
Chao Gai was shot and killed, and the last wish he left before he died: implying that he did not want Song Jiang to be the lord of Liangshan

author:Jess talks about history

In "Water Margin", a well-known classical masterpiece, Chao Gai's death has always been an unsolved mystery. Everyone knows that Chao Gai is Liang Shanbo's number one hero, but his bizarre death has caused countless speculations and controversies. Some people say that Song Jiang is the mastermind behind the scenes, and he wants to sit on the throne of the boss of Liangshan, what kind of deep meaning is hidden in Chao Gai's last words before he died? Does he really not want Song Jiang to take over? What kind of power struggle is hidden behind this?

Chao Gai was shot and killed, and the last wish he left before he died: implying that he did not want Song Jiang to be the lord of Liangshan

Chao Gai is the soul of Liang Shanbo, and the impact of his death on Liang Shan is undoubtedly huge. According to the record of "Water Margin", the cause of Chao Gai's death was quite bizarre, just when Liangshan was in full swing, he was accidentally shot by an arrow and died in Huangquan. This deadly arrow is engraved with the words "Shi Wengong", does this mean that Shi Wengong is the murderer? It's not that simple.

Chao Gai was shot and killed, and the last wish he left before he died: implying that he did not want Song Jiang to be the lord of Liangshan

Although Chao Gai is the boss of Liangshan, his position has never been secure. Before he became the lord of Liangshan, Liangshan actually had a lot of talented heroes. Heroes like Lin Chong and Lu Zhishen have long been famous, and Chao Gai can take the position in such an environment, and naturally it is indispensable to scheming and strategy.

Chao Gai was shot and killed, and the last wish he left before he died: implying that he did not want Song Jiang to be the lord of Liangshan

Chaogai's strategy wasn't always so clever. Especially in foreign wars and internal management, he has repeatedly shown his shortcomings. For example, in the battle against Gaotang Prefecture, Chao Gai's decision-making was obviously not as comprehensive as Song Jiang's, and Song Jiang was often needed to clean up the mess. The rise of Song Jiang undoubtedly put huge pressure on Chao Gai. Song Jiang was not only strong in martial arts, but also won the hearts of the people, and his influence gradually expanded within Liangshan, and even began to surpass Chao Gai.

Chao Gai was shot and killed, and the last wish he left before he died: implying that he did not want Song Jiang to be the lord of Liangshan

But is Song Jiang's ambition really that big? Does he really want to replace Chao Gai as the new lord of Liangshan? Judging from Song Jiang's behavior, he was more unintentionally and gradually established his authority. For example, after he robbed the law field in Jiangzhou and broke the Wuwei Army, he not only became famous, but also brought a lot of new strength to Liangshan, such as Hua Rong, Yan Shun and a number of heavyweights. Although Song Jiang's actions enhanced Liang Shan's strength, they undoubtedly made Chao Gai's position even more embarrassing.

Chao Gai was shot and killed, and the last wish he left before he died: implying that he did not want Song Jiang to be the lord of Liangshan

Where does Chaogai's insecurity come from? Not only because Song Jiang's light was too bright, but also because he found that the people around him also began to lean towards Song Jiang. Wu Yong, a military advisor, is a typical example. Wu Yong, as a think tank, was originally Chao Gai's right-hand man, but as time went by, his relationship with Song Jiang became closer and closer. This change undoubtedly brought deep anxiety and uneasiness to Chao Gai.

Chao Gai was shot and killed, and the last wish he left before he died: implying that he did not want Song Jiang to be the lord of Liangshan

In this context, Chao Gai's death is even more confusing. It stands to reason that as the main leader of Liangshanbo, Chao Gai should be closely protected. Just when Liang Shan needed him the most, a mysterious arrow ended his life. The name "Shi Wengong" was left on this arrow, which at first glance seemed to be clear evidence. But when you think about it, this may be an elaborate conspiracy. The real purpose is to stir up the water inside Liangshan, so that the dragons of Liangshan will be leaderless, and it will be convenient for other forces to infiltrate and control.

Chao Gai was shot and killed, and the last wish he left before he died: implying that he did not want Song Jiang to be the lord of Liangshan

But Chao Gai's last words are even more incomprehensible. He said that he wanted to "catch the man who shot me and be the master of the cottage." Chao Gai's sentence seems to be naming names on the surface, but in fact it is full of deep meaning. He knew very well that although Song Jiang was martial arts

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