
What would happen if the "King of the Hundred Beasts" tiger went extinct from the jungle?

author:Director of the Bureau of Exploration

Once upon a time, tigers were the most feared animals for humans because of their terrifying personalities, but now they struggle to survive. Indiscriminate urbanization and deforestation have stripped tigers of their habitat; on the other hand, humans have become cruel to tigers, such as in the 1950s and 1960s, when we set up special tiger fighting teams, so that wild tigers were almost exterminated.

What would happen if the "King of the Hundred Beasts" tiger went extinct from the jungle?
In fact, in many countries, such as India, Bangladesh, Malaysia and South Korea, tigers are considered national treasures. According to the World Wildlife Fund, there are currently only 3,900 wild tigers left in the world. Surprisingly, there are about 3,000 such wild tigers living in India. Before tiger populations were on the verge of extinction, they roamed much of Asia. Even more distressing is the fact that about 97 percent of tigers have gone extinct from The Earth in the past 100 years, and many of their subspecies have become completely extinct.
What would happen if the "King of the Hundred Beasts" tiger went extinct from the jungle?
So, imagine what would happen if the existing wild tigers were not effectively protected, but the situation continued to deteriorate so that eventually all wild tigers became completely extinct in the wild? In this issue, the Director will try to analyze this thorny issue.

1. Disruption of the food chain

If the tiger goes extinct from the forest, it will wreak havoc on the food chain and ecosystem. When you remove an element from a fragile ecosystem, it has a profound and lasting impact on biodiversity. This has an impact on the local environment, habitats and other species that share their homes with tigers. The tiger is at the top of the food chain in all the ecosystems in which it lives, so it controls the population of large herbivores such as elk, wild boar, samba deer, buffalo and white-limbed bison. It is not feasible to control these prey without tigers, the food chain will be destroyed, and the number of these animals on which tigers used to depend will be excessive. If this happens, these herbivores expand and the vegetation of the forest is destroyed.

What would happen if the "King of the Hundred Beasts" tiger went extinct from the jungle?

2. Food shortage

When tigers disappear, the number of herbivores in the forest will increase dramatically, and the competition between them will also intensify. This excessive number of animals completely destroys their food source, vegetation. If the vegetation in the jungle is destroyed, smaller animals and insects will not be able to survive there. If insects and elk enter the crop, our vital food sources could be disrupted, which will affect the food supply of humans and, in turn, the size of the planet's population.

What would happen if the "King of the Hundred Beasts" tiger went extinct from the jungle?

3. Destruction of forests

If tigers disappear, humans will no longer be afraid to go into the forest, and they will cut down trees at will. That way they are free to enter the forest, steal and take everything with them. According to experts, the Sanderbans Forest survived only because there was a man-eating Royal Bengal tiger. After the tiger goes extinct, probably all the animals that live in Sandburn and the beauty of this forest will also be destroyed. So the tiger may be a threat to humans, but it is the tree's best friend and protector!

What would happen if the "King of the Hundred Beasts" tiger went extinct from the jungle?

4. Effects on soil and rainfall

After the forest is cut down, the soil in the forest becomes barren, and once all the animals are removed, nothing grows. As a result, forests will no longer flourish. On the other hand, after deforestation, the annual rainfall will also be greatly reduced, and then there may be a lack of pure water.

What would happen if the "King of the Hundred Beasts" tiger went extinct from the jungle?

5. Loss of opportunities for ecotourism

In recent years, many tourism companies have partnered with tiger habitat governments to develop tiger-based ecotourism opportunities. Without tigers, these national parks built for tigers would be abandoned and no tourists would have gone there. Without Tiger, these business opportunities would have failed. As a result, many countries will have to suffer huge economic losses.

What would happen if the "King of the Hundred Beasts" tiger went extinct from the jungle?

6. Other species become extinct at the same time

Once one species goes extinct, hunters, traders, etc. turn to another species. At that time, it will not only be tigers that will be extinct, but more and more species on the planet will also gradually disappear. When the Balinese and Javan tigers became extinct in the 20th century, poachers turned their attention to the Sumatran tiger.

What would happen if the "King of the Hundred Beasts" tiger went extinct from the jungle?

7. Climate change

If tigers disappear, forests that are currently protected as key habitats will be more likely to fall victim to illegal logging, diversion to agriculture and development, which will lead to carbon dioxide emissions and rapid climate change.

What would happen if the "King of the Hundred Beasts" tiger went extinct from the jungle?

8) Lions will feel very lonely

As we all know, lions and tigers are currently the two largest cats on the earth, and the struggle between them has been a problem for eternity. There are many fans who like tigers, and there are many friends who support lions, and it is still difficult to understand who is strong and who is weak. However, for now, wild tigers face a much greater existential crisis than wild lions. And once the tiger really goes extinct in the wild, I think the lion must be very lonely, and then there really won't be a rival on the earth. So from the perspective of lions, they certainly don't want their compatriots to become extinct in the wild.

What would happen if the "King of the Hundred Beasts" tiger went extinct from the jungle?

So in closing I would like to say that humans will have to apologize to future generations because they will never get the chance to see the largest of all cats, and one of the most iconic and amazing creatures on the planet. After that, our descendants will only be able to see the tiger's face on TELEVISION and in books. Habitat destruction, forest views and poaching – these can all bring tigers to the brink of extinction! Remember, this extinction will be permanent!

Tigers are truly one of the most charismatic and unique felines in the world, and we would never want to see such a unique and beautiful animal extinct before our eyes. If the tiger is truly extinct, it's like Mother Nature has lost one of her unique gems that we can never make up for.

What would happen if the "King of the Hundred Beasts" tiger went extinct from the jungle?

In this issue, do you support the Director's point of view? What other effects do you think tiger extinctions will have? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.

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