
The CGIA peacekeepers began to withdraw from Kazakhstan, who is the winner behind it?

author:Taiwan Strait Net

Source: Yangguang Military

What is the intention of the United States in leading the organization of the "Sea Dragon-22" anti-submarine joint exercise?

Event: From January 5 to 15, the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan, South Korea and India conducted a joint anti-submarine exercise code-named "Sea Dragon-22" in the waters off Guam.

Liang Yongchun: The "Sea Dragon" exercise is a "Indo-Pacific" multilateral joint anti-submarine exercise led by the United States, the main content of which is that the United States leads the air anti-submarine forces of many countries to conduct joint searches and jointly confront nuclear submarines of other countries. It is not so much an exercise as it is that the US military is leading the military forces of other countries to engage in confrontation training one move at a time. From this point of view, this exercise is very practical.

In fact, the United States wants to rely on this joint exercise to create a joint anti-submarine warfare mechanism to blockade and monitor the operations of Chinese and Russian nuclear submarines in the Indo-Pacific region. The United States considers that the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean are so big, how can the United States alone be able to blockade it? Therefore, the United States decided to engage in "circle" alliances, one is to engage in multinational joint operations; the other is to use air anti-submarine forces. From a technical point of view, the use of anti-submarine aircraft reconnaissance submarines is the most efficient and is most suitable for ocean anti-submarine operations.

In recent years, the United States has been promoting the "standardization" and "Americanization" of weapons and equipment in its "circle of friends", which the United States calls to improve the "interoperability" of weapons and equipment. Now Australia, New Zealand, South Korea and India have purchased American anti-submarine patrol aircraft, and the anti-submarine forces of these countries are also built and trained according to American standards. Once the United States has a need, they can quickly integrate into the command system of the US anti-submarine operation, and can work together to complete the anti-submarine mission under the leadership of the US military. In this way, not only can the United States raise fewer troops in peacetime, but also make a lot of money by selling weapons; in wartime, it can also dispatch troops and dispatch generals, and by recruiting the strength of allies to strike at strategic opponents and serve the United States. We should pay enough attention to this multinational joint anti-submarine exercise recently led by the United States, but there is no need to make a fuss. Politically, these participating countries have their own plans and are not united; militarily, the anti-submarine of the ocean is like finding a needle in a haystack, and it is not as efficient and magical as the US military boasts. No matter who it is, no matter what tricks it adopts, it cannot stop China's footsteps towards the ocean.

Russia and the West rarely engage in intensive talks, is there a turnaround in the situation in Ukraine?

Event: Since January 10, Russia has held security dialogues with the United States, NATO and the OSCE on the situation in Ukraine.

Liang Yongchun: Russia and the United States talked for 8 hours on the situation in Ukraine and other issues, and talked with NATO for 4 hours, but in the end they did not achieve anything that could be released. The dialogue between Russia and the OSCE is not much better, because Russia's actual dialogue is actually the United States.

In these three security dialogues, Russia's core demand is that "Ukraine and Georgia should not be allowed to join NATO." Of course, the United States and NATO will not agree to it, but their actions are very honest, and presumably the hand extended by the United States to Ukraine and Georgia will be retracted in due course. On January 11, a Ukrainian lawmaker was disappointed to say that he had talked to the leaders of several NATO countries and concluded that NATO would never absorb Ukraine. Indeed, as long as Russia itself is not chaotic, NATO will never dare to accept Ukraine.

The CGIA peacekeepers began to withdraw from Kazakhstan, who is the winner behind it?

Incident: Kazakhstan announced that the CGIA peacekeeping forces have been withdrawing from Kazakhstan since January 13 and will complete the withdrawal within 10 days.

Liang Yongchun: The Russian-led collective security organization can be said to have fought a classic "blitzkrieg" in Kazakhstan. On the morning of January 7, the CSA had just made the decision to send troops, and in the afternoon the Russian special forces had eliminated the terrorists and seized control of Kazakhstan's airfields, demonstrating a fairly high rapid response capability. The Russian army's 70 "Il-76" and 5 "An-124" large transport aircraft, full of large numbers of troops and heavy equipment, were quickly deployed in place, and the strategic delivery capability was very strong. After stabilizing the situation in Kazakhstan, because the Central Asian countries do not want Russia to station troops on a large scale for a long time, the multinational forces headed by the Russian army will withdraw quickly and do not fight a war of attrition, which not only appeases the Central Asian countries, but also reflects a strong political strategizing ability.

Russia's action, hit Central Asia, but stabilized its own basic disk, but also conducive to improving the security situation in the direction of Europe, which is called "punching a punch, lest a hundred punches come."

Russia's new Tu-160M strategic bomber flew for the first time, and Russia's air-based nuclear forces are expected to improve?

Event: On January 12, Russia's first newly built Tu-160M strategic bomber made its first flight.

Liang Yongchun: The Tu-160M is a new supersonic strategic bomber produced in Russia, which has the characteristics of large size, large speed and great power, which is very in line with the style of Russia's "fighting nation". The Russian Tu-160 was still produced in Ukraine during the Soviet period, and it is not clear how long it can be used, and the Ukrainian production line has long been dismantled by the Americans. Helplessly, Russia had to start another stove, which led to today's Tu-160M. It is said that in the cockpit of the Tu-160M strategic bomber, the old-fashioned instruments that were densely packed like open clock shops have been replaced by information display screens. Over the years, the model has been continuously test-flying, constantly modified, stumbling all the way, and if the new model can be installed this year, it can improve the situation in which Russia's air-based nuclear forces are in short supply to a certain extent.

Ahead of the United States and Russia, the world's first air force to use 100% stealth fighters was born?

Event: The Norwegian Air Force recently completely replaced the F-16 fighter with the F-35A stealth fighter, becoming the first European country to rely entirely on the US stealth fighter for rapid response missions.

Liang Yongchun: Norway is a front-line country in the eyes of the United States, it is close to the northwest corner of Russia, the nuclear submarines of the Russian Northern Fleet enter the Atlantic Ocean, and the Barents Sea on the doorstep of Norway is its inevitable place, so last year Russia upgraded its northern fleet to a large military region. The United States allowed Norway to fully replace the F-35 fighter, which is a targeted deployment.

We know that the F-35 is not only a stealth fighter, its airborne information system also has a powerful intelligence gathering and processing capabilities. Norwegian pilots are on the front lines to monitor against Russia, and U.S. troops can share intelligence through the F-35's information system while sitting at home. So although the F-35 fighter jets are more porridge and less porridge, the Norwegian Air Force still eats alone first, because it is almost the "Nordic Reconnaissance Brigade" of the United States.

Is Australia, surrounded by the sea, buying a large number of tanks to fight kangaroos?

Event: The Australian government recently confirmed the purchase of 75 improved M1A2 main battle tanks from the United States, with a total contract value of about 2.5 billion US dollars (about 15.9 billion yuan).

Liang Yongchun: Australia, as a country that monopolizes a continent and does not have any land threat, actually bought a large number of M1A2 tanks that can only be used for land warfare, and refurbished second-hand goods at the highest price, I don't know how to explain their brain circuits, is Australia ready to drive these tanks to fight kangaroos? In fact, Australia wanted to follow the Americans across the ocean to participate in wars that did not belong to them. We know that the M1A2 is a product of General Dynamics in the United States. In recent years, the REFORM OF THE US MARINE CORPS has eliminated all tanks, general dynamics has lost its most important major customers, and the benefits have been greatly affected, but the Australians have sent warmth and given them life, and it can only be said that the current Morrison administration is indeed true love for the United States. For the sake of the United States, for the benefit of the American arms company, and even at the expense of their own country, I don't know how Australian voters should think about it.

Reporter: Wang Bing

Observer: Liang Yongchun

(Source: CCTV)

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