
Start today! Shenzhen new energy vehicles are exempt from temporary parking fees for the first 2 hours per day

On January 19, the reporter learned from the latest issue of the Government Gazette that recently, the Shenzhen Municipal Development and Reform Commission issued the "Notice on Matters Related to the Reduction and Reduction of New Energy Vehicle Parking Charges".

The "Notice" shows that from January 20, new energy vehicles parked in urban road parking spaces, in the prescribed charging period, enjoy the first 2 hours of daily temporary parking space use fee, or within 1 hour of the first parking time of the day (including 1 hour), the second time parking is free of 1 hour of roadside temporary parking space use fee.

Start today! Shenzhen new energy vehicles are exempt from temporary parking fees for the first 2 hours per day

The reporter learned that the new energy vehicles referred to in the "Notice" refer to vehicles that use new power systems and are completely or mainly driven by new energy sources, including plug-in hybrid (including range extender) vehicles, pure electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles.

According to reports, during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, the proportion of new energy vehicles in Shenzhen's newly registered cars (excluding replacement updates) reached about 60%. By 2025, the number of new energy vehicles in the city will increase from the current 443,000 to about 1 million. In order to achieve the above goals, Shenzhen plans to adopt a number of policy measures, including the introduction of preferential parking support policies to promote the promotion and application of new energy vehicles.

At present, the parking of new energy vehicles in the parking facilities managed by government pricing is limited to the reduction and reduction of parking fees (within the first 2 hours of each day) during the charging period, and it is necessary to optimize the parking preferential policies.

The "Notice" shows that new energy vehicles in the implementation of government pricing (including government guidance price) management of parking facilities (including parking lots and parking garages), enjoy free of the first 1 hour of parking fee discounts per day, if the vehicle is charged in the parking facility, and then reduce the parking fee corresponding to the charging time within 2 hours (including 2 hours).

In addition, the airport, wharf, station, port, tourist attraction supporting parking facilities and the government fully or participate in the construction of mechanical three-dimensional parking facilities, the new energy vehicle parking fee concessions still implement the current regulations, that is, charging in the above parking facilities, daily free of charge and charging time corresponding to 2 hours (including 2 hours) parking fees.

Reporter Wu Jie

(Shenzhen Evening News)

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