
Approaching the Winter Olympics| Greece and all walks of life wish the Beijing Winter Olympics and look forward to "going to the future together"

author:International Online

Athens, 18 Jan (Xinhua) -- After the successful completion of the collection and handover of the seeds for the Beijing Winter Olympics in October last year, people from all walks of life in Greece once again gathered under the theme of the Beijing Winter Olympics to jointly wish this upcoming event to create glory again and join hands with the world under the epidemic to "move forward together to the future".

Approaching the Winter Olympics| Greece and all walks of life wish the Beijing Winter Olympics and look forward to "going to the future together"

On October 18, 2021, actor GeorgeU, who plays the highest priestess, ignited a torch from a tinder jar during a tinder gathering ceremony. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zheng Huansong

Emmanuel Kolympadis, Secretary-General of the Hellenic Olympic Committee, recorded a video on the eve of his departure to China to participate in the Beijing Winter Olympics, recalling his experience of connecting with China because of table tennis, praising the development achievements of China's reform and opening up, and expressing his firm support for the Beijing Winter Olympics.

"I will never forget my first visit to China, especially Beijing in 1965, when I was 13 years old." Colin Padis recalls in the video.

He said that the visit impressed him with the simple and kind qualities and strict discipline of the Chinese, and was touched by the understanding and friendship of the Chinese people to Greece in that era of material wealth, "I admire Chinese civilization, which has many similarities with Greek civilization."

A veteran former table tennis player, Colin Padis has served as president of the Hellenic Table Tennis Association in recent years and has made several visits to China. He said that he can witness the rapid development of different fields in China every time he visits, and he has more and more sincere feelings for China, and he is very much looking forward to being able to come to the Beijing Winter Olympics with the team again.

In an interview with Xinhua News Agency in Athens a few days ago, The President of the Hellenic Olympic Committee, Spieros Caplalos, said that by hosting the Winter Olympics, China will fulfill its commitment to the Olympic ideal.

Approaching the Winter Olympics| Greece and all walks of life wish the Beijing Winter Olympics and look forward to "going to the future together"

On October 19, 2021, the President of the Hellenic Olympic Committee, Spiras Capralos, handed the torch to Yu Zaiqing (right), Special Representative of the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee and Vice Chairman of the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zheng Huansong

"China [the effort] shows that by focusing on our shared values, the power of sport can bring us closer together." He said.

Caplalos said he was impressed by the determination and motivation shown by each Chinese citizen to host the most successful Olympic Games, "We look forward to using the amazing energy and willpower of the Chinese people to experience a great Winter Olympics."

Caplalos stressed that Beijing is the world's first "double Olympic" city, which is a "historic moment" for the Olympic movement, "we can learn a lot from China, we are honored to have the opportunity to experience Chinese culture during the Olympic Games and understand different aspects of China's amazing civilization".

Vigenia Clavarioti, the bronze medalist in the women's sailing at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, also recorded a video to wish the Beijing Winter Olympics and Chinese-Greek athletes.

Approaching the Winter Olympics| Greece and all walks of life wish the Beijing Winter Olympics and look forward to "going to the future together"

Greeks Sofia Bekatolu (center), Sofia Papadopoulo (right) and Viinia Clavarioti on the podium on August 17, 2008. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Song Zhenping

Clavarioti said 2008 was a fond memory she cherishes to this day. "I am confident that the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics will be a complete success and wish the Greek and Chinese athletes a great success." China and Greece, together towards the future. ”

Many Greek people, overseas Chinese and students in Greece also expressed their blessings for the Beijing Winter Olympics through the "China greece, together for the future" collection activity jointly organized by the Chinese Embassy in Greece and the Hellenic Olympic Committee.

Regardless of nationality or identity, the young people who participated in the event carried out their ardent wishes for the Beijing Winter Olympics, as the Greek twin sisters Marianna and Sophia, who had studied in China for many years, said at the end of their video, "We join the Beijing Winter Olympics in the future, congratulations to China, congratulations to Beijing!" ”

Editors: Shuwen, Wu Bowen, Zhou Xin, Pan Yiwen (Intern)

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