
The state of emergency was lifted throughout Kazakhstan and the withdrawal of CSOS peacekeeping forces was completed

Source: Global Times

As the domestic situation tends to stabilize, the entire territory of Kazakhstan has lifted the state of emergency imposed during the riots from 00:00 on the 19th. On the same day, CIAN peacekeepers completed the evacuation from Kazakhstan.

According to the Harbin News Agency reported on the 19th, according to the order of the Kazakh government, from 00:00 on the same day, the emergency state in 7 areas such as Nur-Sultan City and Almaty City was lifted. This means that the state of emergency imposed in 17 districts of the country as a result of violent riots has ended since the 5th, and all restrictions taken to guarantee social order during the state of emergency have been lifted. It is worth mentioning that although the state of emergency has been lifted, the city of Almaty will continue to maintain the "red" level of counter-terrorism vigilance for the time being. As part of the counter-terrorism measures, the Almaty City Police, National Guard and Armed Forces units will carry out patrolling and law enforcement in the city around the clock. Almaty Airport resumed normal operations on the 19th. Kazakh State Secretary Yellan Kalin said on the same day that law enforcement needs to make extra efforts to identify and arrest members of militant groups and terrorists.

Husaiynov, director of the Department of International Cooperation of the Kazakh Ministry of National Defense, said at a news conference held on the 19th that the withdrawal of the CIAN peacekeeping contingent from Kazakhstan was completed on the same day, and the last batch of troops had taken off from Almaty airport and left the country. At present, there are no foreign troops in Kazakhstan. He said that since the 13th, the CIAN peacekeeping contingent has been gradually withdrawn from Kazakhstan within the time limit set by President Tokayev. In addition, the Kazakh President Information Bureau released news on the same day that President Tokayev appointed Zaksirikov, who had previously served as deputy minister of the interior and commander-in-chief of the National Guard, as Kazakhstan's defense minister on the 19th.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said on the 19th that the last batch of Russian peacekeeping troops and commanders led by General Serdyukov took the last 4 military transport aircraft from Nur-Sultan and Almaty airports to return to Russia on the same day. Previously, the peacekeeping forces of Armenia, Belarus and Tajikistan had returned on Russian military transport aircraft, and the Peacekeeping Forces of Kyrgyzstan had also returned. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Seromelotov said on the same day that the experience of the CSOA operation in Kazakhstan will be summarized in case preventive measures are taken in case similar situations arise in other member states of the organization.

The state of emergency was lifted throughout Kazakhstan and the withdrawal of CSOS peacekeeping forces was completed

On the 18th, Kazakh President Nazarbayev made his first appearance since the large-scale riots and delivered a video speech to the people. He called on the people of the country to remain united and refuted rumors of conflict and confrontation in the kazakh core leadership. Russian "Independent" quoted Kaliyev as saying on the 19th that Nazarbayev's statement can be seen as a sign that the serious stage of the country's crisis has ended and the elite has reached a compromise. Grozin, an expert at the Russian-CIS State Research Institute, said that Nazarbayev's support for Tokayev helped maintain national stability, while Tokayev took wise action to maintain the relative unity of the Kazakh elite.

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