, who established the rebel army in the first year, was still in its infancy and had not yet attracted the attention of the imperial court, then in the second year after the uprising, the rebel army led by Fang La gained the support of peasants and people in the southeast, and developed from a small group of a few hundred people to an uprising army of nearly 100,000 people.

Song Jiang quelled the Fang La uprising? The historical Song Jiang did not even match Fang Lati's shoes

In one fell swoop, the six prefectures and fifty-two counties were attacked, and the revolutionary flame spread to Zhejiang, Jiangxi and other southern provinces and cities, further fueling the morale of the revolutionary army. However, the rapid development of the rebel army caused panic in the Song Dynasty, and Emperor Huizong of Song ordered the drafting of an edict to be surrendered, while hastily dispatching Tong Guan to recruit 100,000 troops for brutal suppression.

In the third year of Xuanhe, the Fang La rebel army, which had just been in the uprising for a year, was defeated and retreated in battle with the imperial court soldiers due to insufficient weapons and equipment, disparity in army strength, and finally dozens of escort soldiers protected Fang La to retreat to Zitong Cave, but they were cleverly captured by Han Shizhong, who was a pawn in front of the tent at that time.

In the last war, 70,000 rebels bravely rebelled, dozens of generals in front of the tent were killed on the battlefield, and Fang La was captured with his hands tied, and in August of that year, he bravely rebelled in Tokyo.

Song Jiang quelled the Fang La uprising? The historical Song Jiang did not even match Fang Lati's shoes

An analytical comparison of the two uprisings

Reading this, the reader in front of the screen may be somewhat puzzled, since the uprising of Song Jiang is not a real thing, then why doesn't Shi Nai'an continue to write water margins based on Fang La?

First of all, we must realize that under the influence of the era of the past feudal dynasties, any publication of later collections and books must be approved by the government at that time.

Even though many of the classics that we now consider to be of great value are still unrecognized due to the influence of the times.

Song Jiang quelled the Fang La uprising? The historical Song Jiang did not even match Fang Lati's shoes

Taking the Water Margin as an example, it is precisely because Fang La's uprising was revolutionary and gave a fatal blow to the rule of the Song Dynasty, so Shi Nai'an did not dare and could not write it as the protagonist.

On the contrary, precisely because the Song Jiang uprising lacked a fundamental line and policy, and did not really threaten the rule of the Song Dynasty, the Song Jiang rebellion as a prototype can not only reflect the tragedy of the times when the ancient officials forced the people to rebel, but also not only reduce the risk of the work by accepting the Zhao'an expedition to Fang La, but also show the unified idea of central plains rule.

Our great leader, Chairman Mao Zedong, once said that the water margin book is good for surrender, and this negative teaching material has made the people of the whole country know the capitulationists. In the traditional Chinese feudal society, only the class struggle and the uprising war of the peasants can truly promote the reform and development of history.

Song Jiang quelled the Fang La uprising? The historical Song Jiang did not even match Fang Lati's shoes

In this comparison, none of the uprisings of Song Jiang and Fang La are comparable in terms of motivation to scale to results. Song Jiang's uprising was more like a small guerrilla sneak attack launched to satisfy the basic material pursuits of life and solve the problem of starvation.

Fang La's rebel army was more complete and larger in both quantity and quality, and this uprising also achieved the most important purpose effect, that is, it successfully attracted the attention of the imperial court, triggered social turmoil and change, and called on the toiling people all over the world to participate in it.

Therefore, it seems that Song Jiang's rebel army is still far behind Fang La, which is an indisputable fact.

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